Sunday, 9 February 2025

Week 6 of 2025

It is a nice cool start to the day with a temp of 20C but is supposed to reach 27C which is pretty warm.

I found Jessica’s washing hanging on my clothes hoist when I got up, I am guessing her washing machine died.

Tim and I went to Lake Fair to do some shopping, I was exhausted by the time we got home.

Thankfully we turned the air con on before we left, so the house was nice when we got home.

Jess came over just for two eggs, and yeah her washing machine died, she has ordered a new one which should come soon.


It is a nice cool start to the day with a temp of 20C but is supposed to reach 28C which is pretty warm.

Sue is driving Sandy and her kids around as her car is still at the mechanics, and Dave’s car has now broken down also.

I have both Syd & Summer here for the day.

By 4pm I started to feel really tired but stuck it out till 8.30pm and now I am off to bed.

Steps: 7,075

Another nice cool start to the day with a temp of 20C but is supposed to reach 30C which is hot. By BGL was 5.5

I waited till Tim left for work to have a shower; I woke up with a shocking headache.

Sandy and Skylar turned up they had walked to the high school to get Landon’s uniform.

It has been a pretty hot day with a top temp of 32C

Steps: 11,229

Another nice cool start to the day with a temp of 20C but is supposed to reach 33C which is hot. My BGL was 5.2

Sue called in and picked up some letters I need posted and will post them for me today.

By midday it was 33C, I turned the air con on in the bedroom as well it was that hot.

Tasha came home early from Tafe due to the heat and having no working air con it the classroom, she said everyone was dripping in sweat and the teacher sent them outside a few times to get out of the extremely hot room but by I think 1.30pm she had enough and sent them home. 


First day of school for the year.

A good night when the alarm went off at 5am, I felt like I had only not long been in bed.

It is a cool but muggy start to the day it is currently 21C and we are looking at a top of 28C.

By 1pm it was 27C but no need for the air con today, thankfully.

Denni & Landon called in on their way home from school, Sue and Sandy picked them up from here at around 4pm.


It is another nice cool morning at 21C before turning into a damn hot day with a top temp of 29C. My BGL was 5.1

Got a message from Sue, Sandra has Dave’s car back, so she won’t need Sue to drive her around anymore.

By midday it was 29 and I had to turn the air con on. 


It is another nice cool morning with the temp being 19C, but we are looking at another hot one. My BGL was 5.1

Tim is working today and tomorrow.

I have been feeling blah most of the day, just not really feeling like doing much. So I didn’t do much, I did vacuum twice, got the clothes off the hoist, folded and put away, tidy the kitchen feed the birds, wrote a letter and read some blogs but that’s all.  

Steps: 5,060






  1. I was just going to ask when school starts! This is the new school year?

    1. Yes it is the start of the school year, down here school runs from late January or early February till December split into 4 ten week terms.

  2. When it is that hot it is hard to get motivated to do much!

  3. Tafe students deserve to be protected from the serious heat. Even if they have no working air con in the classroom, they should be taken to the air conditioned major hall. There each group would have to speak very quietly in order not to disturb the other groups, but at least the students and staff wouldn't have heart conditions in 33c

    1. That's for sure not good for the students or the staff, the teacher was starting to feel like she was going to pass out

  4. Not sure which I would like better ... it's a chilly 32F here!

  5. The school schedule had me a bit confused, too. Sorry it's been so very hot in Australia and do hope you will have a cooling trend. Blessings, Jo-Anne!

  6. My son had about a month of that 'car borrowing' thing when Jessica tried to do a u-turn on ice and basically ripped the frame apart. When his tax refund came Friday, he got a decent used car.


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