Sunday, 30 January 2022

WEEK 4 OF 2022

 I woke when Tim's alarm went off at 4.30 and was out of bed at 5am. Been a bloody long time since Tim started work so early.

I had a decent enough day.


Awake and up at 4.50 I think. Made the mistake of mentioning to Tasha that her dad said she left him an abusive message, which set her off. I read the messages between them not abusive in my opinion.

Had to wake Tim at 9.40am which is odd not like him to need waking of morning.

My arms started hurting around 1pm which is better then all day, I guess.


Woke at 3.30 to pee without issue then again at 5am when I got up for the day.

The pain in my left arm is not good today. I feel like the injection hasn't helped.

Managed to fill in a few pages of the grandmother memory book. Some pages I skipped because it is an American book, and we don't have Thanksgiving or Halloween.

Around 1.45 I decided to have a shower, this didn't go well. I use a bath-board which is a board that sit across the top of the bath that I sit on. Well as I was sitting my feet slipped and the board slid backwards and I ended up in the bath in an awkward position. I wasn't alone Tasha was there but getting me into a standing position wasn't easy. I have now hurt my arms more.



Up and ready for the day at 5.15 after a reasonable nights sleep.

However, late yesterday arvo Kelli and an issue with the bitch in unit 14. She said to Freya who is only 3yrss old that if she went on her lawn she would flog her, so Kelli went to speak to the bitch who pulled a club on Kelli. So Kelli rang the cops, I will find out more later in the day.

So Tasha & Kelli went to the cop shop about the psychobitch and there is little that can be done they suggested mediation but the bitch will not do that.

I am in a shit load of pain, both arms and knees and now the lower right side of my back.


A new day has arrived and I am in slightly less pain as it starts.

I have decided to try eating the frozen berries I have, they are supper sweet.

Tim has bought a new washing machine, it's an LG 8.5kg machine. Not sure when it will be delivered.

Been in a lot of pain since 10.30am.


Had a really good night sleep wise, up at 5am as per usual.

Started the food shop at 7am but the website is being a bitch and a half, as in it keeps freezing and not loading. At 1pm I finally managed to get it done, Tim will have to pick it up tomorrow as by the time I was able to checkout and pay I wasn't able to get it delivered.

Today has been a hard,frustrating day. Pain in knees is bad.


Woke at 5.30 after a good nights sleep. Kathy and girls here by 6.15am. I was crying while showering, I feel so sad, tomorrow is Mum's 82nd birthday. I miss her so much. Kathy wasn't sympathetic.

There is a BBQ at the old house today before Dawson moves.

Had a good day hanging out with my siblings got home at 3pm and straight to bed to sober up.



  1. How can the cops not do anything about a threat with a weapon? Do they only show up for murders?

  2. Nothing worse than awful neighbours. Hope your pain eases. I miss my mum too.

  3. I have dreaded (and had) horrid neighbors like the!

  4. Chris.........You would think so

    Diane........So true

    Katie........Many have


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....