Tuesday, 30 November 2021



It is Tuesday and I am drenched in sweat yet again, anyway here is this weeks extreme creature the Scanty Frog.

This frog is only 2cms long which is pretty small, it is Australia's smallest frog and can be found in the rainforests of north Queensland.

Monday, 29 November 2021


 Here we are at another Monday, a cool but dry day here in my part of the world. Well since it is Monday I guess I should share some facts.

The longest place name in Britain is in Wales: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantyssiliogogogoch. It means “St Mary's Church in the hollow of the white hazel near to the rapid whirlpool of Llantysilio of the red cave”

Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than new cars.....really

It takes 3,000 cows to supply (by dying) the U S National Football League with enough leather for a years supply of footballs.

On average 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.

A group of cows are called a “murder”.

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Life Here Last Week

I woke at bloody well 4am again, I did not want to get up but I had too. While going to the loo I started to sweat by the time I was done I was drenched in sweat and not going back to bed. It took 30 minutes for my body to dry that's with both doors open and my siting pretty much under the fan.

Kathy dropped the girls off while her & Michael went shopping.

Tim thought because of the weather we should go shopping next weekend.


Last night I had Tim wake me before coming to bed so I could pee.

So this morning I slept till 4.55am much better then waking at 3 something.

A cold wet morning.

Kelli and Freya turned up at 7 something and whiles she was here she vacuumed and cleaned Leo's room, I appreciate that so much.

This afternoon I had a bath before bed, the first bath I have had since 2019, it felt great. Not something I will do often as it was difficult getting out.


Slept in till 5.15, that's good, cold and wet this morning and yeah I have been sweating.

A restless morning, unable to concentrate for more then a few minutes at a time.

Did bugga all today.


Another bloody early start woke at 3.30 needing to pee managed to go back to sleep kinda to 4.30 when I got up. I had my wash and moisturised my body when Tim got up for what I don't know but I was able to ask him to help me dress. Not having to struggle to dress myself is a big help.

Tim had a Dr appointment nothing serious and all good. He decided to contact the chemist about his Covid jab as it was only showing his first jab online meaning he couldn't prove he was double vaxed. It is now sorted out so all good.

Raining on and off all day, cool but not cold today.


Another good nights sleep, woke at 4am up at 4.30, washed, moisturised then rang Tasha.

At 10am sitting here I noticed that Kelli's dog was attempting to get over the fence. Tim yelled to Tasha just as the dog got over the fence and she was able to catch the dog and return her to the yard. She also discovered how the dog managed to get over the fence. Tasha also rang Kelli who came straight home to sort it out.

Jess not working today, don't know why she isn't saying all we do know is Jono drove her somewhere this morning and that she has been gone all day. Tim asked be a few times where she went but like him I do not know. She will tell us when she is ready.


Slept well woke at 5am, Tim remembered to wake me last night in order to pee.

I have bugga all motivation today but managed to do the grocery shopping.

Kelli came over this afternoon and decorated my letters with Christmas stamps, this I really appreciated. She also folded the laundry for me.


Woke at 4.30 but laid there till 4.55am. Woke to the sound of rain, looks like being a wet day.

Tim took car too auto electrician to have some kind of light fitted, Jono followed him to the electrician and drove him home again.

He also has a specialist appointment at the John Hunter Hospital, he borrowed Jess's car to go over to that as it is still raining.

Kelli came down to help me with decorating envelopes and then gave me a terrific body message.

Kelli also helped Tim set up the new security camera.

Jess got half her arm tattooed black, with bits to still fill in, Tim is not impressed. She wants to cover what was there. Not something I would do but it is her body.


