Friday, 30 October 2015
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
History Tuesday/Halloween
everyone well since Friday is the 31st and for some that
means Halloween (not me) I thought I would write a tad about the
history of Halloween.
most people probably know that Halloween comes from the words “All
Hallows Eve” which means it is the evening before “All Hallows
Day”, this is also known by some as All Saints Day. In the Catholic
Church, All Saints Day celebrates those who have gone to heaven,
screw those who have gone to hell, it is followed by All Souls Day
which is on the 2nd November which is for those who have
died but not gone to heaven yet.
is a time of celebration and superstition, it is thought to have
originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people
would light bonfires and wear costumes to ware of roaming ghosts. It
was in the eight century that Pope Gregory 111 designated the 1st
of November as a time to honour all saints and martyrs. The holiday
of All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain and
the night before became known as All Hallows Eve than Halloween.
partly comes from the English medieval practice of “souling” when
poor people would go from door to door offering prayers for All Souls
Day in exchange for food. Over time Halloween evolved into what it is
now a community-based event characterised by child-friendly
activities such as trick-or-treating.
is becoming more popular in Australia just not with me or my family
but with many including schools and such and you do see children
going trick-or-treating through local streets. Although for many
years it was just an excuse to watch scary movies.
older Australians still do not get involved in Halloween including me
this is because for me it has little relevance to Australian culture,
it is also considered by some to be an unwanted American influence
this is because despite the history of Halloween dating back to
Celtic/European origins it is generally through American tv shows
and movies that Halloween has become known here in Australia. There
are those who say that Halloween is not entirely American but rather
Celtic and there is no different than embracing other cultural
traditions such as Saint Patrick’s Day and that may be the case but
not for me.
have nothing against Halloween but since it wasn't an event in this
country till the last 10-15 years I can't help but thing of it as a
way companies see to make more money, so I don't do Halloween for me
the 31st is just my baby brothers birthday.
Monday, 26 October 2015
Monday hasn't started out as a fun day, but it has improved, a tad
Good morning world as I
think everyone knows I do very little blogging over the weekend this
is my time to catch up on tv shows I have recorded or answer letters
and you know other stuff other then blogging.
Anyway it is now Monday
and this morning when I went for my walk I was not is a good shape, I
was so very tired after about 30 minutes and had to stop 3 times for
a rest and I was walking and stumbling around like I was drunk or
something and it was such an effort to keep on walking but I made it.
When I got home I went to the toilet and lost my balance and fell
into the door, didn't wake Tim though, in fact the last part of the
walk my balance was pretty bad I kept walking to the left and closing
my eyes it was that difficult but I made it home without falling or
This morning we are
getting our new fridge delivered, yesterday Tim took the freezer
outside and hosed it out to defrost it and I have transferred the
stuff out of the freezer in the fridge into the upright freezer. Tim
also took the old deep freezer out behind the back gate and tipped it
up to drain all the foul smelling crap out of it, it is still there,
he will bring it inside sometime this afternoon. The fridge is
arriving just in time as the one we have is not working now I have
placed ice bricks in the fridge to help keep the food in it cool I
hope it is delivered early but we will see.
Yesterday afternoon our
next door neighbour (Bear) got up on the roof and cleaned out our
gutters this he did without being asked, when I told Tim he said he
will give Bear some money for doing it, Bear also does our backyard
every few weeks which Tim gives him $30 for, in fact Bear does many
of the yards in the complex it is something he like to do to keep
busy and it earns him a few dollars he is a senior citizen so making
do on the pension.
Over the weekend Tim
removed the security screens from two windows and replace the mesh in
them so now we will have to read the riot act to the boys about
damaging the mesh, Leo cut the mesh which is why it had to be replace
so no doing that this time. Tim in fact made the security screens for
the windows they are called security screens as they are pop riveted
to the windows so they can not be removed without making a lot of
noise unlike normal window screens that can be simply removed.
