Oh how sick do I feel? Quite sick if you are interested……………………I
am not sure if I will leave the house today in fact right now I don’t even feel
like getting dressed.
Kathy has dropped off Summer for me to watch for the day
while she is at work, we are not going to the nursing home today maybe tomorrow
but mum has an appointment at Wakefield (Dawson’s school) about his progress
and what happens for the rest of the yeah.
Michelle (Dawson’s mum) is worried they will say he can’t go
there next year and will have to go back to a normal public school as he has
been doing really good at school not getting into any trouble and not being
sent home or suspended. Mum says stop worrying until you know there is
something to worry about, which makes sense to me.
Today is Sydney-May’s first day at her new day care, I hope
it all goes well for her one day in the next week or so I would like to go over
to the place and meet the staff and see what it is like for myself. Kathy says
it is a nice place and in some ways better than the old day care but mostly it
is closer to her work and it is a place that takes children for birth so at
some point she is going to send Summer for 1 or 2 days a week as she is
increasing he days at work to Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and doesn’t want
me to have to watch her on Friday’s as that is my busy shopping day. In fact
she doesn’t want me to watch her Wednesday and Thursday so she is thinking of
putting her into day care on the Thursday and getting her sister Natasha and
Michael’s mother Jenny to take turns watching Summer on the Friday. I guess we
will see what happens over time.

Oh yeah Tim is off today and I don’t think he is happy about
that, he is thinking about going into work as there is some kind of meeting on
today and he is also thinking about going to see Jessica to have a chat to her about
her car………………which has an oil leak and problems with the radiator we have had
two different mechanics look at it one quoted $1500 to replace the radiator and
fix the oil lead and some other problem with the motor, the second on quoted
closer to $1700 to replace the radiator and replace the motor instead of just
repairing it. Jessica doesn’t really know what to do so Tim is going to have a
chat with her about what to do, either way it is a lot of money.
Jessica doesn’t think she has a lot of luck with cars and computers
and I know the feeling there was a time that Tim and I went through a lot of
cars in a short space of time.
Today it is cold and wet and I have a lot of washing to do
and think I will be using the dryer as it is raining but oh well at least we
have a dryer in fact considering how sick I feel don’t know if I would want to
stand at the clothes line in the cold even if it wasn’t raining I really don’t
fell like doing much of anything today. Maybe I will feel better as the day
goes on but I doubt it……………………….