Friday, 26 November 2021



                                                         DAD, MUM, ME, JEANNIE & SUE

Wednesday, 24 November 2021



Love's Language

Ella Wheeler WilcoxBy  More Ella Wheeler Wilcox

How does Love speak?
In the faint flush upon the telltale cheek,
And in the pallor that succeeds it; by
The quivering lid of an averted eye--
The smile that proves the parent to a sigh
Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?
By the uneven heart-throbs, and the freak
Of bounding pulses that stand still and ache,
While new emotions, like strange barges, make
Along vein-channels their disturbing course;
Still as the dawn, and with the dawn's swift force--
Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?
In the avoidance of that which we seek--
The sudden silence and reserve when near--
The eye that glistens with an unshed tear--
The joy that seems the counterpart of fear,
As the alarmed heart leaps in the breast,
And knows, and names, and greets its godlike guest--
Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?
In the proud spirit suddenly grown meek--
The haughty heart grown humble; in the tender
And unnamed light that floods the world with splendor;
In the resemblance which the fond eyes trace
In all fair things to one beloved face;
In the shy touch of hands that thrill and tremble;
In looks and lips that can no more dissemble--
Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?
In the wild words that uttered seem so weak
They shrink ashamed in silence; in the fire
Glance strikes with glance, swift flashing high and higher,
Like lightnings that precede the mighty storm;
In the deep, soulful stillness; in the warm,
Impassioned tide that sweeps through throbbing veins,
Between the shores of keen delights and pains;
In the embrace where madness melts in bliss,
And in the convulsive rapture of a kiss--
Thus doth Love speak.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/loves-language-by-ella-wheeler-wilcox

Tuesday, 23 November 2021



tA warm and wet day here, since it is Tuesday it is extreme creature day, today's creature is the Little Forest Bat. Being small does not have to mean weak, in fact sometimes being small is a great advantage, it is much easier to hide.

One of Australian's smallest bats is the Little Forest Bat weighing less then a sheet of paper it has a wingspan of up to 15cm.

It finds its way around by using echolocation, putting out special sound waves and using their echoes to create a picture of its surroundings.

Monday, 22 November 2021


 Hello world, here we at another Monday so here are another few facts.

Light can travel around the Earth at its equator seven and a half times in one second.

Earth's oceans are an average of two miles deep

On his way home to visit his parents a college student fell between two trains at the station in Jersey City, New Jersey and was rescued by an actor on his way to visit a sister in Philadelphia. The student was Robert Lincoln heading to Washington, the actor was Edwin Booth the brother of the man who would murder the students father, President Abraham Lincoln.

Before ancient surgeons made their first incision, they would sometimes cover their patients with wet clay. They realised that sick people were often hot around the part of them that was causing trouble, as bodies heat up when they fight off diseases. When surgeons smeared clay they found it often dried quickest over the poorly body parts, thus giving them an idea where they should do their work.

Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming one tenth of a calorie.

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Another week done with


Slept in to 5.15am, got up and opened the house up and started my breakfast then rang Kathy to see when she would be here.

Kathy looked sick when she was here but she showered me as usual then she left.

Jessica is working today, so Leo is here all day.


Slept in till 5am, Tim at work today.

Kelli & Freya came over around 7am so Freya could have have breakfast, Daemon came over later.

At 9am Kathy dropped Summer off, so I had a house full of people mostly children till after 2pm.

Kelli helped me with the Christmas cards which was a big help.


Awake and up at 4.45am, managed to dress myself with little effort.

Kathy said that Summer had a blast here yesterday.

Kelli came over and hung my towels on the line and she found the box of Christmas stuff. Her and Freya put up a few decorations, we will do more on Wednesday.


Woke at 3.30 needing to pee thought it is too much effort to get up and go, so decided to wait but at 3.50 I had to get up and go. I had intended to go back to bed but didn't. So a real early start for me today, on my 59th birthday.

Went shopping with Jess, I found the scooter I hired was too large and wouldn't fit down many aisles so only went to Kmart.

I am going to ask Tim to take me back with my scooter which is much smaller.

Had a small cry due to the frustration of not being able to change out of my dress.

All in all a good day.


Had a pretty damn good sleep,woke at 4.35 straight up and washed and dressed for the day.

Had to have a nap at 10.30 slept till 11.50.

Not doing much today.

Kelli brought over my birthday present, motivation cards, a photo frame and a box of Ferrero Rocher which I love.


Woke at 4.10 got up washed and dressed for the day.

Sent Leigh a birthday message.

Jess, Tasha and myself went out to lunch at Warners at the Bay for my birthday. We all agreed that it was a shame Kathy was at work. I hope she understands.

Lunch was bloody great I had chicken schnitzel and chips with a Southo & Coke.


A new day and I was out of bed at 4.10am.