Ok I am back the new
fridge has just arrived had to unpack the old stuff and throw it all
on the bench and sink but all now packed into the new fridge but of
course we have to wait an hour before we can turn the new fridge on.
Tim has the day off, he took a sick day which is ok with me he now
wants to go and do a stock up shop also ok with me.
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Mish, mash, this and that, or a post about random stuff
morning all, it is a nice warmish day here, started out cool and wet
though so I didn't go for a walk this morning as it was raining and I
was so tired which I blamed on the dark and wet morning. I am now
feeling more awake and have been out to take Jessica to Centrelink
for an appointment, I dropped her off and she said she would ring me
to get her when she was finished for all those who don't know
appointments at Centrelink can either go on time or you can be left
waiting and waiting and waiting. So I dropped her off headed home
stopped at the shops to get her bread rolls and came home I walked in
the house and she rang she was out so her appointment which was at 10
was over and done with by 10.10, so back I go to get her she felt bad
that I had only just got home and had to leave again but as I told
her not her fault just the way it was.
this morning while I was blogging I was reading Kate's blog she can
be found here:
had mentioned she did this social anxiety questionnaire and scored
40 out of 90 so I decided to go to the website and do it myself I
scored 60 out of 90 which indicates I have a high amount of social
anxiety this comes as no surprise to me, the questionnaire can be
on this morning I found Tim wanting to toss out the last 5 slices of
bread now the bread was still fresh I bought it on Tuesday so nothing
wrong with it, it was just the last of it and I had a full new loaf
that I bought yesterday. So I asked him what he was doing and he said
we have a new loaf and I was like so,nothing wrong with this bread I
will use it to make toasted sandwiches and I used two slices to make
Blain's school lunch. I get really annoyed when he wants to toss out
bread that is still usable.
on the topic of things Tim do that's annoying, I had recorded some
episodes of NCIS and had put the “K” for keep next to it so Tim
would not delete it well you guessed it he deleted the episodes as
soon as he watched them. Now I said to him last night when I realised
what he had done why did he delete them he said he didn't know what
the “K” meant well I said common sense would have said it is
something Jo has done I should not do anything to I ask her about it,
but of course not Tim he doesn't think he just does these annoying
things. When I complained he said just go online and download it and
watch it on the laptop,NO, Tim that is not what I want to do. I am
not one to watch stuff on the laptop I prefer to watch tv shows on
the tv sorry but you should know that Tim.
I bought tickets via Groupon for the Dinosaur Museum in Canberra
saved over $30 on the price of the tickets and I told Tim last night
that I had done it and thought we could go with Jessica and Leo over
the Christmas school holidays as Leo loves dinosaurs. He was annoyed
that I didn't ask him first but when I explained that he was at work
and I had to buy the tickets while the deal was active and that it
was over a 50% saving on the tickets he was ok. He doesn't get at
times that the deals are often on for only a few hours if I had a end
time for the deal I would have spoken to him first but since it just
said ending soon I wanted to get them before it ended. I did ask
Jessica if she thought it would be a good idea and she did she agreed
with me that Leo would love it.
I asked mum if we could borrow the motor-home over the Christmas
holidays for the trip and she said she would ask dad but it should be
ok but first I am going to check out the cost and places to stay
before we go better to make arrangements now and not leave it too
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Appointments, vomit, walking and seeing a dentist so pretty much just life
I started this but then got distracted and never got around to
finishing it, I had to got to the doctors to have a medical form
filled in for the RTA which is now called Service NSW for those not
in the know that the mob who issue you your drivers licence along
with a lot of other crap. I needed the form filled in because I have
sleep apnoea and diabetes all good I will hand it in sometime today.
morning Blain woke me at 6am to tell me he had vomited in the
loungeroom, beside my arm chair, I of course got up and cleaned it up
then went back to bed for half an hour, when I was getting ready to
leave for my morning walk I could hear him in the bathroom throwing
up again, so he is not going to school today, he has gone home with
his mum for a while she will bring him back before she goes to work.
