Tuesday, 1 February 2022



Good morning all here we are at Tuesday again and we are only in February.

This weeks extreme creature is the Sailfish, this is the worlds fastest fish with a shape that is perfect for moving fast through the water. It has been clocked at a top speed of 110km/h.

The largest sailfish ever caught was 11.2 feet (340 cm) long and weighed 220.5 pounds (100 kg). 4. Sailfish can live for 13 to 15 years. However, sailfish caught and released by sport fishermen have an average lifespan of only 4 to 5 yrs

The all-tackle world record for a sailfish caught in the Pacific: 221 pounds (Ecuador, 1947); for a sailfish from the Atlantic: 142 pounds, 6 ounces (Angola, 2014). Iconic for their distinctive high, blue dorsal

fins, sailfish generally live offshore but near coasts, often over deeper reefs.


  1. Watching them on Wild kingdom was always neat!

  2. I always thought it was cruel to catch them for sport and let them go. Better than killing them, I suppose--but still harmful. They are a beautiful fish.

  3. Dear Jo-Anne, this info fascinated me, especially about how the catch and release means that the sailfish lives only about half of its usual life-span. Hope all is well and that you are having no health problems. Peace.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn.blogspot.com/2025/03/just-bit-of-hodgepodge.html https://jamfn....