Friday, 10 June 2016

I am home

So I am home and I haven't stopped and I am in a mood, I asked Natasha Tinkabell Meadows to do two things while we were gone she didn't do either, she said she was going to clean the walls and replace the photos she didn't. I cannot find the green tub I use in the bedroom for dirty washing or the little rubbish basket that sits at the end of my bed.
She didn't think to have some soft drink here for me to drink when I got home.
Also she allowed someone I have never met to stay here in her father's office when he said before we left if anyone comes over please lock my door.
The only good thing was Little Leo was so excited to see us that it made me happy he hugged both me and papa and said he missed us soooooooooooo much and if felt like we had been gone for ever.


  1. Blain is under the impression the girl is moving in.
    Your photos need to go back up, my partner and I are in agreement it's not right without them!
    I am so happy you got the warm happy welcome from little leo, he did miss you both so much

    1. Yeah I get that but no she is not, Tim and I said we have to meet her and talk to her and find out what she is doing to find a place as I get the impression she isn't doing anything about finding a place or going to court to see her daughter.

      The photos are going up Monday I have told Tasha and Tim either they sort them out and do it or I do it and they can just suck it up and deal, although at the moment Natasha isn't talking to me at all.

  2. Blogger keeps eating my comments. Let me try again:

    How frustrating not to have your pictures hung up yet but I'm glad you got such a warm welcome home by Leo.

    1. Yes I was somewhat pissed off about the photos, but Leo made me happy he always makes me happy just as Blain, Sydney and Summer do

  3. That's disappointing that your instructions weren't followed but it is sweet that Leo was so happy to see you.

  4. I missed you, so I can only imagine how much Leo missed you. When our (adult) children don't follow our instructions, it's even more disappointing than when they are children and disobey us.


    1. I agree completely it is so frustrating and disappointing as well

  5. Welcome home Jo-Anne.
    Now that's not good someone slept in your husbands room - not on as far as I'm concerned.

  6. I honestly don't understand how your kids rolled so far from the tree....

  7. Especially frustrating when it was her idea to take all the pics down and scrub the walls, right? I guess she can't be left in charge next time. :(

  8. Hope you had fun on your cruise.


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