you for all who had kind words about my condition with my right arm,
I kept it a secret from many people for many months, I didn't want
anyone to worry and it was only when it became so noticeable that it
was hard to hide that family members became aware of it, and yes the
are all worried about it.
got a letter on Friday from the Royal outpatients department over at
the John Hunter Hospital complex to tell me I had an appointment over
with the diabetic doctor on Friday morning, what the hell I hate
Friday appointments as Friday is my super busy day, so I rang them to
see if it could be changed till a different day, but no it can't be
bugga that. The appointment is at 9.40am and I know some people will
thing that is ok it is nice and early but no its not, the first
appointment would be around 7.45am in the day so about two hours
after the first appointment which means I may or may not be in on
time. So I don't think I will get much if any shopping done on Friday
I know I will not get the food shopping done as I will not have time.
and I are the earlier the better when it comes to appointments type
of people, so you can imagine when mum got a phone call saying that
she has an appointment at Wakefield school on the first Wednesday of
November. The stupid woman at the school was like it will be early
around 9.30am so you should be home by 11am so you can go to the
nursing home then, no we will not be going to the nursing home that
late in the day we like to be there around 9am to see nan and the
same goes for when we go to see Aunty Pat 11.30am which would be the
time we would be getting to the nursing home is just too late, mum
has to be home to get my brother's lunch between 11.30-12 each day
and dad like his lunch at midday each day so it really doesn't work.
told Natasha this morning that I have decided to continue my morning
walk even if Tim isn't hear in the morning for Blain as Blain is now
nearly 10 and he should be ok on his own while I am gone as I am only
gone for between 30-40minutes and he knows my phone number so if he
wakes up and is worried he can just ring me but 9 times out of 10 he
will still be asleep when I get home from my walk.
am the type of person who likes to go for an early morning walk if I
don't go first thing in the morning I won't go as by 8.20 when Tasha
leaves to take the boys to school I am no longer interested in going
for a walk also in Summer it is getting pretty hot by that time most
days and I would prefer to go before it gets hot.
have a dentist appointment this morning in about an hours time, Tim
was great with giving me the money for the appointment as last week
he had to go to the dentist himself although when he went he was
surprised how much it cost to see a dentist it ended up costing him
$285 which was not a surprise to me but it was for him.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
A little about me
On the first day of
the school year this year, I noticed my right hand shaking a little
as I left the school after dropping off Leo, however, when I got my
keys out of my pocket and unlocked the car it stopped and I thought
no more about it. However, over the next month I notice it happened
more and more and was worse when I was upset or distressed because
Leo was clinging to me and didn't want me to leave him.
Around March I noticed that while I was using the computer and had my hand on the mouse that it felt like it was trembling although it didn't look like it was moving it was more internal then external. I mentioned it to Dr Ben Nicholas at Smith Street Medical Centre but he didn't think it was anything to worry about.
By April my
daughters started to notice my hand shaking at times, so in May I
went and saw Dr Rod Watson also at Smith Street Medical Centre and he
examined me and said it wasn't anything to worry about but if it got
worse to go back. When he had me walk up and down the hand shook and
I stumbled twice.
Speaking of my
stumbling well that in fact started last year, many times when I walk
I stumble it is if I don't pick my feet up while I am walking or at
times it feels like I stand in something sticky and this causes me to
stumble, I have not at this stage fallen over I just stumble a bit.
In June I was
notified that I had lost my pension and since I would have to pay to
see a doctor at Smith Street Medical Centre I decided to find a bulk
billing doctor which is why I went to see Dr Zain Ul-Albadin at Mt
Hutton Medical Practice at my first visit he noticed my hand shaking
all the time and asked about it, I explained that it started at the
start of the year and has gotten worse over time. By this time it
wasn't just shaking, my arm was stiff and sore and aches all the time
and it will be worse when I am upset or distressed or tired. So he
decided to refer me to see a specialist as he said it was obvious
that the tremor was getting worse and there would be a bit of a wait
to see a specialist so best get referred.
