Friday 9 February 2018

Five things Friday No 3

Here we are at 5pm on Friday afternoon, been a good day although this morning between my eye weeping and my nose dripping I have felt somewhat frustrated and of course there is the pain that made every step agony.

Well here are this weeks five things...............

My grandparents house and how I love that house

My uncle telling mum he is going to sell my grandparents house and how upsetting I have found that news......................

This would be the time to win Lotto so I could buy my grandparents house, not going to happen though.....................

Feeling so tired I just want to sleep...................later not know though......................

I miss my nanna, and still talk to her as if she is still with me which in some way she is.................


  1. Sorry about your Nanna...and your foot. :(

  2. Did you buy a logo ticket? Can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket.

    1. Nope I don't buy Lotto tickets so not going to win

  3. If I hit it, I'll share... but I haven't a ticket either...

    1. The chance is so slim I can't be bothered entering

  4. Never take a ticket in Lotto wouldn't know how to :) won't win anything will I!

    1. Have done in the past but generally can't be bothered now days


Borderline Personality Disorder & Relationships

  So here I am on a wet Thursday morning tyring to write a post about BPD but mostly just looking at the computer screen or the rain outside...