Monday, 9 January 2023


 Here we are at another Monday a fine Monday it is but suppose to be another hot one which means I will end up drenched in sweat again. Anyway here are some useless facts.

The most abundant bird on Earth is the Red-billed Quelea, a type of East African weaverbird. There is an estimated 1.5 billion of them in existence.

There is a bird called the Antpitta avis canis Ridgley this bird that looks like a stuffed duck on stilts and barks like a dog. The bird was discovered in the Ecuador in June 1998.

Elephants can't jump.............I didn't think they could

It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes yes open......yep knew this

Winston Churchill was born in a ladies toilet during a dance


  1. I knew about the elephants not being able to jump, too...but none of the others. :)

  2. You know, I never really thought about elephants jumping. That sounds about right. And Winston Churchill was born in a woman's toilet, that's unusual. I bet he had to endure many cracks about that one.(no pun intended)

  3. I knew the sneezing one, but none of the others. Not sure I'd want everyone knowing I was born in a toilet, but I suppose it builds character.

  4. Rita........It would be a sight to see an elephant jump

    Debby.......Yeah he would have been teased a lot

    Juli.......Ithink we all know about sneezing

  5. It never occurred to me that an elephant would want to jump. I knew about sneezing.


  6. I wanna see one of those Antpittas... Ah. See what you mean about the stilts...


Week 13 of 2025

  I slept straight through the night again, waking with the alarm, it is cool and wet this morning. I have bugga all motivation this morni...