I go for a walk each
morning and the hand shakes the whole time I am walking and I will
often stumble while walking and it isn't uncommon for me to start to
feel tired and exhausted 30 minutes into the walk and this makes me
stumble some days I end up walking as if I am drunk this goes away
once I get home and can rest for a bit.
When I stand after
sitting for a while or when I get up in the morning I have to stand
still for a few moments to gain my balance otherwise I will stumble
when I try to move.
In July I notice
that my right thigh would tremble although it isn't obvious it is
more an internal tremor at this stage and has since July only
happened about 8-10 times each time it lasts only a few minutes.
Also around July I
noticed that my right hand would shake while I am driving as I grip
the steering wheel my hand while move, in September I noticed that
some nights while writing in my diary my hand will shake and it is
hard to write I have given up a few times because my hand is shaking
so much.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
History Tuesday/Education & Schools
Tuesday today's history lesson is about school, a school is an
institution designed for teaching most countries have systems of
formal education which is commonly compulsory, in these systems
students progress through a series of schools, starting with
kindergarten through to high school. Of course the names for these
schools vary from country to country but primary school is usually
for young children and high school for older children then of course
you have what is considered higher education which is usually called
university or college.
the concept of grouping students together in one location for
learning has been around since ancient Greece although usually there
was only primary education available to most.
in Australia schools as we know them have existed for more the 200
years beginning with New South Wales and expanding across the country
as other settlements began to take shape. However, the public school
system didn't begin to much later and started with only primary level
schools although in the 1880's secondary education started happening
around the country.
developed as the needs of society demanded meaning it was society
wanting schools that lead to communities establishing schools. Way
back in the 1800's if you lived in the country you might be lucky to
have a small one room schoolhouse on land donated by a local farmer,
in the city you would have to be able to afford to attend a school
run by the various churches if you couldn't you would be tutored by
the wife of local doctor or magistrate or so some other professional.
There was no standard of education either back then and generally
speaking education was only available to the wealthier middle and
upper classes
of course we have computer-equipped classrooms and interaction
between teacher and pupil is the norm and of course we have
pre-schools, primary schools, high schools, and technical colleges in
most towns with universities in the larger cities.
was around the 1830's that the idea came about that crime was a
result of ignorance and ignorance was the result of no education and,
therefore, education would decrease the crime rate. It was also hoped
that education would forge the penal colony into an organised and
orderly society.
it was considered important that the government set up schools so
that all children could be taught not only the so called three “R's”
( reading, writing and arithmetic) but how to be a good and moral,
law-abiding citizens. Of course there were opponents of the idea,
those who didn't thing the child of say a blacksmith needed much of
an education.
the government allocated money for education and this was used to pay
teachers and build and equip schoolhouses with the necessary
textbooks and tools to teach. The government also laid down strict
guidelines as to the curriculum and the acceptable behaviour of
teachers and students, and what activities could or could not be
performed in the school grounds. It didn't matter if it was a one
room schoolhouse or a school with a 100 students, the rules and
curriculum were the same for all.
schools were either set up by the government or established schools
that received money from the government to education children, the
majority of church-run schools were outside the system and remained
so until well into the 1900's.
boys and girls received the same institution in the basic subject,
but girls also spent 80 minutes a day learning to sew, knit and darn,
while boys spent the same amount of time learning geometry, geography
and more arithmetic.
day would start with the teacher inspecting the students to make sure
their face and hands had been washed and their hair was combed and
their clothes neat and without holes or tears. A primary function of
the school was to instil into the children the advantages of being
orderly, clean, punctual, decent and courteous and to learn how to
avoid making them disagreeable to other people.
