Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Poem Day


Life Without You


Published: February 2008

Me without you
is like a leafless fall,
a snowless winter,
and a flowerless spring.

Me without you
is like a colorless rainbow,
a sunless day,
and a starless night.

Me without you
is like the ocean without a wave,
the beach without sand,
and a flameless fire.

Me without you
is like a book without words,
a man without a face,
and a child with no name.



  1. It makes me sad for some reason.

  2. Awwww, reminds me of my sister-in-law and my brother who has dementia. She was telling me that they are a pair, a team and since his diagnosis she herself doesn't feel right. They are two peas in a pod for sure.

  3. Margaret D........Thanks

    Diane B......I get that

    Debby....Dementia is so sad


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