I was in the kitchen unpacking the dishwasher when Leo walked in upset, he had a bad dream someone he loved died in the dream.

Mum & Dad's wedding anniversary also the anniversary of my Nan's passing.

Kelli and the kids came down and hung Christmas decorations.

Kelli also putting me to bed.


Friday, 19 November 2021



                                                                            MY NANA

Want to know more about her go here:http://jamfn.blogspot.com/2016/11/goodbye-nanna.html

Wednesday, 17 November 2021



Living With Dementia


Published: October 27, 2021

My mind is not what it once was:
wilting like a rose.
One thing you must remember:
this is not the life I chose.

Memories grow more distant
each and every day.
I never once considered
that I'd end up this way.

So please hold judgement.
Let me be.
Please be patient.
I am still me.

It takes a little longer now for me to understand
but with your help, I will.
My moods and symptoms vary,
but I am human still.

Dementia comes in many forms,
we need to spread the word.
Make everyone you know aware,
as they may not have heard.

I hope we find a cure one day,
for I feel like I'm stuck.
Researchers work very hard,
I pray they have some luck.

My mind is not what it once was:
wilting like a rose.
One thing you must remember:
this is not the life I chose.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/living-with-dementia-2

Monday, 15 November 2021



Well hello, it is only 8.30am and I am exhausted, and my knees are shocking pain wise.

This week I have some genuine instructions displayed for English speaking visitors from businesses around the world.

Car rental place in Tokyo: “When passenger of foot heave in sight, tootle the horn. Trumpet him melodiously at first, but if he still obstacles your passage then tootle him with vigor”.

On a menu of a Polish hotel: “Salad a firm's own make; limpid red beer soup with cheesy dumplings in the form of a finger; roasted duck let loose; beef rashers beaten up in the country people's fashion”.

Japanese instructions on an air conditioner: “Cooles & Heates: If you want just condition of warm in your room, please control yourself”.

In Hong Kong dress shop: “Order your summers suit, because is big rush we will execute customers in strict rotation”.

In an East African newspaper: A new swimming pool is rapidly taking shape since the contractors have thrown in the bulk of their workers.

Saturday, 13 November 2021


 Another day of struggle is here, how exciting for me.

Managed to answer a couple of letters and decided to get out the Christmas cards so I can send them off as I answer letters.

However, when I went to get my Christmas stamps in order to decorate the envelopes I am unable to find them. They may be in the box of Christmas stuff in the shed. I will get Tim to check tomorrow.

Woke at 5.10 so a bit of a sleep in, I did sleep well.

Woke to rain, don't think Tim will not be checking the shed.

Wet all day more or less.

Kathy and family will be moving to the new house this weekend coming.

Awake and up at 4.35 again, feeling better then I have the last few days.

Chrisco came 2 boxes for me, 2 boxes for Kathy and 10 boxes Kelli. So my loungeroom has boxes stacked around my front door.

Kelli & Jono are storing frozen stuff in a small freezer they are also storing in Leo's room.

Another decent nights sleep, awake and up at 4.20am.

A much cooler day, with some rain.

Haven't done much today answered a couple of letters that's about all.

Damn I was wide awake early at 4am I laid there thinking what to do, I got up at 4.10am.

First thing I did was unpack the dishwasher, ok first thing was to empty my bladder, then unpack the dishwasher.

Leo sent home from school for being uncooperative this is a no medication day.

Answered another letter slowly getting through them.

Woke to the sound of rain and the need to pee, the sound of rain doesn't help the need to pee so I was up at 4.10, once up I stay up.

Had Daemon & Freya here for breakfast this maybe a regular thing now. We will see.

Another restless day for me.

Managed to answer another letter, but received 4 more.

Friday, 12 November 2021



                                                                    ME AND BLUE

Thursday, 11 November 2021



 Brilliant Aussie Passport Application

AUSTRALIAN LETTER - I think the sender might have been upset!
This is an actual letter sent to the DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) Immigration Minister. The Government tried desperately to censure the author, but got nowhere because every legal person who read it couldn’t stop laughing !

Dear Mr Minister,
I'm in the process of renewing my passport, and still cannot believe this.