way to achieve this was the use of discipline. Rules governed how
children were to enter the room, bow to the teacher, sit down on the
benches, sit when reading what was on the blackboard, sit when
writing, hold their pens, the position of their writing pads, and
which hand was to be used for writing and which to point to the words
being copied. Most learning was by rote. Pupils learned to repeat
their tables, lists of dates and capital cities of the world, and
poems parrot fashion.
one stage a child of 13 years of age, could apply to become a pupil
teacher. This method of training teachers proved unsuccessful because
the pupil, who stayed at school and learned from his teacher, did not
have contact with other teachers and their methods. In some cases in
the city, 15-year-old girls were put in charge, albeit temporarily,
of a class of 100 students not much younger than themselves. School
inspectors and masters did not understand why these young girls could
not control the class. Pupil teachers also picked up many of their
teachers' bad habits, and became clones of their teachers.
has long been the case that children would attend school between the
ages of 6 to 16 although usually here a child will start school
around the age of 5 and leave now around the age of 18, here in
Australia a few years back the law was changed that allowed children
to leave school at the age of 15 and now they are suppose to stay at
school till they have completed year 12. In theory this is good but
in reality it is not, some children are not smart enough to do years
11 and 12, I say this because I was one of those children I left
school at the end of year 10. There is no way I could have done
years 11 and 12 I just wouldn't have understood the work, all my
girls left school at 15 no that is wrong Tasha was a bit older she
started year 11 but she was in an IM class that was a class for
students with learning difficulties and she was asked to leave as she
was being disruptive in class.
education was introduced in the 1870's but was difficult to enforce
many families would keep children home from school to help with the
running of the family business and many thought girls didn't need an
education at all. Those who's job it was to enforce the compulsory
education found that they were only able to visit a particular area
once a year. In fact for a long time is was commonplace for children
to only attend school for a couple of years to learn the basics and
then leave to get a job and help support the family.
were few established teachers' colleges and they were not well
attended because the extra study involved did not translate into more
money/pay thus most could not see the point. In fact it was the
twentieth century before teacher's colleges were established in
Tasmania, Queensland and Western Australia.
sister has a problem with her step-son who is in year 11 not wanting
to attend school and when he is there he is disruptive and often
skips school because he doesn't want to attend.
is concerned what will happen with Dawson next year as he attends a
behavioural school that doesn't have years 11 and 12 and that means
next year he will be expected to attend a main-stream school and we
know that Dawson will not go and how is a 75 yr old woman expected to
make a 16 ½ yr old boy go to school if the boy refuses to do so.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Are you into sport/are you children into sport/no then that is ok
everyone guess what this week I have a topic to write about after a
week or so of boring dribble about my life but today while I was out
running around doing stuff for Jessica and listening to Michael J
Fox's book Looking Up a topic came to me for this mornings post.
what am I going to write about, sport, that's
am not a sports person never have been didn't play sport as a child
hated P E at school, hated sport at school, in fact while at high
school when I had to do sport I would pick Community Service as my
first choice, followed by board games as my second choice and lastly
I would put netball only because I had to have three choices and
there was nothing else to pick that I would prefer, in fact I
remember one year writing on the form can't I pick reading in the
library as a third choice as I do not like sport.
parents accepted that I was not a sport person, my siblings were more
into sport except for my sister Sue I don't think she was into sport
either but then Sue and I are so much alike that it doesn't surprise
me that like me she didn't like sport.
you all know I have three wonderful daughters, and none of them have
been into sport as a child or as an adult, this has always been ok
with me I accepted that they didn't like sport and I didn't force any
of them to take part in sporting stuff.
school they all like me picked things that didn't involve physical
activity they had no interest in after school sports and that was ok,
in fact two out of three daughters preferred to read just like their
I remember my cousins having to play sports of a weekend and after
school whether they wanted to do it or not, I remember one of my
cousins saying that they would have preferred not to do sport but
their mum said they had to, I just can't remember which cousin it
was who said it.
