Hi All,
After Nyngan, we were going to fill up with fuel at Wilcannia but we did not like the
look of the locals hanging around the place.So we worked it out that we could get to
Cobar instead. Got to Cobar on lunch time, had a look around the place, bought
lunch, fuelled up. The servo attendant said to watch out for the goats on the road.
We thought there must have been a lot of dangerous drivers out on holidays.
Soon discovered he meant the 4 legged ones, between Cobar and Broken Hill
there were thousands and thousands of wild goats on and around the road.
We free camped about 170ks before Broken Hill, very hot day but cooled down
in the evening, Ok with the fans running off the geny.
Got to Broken Hill before lunch, done some sight seeing, although we have been
there 4 times before. We like Broken Hill, the people there all seem very friendly
and it is not as hot as you might expect but it was that day.
Also as the A/C techo who repaired the A/C put in a larger condenser then the
original one, I was informed this may be why the genny will not run the A/C now.
So I purchased the correct one while at Broken Hill and intended to replace it myself.
The run from Broken Hill to Peterborough is through some dull country, flat and Desert
not much to look at.
Our next stop was at Peterborough where we free camped, it was a good spot off the
road and amongst shady trees. This is were I changed the condenser but it made no
difference, still will not work off the genny. We had no TV reception, so watched a DVD.
We left the light in the toilet on and when it was time for bed mum opened the toilet door
and let out a scream, I raced in from outside and found mum sitting on the bed in a state.
The toilet was covered in billions of tiny insects. After spraying them, she had to clean them
up before we could use it. We were not the only ones caught as the man in the MH next
to us came over and borrowed out insect spray.
Arrived at Port Augusta before lunch, did some sight seeing, fuelled up and had lunch,
very hot around 39deg. As we have been here about 4 times before, we did not stay long.
Did a bit of souvenir shopping at Whyalla before continuing via the coast.
Arrived at Tumby Bay, about 200ks from Whyalla and 5ks off the main hgy.
What a beautiful little town this is.Mum wanted to spend the night in a caravan park so
we booked into a caravan park right on the waters edge. A very nice spot and after driving
all day in 40deg heat it is nice and cool here as the A/C is running off the town power.
All for now,
Dad / Den