How is it that K-Mart has my address and telephone number, and knows that I bought a television set and golf clubs and condoms from them back in 1997, and yet the Federal Government is still asking me where I was born and on what date ?
For Christ’s sake, do you guys do this by hand ?

My birth date you have in my Medicare information, and it is on all the income tax forms I've filed for the past 40 years.
It is also on my driver's licence, on the last eight passports I've ever had, on all those stupid customs declaration forms I've had to fill out before being allowed off planes over the past 30 years.
It's also on all those insufferable census forms that I've filled out every 5 years since 1966.

Also... would somebody please take note, once and for all, that my mother's name is Audrey, my father's name is Jack, and I'd be absolutely bloody astounded if that ever changed between now and when I drop dead !!!
SHIT! What do you people do with all this information we keep having to provide?
I apologize, Mr. Minister. But I'm really pissed off this morning.
Between you and me, I've had enough of all this bullshit!

You send the application to my house, then you ask me for my bloody address!

What the hell is going on with your mob? Have you got a gang of mindless Neanderthal arseholes working there!

And another thing, look at my damn picture. Do I look like Bin Laden? I can't even grow a beard for God's sakes.

I just want to go to New Zealand and see my new granddaughter. (Yes, my son interbred with a Kiwi girl).

And would someone please tell me, why would you give a shit whether or not I plan on visiting a farm in the next 15 days? In the unlikely event I ever got the urge to do something weird to a sheep or a horse, believe you me, I'd sure as hell not want to tell anyone!

Well, I have to go now, 'cause I have to go to the other side of Sydney , and get another bloody copy of my birth certificate - and to part with another $80 for the privilege of accessing MY OWN INFORMATION!
Would it be so complicated to have all the services in the same spot, to assist in the issuance of a new passport on the same day?

Nooooo, that'd be too bloody easy and makes far too much sense.
You would much prefer to have us running all over the bloody place like chickens with our heads cut off, and then having to find some 'high-society' wanker to confirm that it's really me in the goddamn photo! You know the photo... the one where we're not allowed to smile?...you bloody morons.

Signed - An Irate Australian Citizen.

P.S. Remember what I said above about the picture, and getting someone in 'high-society' to confirm that it's me?

Well, my family has been in this country since before 1820! In 1856, one of my forefathers took up arms with Peter Lalor. (You do remember the Eureka Stockade!)

I have also served in both the CMF and regular Army for something over 30 years (I went to Vietnam in 1967), and still have high security clearances. I'm also a personal friend of the president of the RSL...Lt General Peter Cosgrove sends me a Christmas card each year.
However, your rules require that I have to get someone "important" to verify who I am; you know...someone like my doctor - WHO WAS BORN AND RAISED IN BLOODY PAKISTAN!...a country where they either assassinate or hang their ex-Prime Ministers - and are suspended from
the Commonwealth and United Nations for not having the "right sort of government".

You are all pen-pushing paper-shuffling bloody idiots!

Wednesday, 10 November 2021




By  More Henry Van Dyke

Let me but do my work from day to day,
In field or forest, at the desk or loom,
In roaring market-place or tranquil room;
Let me but find it in my heart to say,
When vagrant wishes beckon me astray,
"This is my work; my blessing, not my doom;
"Of all who live, I am the one by whom
"This work can best be done in the right way."

Then shall I see it not too great, nor small,
To suit my spirit and to prove my powers;
Then shall I cheerful greet the labouring hours,
And cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall
At eventide, to play and love and rest,
Because I know for me my work is best.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/work-by-henry-van-dyke

Tuesday, 9 November 2021



Good morning everyone here is this weeks extreme creature.

The Shield-Backed Katydid, know what a katydid is????????

If not it is a cricket, it is found in Australia throughout rain forests on the Cape York Peninsula. Why are they extreme, well they are 13cms long.

Katydids are very gentle creatures; if you find one and put together the right type of habitat, and feed it every day you can easily keep it as a pet!

Shield-backs do eat plants, and some are agricultural pests, but they are also scavengers on dead insects and are active predators, including on their brethren. They also eat fruit.

Monday, 8 November 2021



Good morning, also a wet morning so I wasn't able to go with Leo to wait for his driver. Here are some facts.........

The average human brain has about 100 billion nerve cells

Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel at 170 miles per hour

It took Michelangelo 17 months to sculpture the statue of David in 1504.