daughters would also go through stages when they wanted to be outside
playing with friends and other stages when they preferred to be
inside reading or watching telly instead for the most part I was ok
with that. Yes there were times when I would have preferred them to
be outside playing and be under foot at home.
are you a sport person?
your children play sport?
they like playing sport?
have never understand why some parents feel they need to force sport
on a child, not all people are into sport that is ok we are all
different, I would tell those parents to love their child for who the
child is they may not be into all the things you are but they are
still special in their own way.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Hello Sunday/Grandparents doing a lot
Sunday and what a Sunday it's been, a warm day spent for the most
part home alone, I was up at 6.30am as usual and went for a walk
which included a detour via Macca's on the way home for breakfast.
also have done a load of washing and it has dried on the line along
with the load I did yesterday afternoon. Tim is at work he left
around 9ish and will be home sometime after 6 and before 6.30pm.
has been a nice warm day, just warm not hot and that I like, I spent
the morning answering mail I managed to write 7 letters, the first
one is always the most time consuming one all that follow don't take
as long as there is part of the letter that remains the same.
didn't have the girls here for breakfast nor lunch today, as I wanted
a nice quiet day and last night and tonight are child free. I love
having my grandchildren but I also love having days/nights without
any young children.
has a habit of making me feel guilty if I say I don't want to have
Leo, saying that Leo gets jealous of Blain and misses me and pappa
which is why I usually end up saying he can stay either Friday or
Saturday night. She also says at times that she needs a break, I
think bloody hell Jessica your a mother you don't get to have a break
till your child is grown.
think my girls appreciate me and how much I do for them, I know when
they have compared me to their friends mothers they have been shocked
at how little their friends mothers do for them, compared to how much
I do for them.
and I have said no one took care of our children when they were young
we just had to manage, when my girls where little my mum was busy
working and so she was unable to take my daughters very often so I
was just use to taking care of my own children. I also rarely have
Kathy's girls and when I do have them it is during the day and in
fact only once have the girls had a sleep over at nanna's.
think that David, Sandra, Natasha and Jessica do not realise how good
they have it with grandparents who are willing to step in and help
out so much.
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Hello Thursday
Thursday, I for some reason didn't get around to posting anything
yesterday, why, well maybe because it was Wednesday and mum and I
went to the nursing home although we went to a different nursing
home. Instead of going to see nan as we do each Wednesday we went to
see my Aunty Pat instead, in fact mum and I have decided that on the
first Wednesday of the month we will go and see Aunty Pat.
Pat is my dad's sister his older sister by a year she is 74, dad will
be 73 next week, I would like to say that Aunty Pat is well and all
with it but that is not the case, her memory is going she asked as
many times the same question over and over but neither mum or myself
were bothered by this we just answered her as if it was the first
time she had asked the question.
mum was talking to dad about Aunty Pat she mentioned that she had
put on a bit of weight I don't remember Aunty Pat as being a large
woman at all when I was a child but that is not the case any more,
well what did dad say, he asked if she was a “fat” as mum or as
“fat” as me, mum told him the truth she would be larger then
either of us. Dad was shocked and asked if mum was sure of course she
is sure.
mum or I take much stock about how large a person is we are more
concerned with what type of person someone is, not the size of the
person's clothes. I get really annoyed when my dad calls mum fat, I
also don't like it when he calls me fat and many times mum and I have
thought that is the pot calling the kettle black, dad has often
complained that his shirts do not do up as well as they use to.
