Saturday, 20 November 2021

Another week done with


Slept in to 5.15am, got up and opened the house up and started my breakfast then rang Kathy to see when she would be here.

Kathy looked sick when she was here but she showered me as usual then she left.

Jessica is working today, so Leo is here all day.


Slept in till 5am, Tim at work today.

Kelli & Freya came over around 7am so Freya could have have breakfast, Daemon came over later.

At 9am Kathy dropped Summer off, so I had a house full of people mostly children till after 2pm.

Kelli helped me with the Christmas cards which was a big help.


Awake and up at 4.45am, managed to dress myself with little effort.

Kathy said that Summer had a blast here yesterday.

Kelli came over and hung my towels on the line and she found the box of Christmas stuff. Her and Freya put up a few decorations, we will do more on Wednesday.


Woke at 3.30 needing to pee thought it is too much effort to get up and go, so decided to wait but at 3.50 I had to get up and go. I had intended to go back to bed but didn't. So a real early start for me today, on my 59th birthday.

Went shopping with Jess, I found the scooter I hired was too large and wouldn't fit down many aisles so only went to Kmart.

I am going to ask Tim to take me back with my scooter which is much smaller.

Had a small cry due to the frustration of not being able to change out of my dress.

All in all a good day.


Had a pretty damn good sleep,woke at 4.35 straight up and washed and dressed for the day.

Had to have a nap at 10.30 slept till 11.50.

Not doing much today.

Kelli brought over my birthday present, motivation cards, a photo frame and a box of Ferrero Rocher which I love.


Woke at 4.10 got up washed and dressed for the day.

Sent Leigh a birthday message.

Jess, Tasha and myself went out to lunch at Warners at the Bay for my birthday. We all agreed that it was a shame Kathy was at work. I hope she understands.

Lunch was bloody great I had chicken schnitzel and chips with a Southo & Coke.


A new day and I was out of bed at 4.10am.

I was in the kitchen unpacking the dishwasher when Leo walked in upset, he had a bad dream someone he loved died in the dream.

Mum & Dad's wedding anniversary also the anniversary of my Nan's passing.

Kelli and the kids came down and hung Christmas decorations.

Kelli also putting me to bed.



  1. I'm glad you had a full house, it's great to have so many loved ones around.
    Happy Birthday, Jo-Anne!

  2. So nice that you had Kelli and the kids come over to hang Christmas decorations! for you!

  3. Sounds like a great week! Happy belated birthday, once again we're the same age until May. BTW, the comment you made on that Facebook post with the can opener was my big laugh for the day, thank you!

  4. OH Happy Birthday again Jo-Anne. I love that you had the kids and others over at the house. It takes ones mind of oneself!

  5. Happy belated birthday. Glad you were able to get out for lunch which is always fun.


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