Once it was illegal for women in Florida to parachute on Sundays unless married.

The wind carries about 100 million tons of sand around the earth each year.

Sunday, 7 November 2021



Awake at 5am up ten minutes later, Kathy & Summer here by 6am.

After my shower Kathy noticed her brake lights were on, she checked the car and yeah her battery was flat, Tim had to jump start her car so she could go home.

I needed a nap around midday as I was feeling drained.


Sunday and I was awake at 4am needing to pee managed to dose off again till 4.40 when I got up.

A warm day, no rain so good

Saw Kelli and Freya and later Blain, when she brought Blain home.

Dave's birthday he is 43 today, sent him a birthday message at 6am.


Woke at 4.30 after sleeping straight through the night got up had a wash and rang Tasha but she declined the call so I thought she was on her way.

However, when she hadn't turned up after 10 minutes I rang her back turns out she was still asleep. When the phone rang she thought it was her alarm.

First day of cutting back Leo's morning meds from 5 days a week to 3 days being Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We will see how that goes.


Slept well till midnight when Tim came to bed which disturbed me enough that the next 2hrs I was restless.

When I woke at 4.10 I thought give me another half hour and I will get up, I got up 15 minutes later.

Tim has ordered me a knee brace to see if it helps, should arrive in fortnight.


Slept well, woke at 4.45am and straight up of course.

A hot day, hot enough for me to be drenched in sweat but not hot enough for the A/C.

Saw Kelli and Jess they came over to look at something and stayed half an hour.

Looks like Kelli and the kids will be staying with Jess from next week as they still haven't found a new house. Jono will go to his mothers.


Had a shit start to the day, had to get Tim to help me get out of bed. Things didn't improve.

Kathy came and drove me to the doctors, so we could chat about my mental heath. He is changing my anti-depression medication. I have to go back in a fortnight. Kathy didn't like him much, she wants to find me a different doctor.


Had a restless night, Tim came to bed in a mood. It takes me ages to change positions in bed now days, so when he came I had just managed to get comfortable and he wanted me to roll over and I said no that I had just got comfortable, this pissed him off.

Having a restless day and zero motivation.


Saturday and up at the usual time after a somewhat bad night. Had Kathy ring to tell me she can't come this morning as she left her keys in Michael's car and he was at work. She will come over this afternoon.

Tim is going to cut my hair this afternoon do that will work nicely with Kathy coming to shower me.


Friday, 5 November 2021



                                                                    MY MUM AGED 10-12 

Wednesday, 3 November 2021



For All Those People

Ella J. Phillips©  More By Ella J. Phillips

Published: May 2016

This is for all those people
Who hide in the dark,
For those who feel hopeless,
For those with a broken heart.

This is for every child and teen
Who is trying to flee from their fears,
For those who cry themselves to sleep,
For those who drown in their tears.

This is for people who hide their scars
Upon their wrists and their thighs.
I want to remind each of you
There is a reason you're alive.

You are here for a purpose;
You are needed in this place.
You are special, you are beautiful.
It doesn't matter what size, gender, or race.

You are perfect just the way you are.
You are priceless, a wonderful new.
You are dearly treasured by many.
There is no one more important than you.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/for-all-those-people

Tuesday, 2 November 2021



Hello Tuesday, hope everyone is good, I am drenched in sweat and it is only 23 degrees.

Well this week's extreme creature is the Australian Pelican why is it extreme well because it has the largest bill in the world. The males is larger than the females, the males can grow to 50cms in length. They weigh about 6kg.

They can hold up to 13 litres of water.

Monday, 1 November 2021


Good morning world, here we are at the start of November and being Monday means facts day.

Nine is considered the luckiest number worldwide

Between 1931 1nd 1969 Walt Disney collected 35 Oscars

The worlds longest game of Monopoly lasted more than 600 hours

Most car horns are in the key of F

A hollowed out pumpkin with a candle inside known as a Jack-O-Lantern is placed in a window or doorway in order to scare off witches and guard against evil spirits. It is believed to have been started by the Ancient Celtic people in the olden days, back then they used real heads chopped of the bodies of their enemies.



This week we are having a look at Canberra the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory or ACT. Canberra's his...