Tim has said something about my size I have mentioned to him that I
have gone up about 3 sizes in pants he has gone up 6 or 7 sizes in
pants since we have been together and that will shut him up pretty
damn quick.
yeah this morning Jessica turned up with Natasha to pick up Blain, I
do not remember her telling me she would be taking Leo to school and
picking him up this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon as well, she
said she did tell me but I really don't remember. What I do know is
that Blain will be happy that we don't have to get Leo this afternoon
as each afternoon he says when he gets in the car do we have to get
Leo and when I say yes he gets a bit pissy.
was telling me last night that Dawson has swimming at school and he
has to attend and what did Dawson say when he found out, “don't
want to go” mum had to explain to him he has to go he has no say in
the matter, it is part of the curriculum so he has to do it. Both
mum and I feel if he gives it a go he may in fact enjoy himself.
that's all for this post I am off to the library to return a book and
borrow something else.
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Good Morning/Schools Back
today school has gone back today, after I went for my walk this
morning I packed Leo's school lunch and found his school clothes and
headed over to Natasha's to get Leo and take him to school, he was
great didn't cling or anything but instead he just go out of the car
after giving me a hug and a kiss.
tonight we will have Blain again and have to say I have missed him
this last week this term I am hoping to get him into the habit of
having better meals although in the hot weather I am not a big eater
but we will see how it goes.
Natasha had asked Blain's dad if he would be taking Blain to school
this morning and he said yes but guess what while I was there this
morning she gets a text for Jono saying he will be there soon to drop
of Blain, so it turned out that Natasha had to take him to school.
are still in spring here but it is has been so bloody hot the last
few days, today we are expected to get up to about 37° yesterday it
was around 36° and I had the air conditioner going most of the day,
same as it was the day before all these hot days and it isn't even
summer yet. I wonder if we are going to have a long hot summer or
don't have much to say today as I am feeling a bit weary, and not
interested in much at all, Tim has just left for work he will be home
late around 10.30pm and with this weather it shouldn't be too cold
when he is coming home on the motor-bike. He did tell me he wants
Blain to be asleep when he gets home but we can only hope, I will be
in bed much earlier then that, I usually go to bed and leave Blain
watching telly for a bit before he goes to sleep but I am going to
suggest to Tim that he turns the telly off when he gets home that way
Blain should get a better nights sleep.
Monday, 5 October 2015
Labour Day in Australia well my part of Australia
everyone it is Labour Day here in Australia, well in my part of
Australia it is now I am going to share with you a little about
labour day in Australia, it is also known as Eight Hour Day in
Tasmania (Tassie) and May Day in the Northern Territory.
is Labour Day well it is the day that commemorates the granting of
the eight-hour working day for Australians. Now I think a lot of
younger people take the eight-hour working day for granted, yes I
know there are those who work 12 hour shifts but over all most people
work an eight-hour day five or six days a week.
course it is a public holiday and its date caries across the states
and territories, many people use the holiday as part of a long
weekend where they can relax and spend time with friends and/or
family, many like to just kick back and watch sport and have barbies.
Western Australia it is observed on the first Monday in March and on
the second Monday in March in Victoria and Tassie, in the Northern
Territory it is held on the first Monday in May, thus why it is
called May Day in the Northern Territory.
history of Labour Day in Australia spans over a century, during the
1800's the working day was long and difficult with many working 12
hours or more six or seven days a week. It was in 1856 that the
stonemasons at the University of Melbourne marched on Parliament House
to push for and eight-hour working day. Eventually they managed to
reach and agreement for a 48-hour working week and workers welcomed
the new eight-hour day.
victory march was held on the 12th
May that year and each year after that, the new work regulations were
recognised in New South Wales next followed by Queensland in 1858 and
South Australia in 1873 and Tassie in 1874.
was in 1879 that the Victorian Government made one further step
towards better conditions for employees by proclaiming a paid public
holiday that year.
course some people have to work on a public holiday such as Labour
Day when this happens the person gets paid penalty rates which can be
time and half or double time or double time and half this means say
you are on $20 an hour if you got time and half you would be paid
instead $30 an hour. So some people don't mind if they have to work
on a public holiday also if you work on a weekend you are paid at a
higher rate also.
Friday, 2 October 2015
Thursday, 1 October 2015
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