Sunday, 23 January 2022

WEEK 3 OF 2022


Woke at 5am got up washed and rang Tasha, no answer, I got dressed rang again, no answer. I started my breakfast and rang again, no answer. I was starting to worry. She then arrived in a mood, why well apparently she told me she wanted Sunday morning off. I do not remember her telling me that. She took over getting breaky ready even though I said I was fine. I felt like shit.

Tim back at work and of course he feels sick this morning.

Tasha apologise for how she was this morning. She has quit smoking and is short tempered.


Slept in till 5.15am after a somewhat painful night with my arms hurting.

The book I was listening to last night had me laughing, not easy to do with a Cpap mask on.

Managed to write some letters, empty the dishwasher and put the clothes away, before pain got to bad.

Another hot day spent sweating.


A new day has arrived after a decent enough night, awake at 5.15 which was a surprise as at 4.15 I looked at the time and thought just 30 more minutes, then it was an hour later.

Another hot and muggy day, also a somewhat restless day for me.

Many years ago my mum was given a Grandmother record book in which she could write about her life but didn't. I came across the book after her death, so I am using it. I of course can not handwrite in it but I can type up and print out the information and paste the information in the book. In fact I think I will do four copies one for each grandchild.


Woke to the sound of rain at 4.10am found I couldn't settle again so got up at 4.30am.

The ice pack I was using for my back has fallen apart and been binned. Now when I put my feet up my back aches after only 10-15 minutes.

Have appointment for cortisone injection into left shoulder tomorrow at 10am. Kelli is taking me.

Looks like we are getting new neighbours a young couple with a young son.


Another day more rain, also have a cool breeze. I was awake and up at 4.20am.

Went and had injection all good and Kelli even came here after she dropped me off and picked up mail to be posted and posted them for me.

Been pain free for most of the day.

I am going to miss Kelli when they move.


Woke up at 3.30 got up to pee and found I couldn't settle back down also had a headache.

My BGL was 18.1 and took some insulin, I know this is because of the cortisone injection.

Damn I have a lot of back pain. My arm still has some pain.

Jess can't put me to bed as her arm is swollen and sore, due to having tattoo work done yesterday. So Jono asked Tasha to do it which she will but in a mood.



Had a damn good night sleep once I fell asleep, even managed to get up and go to the loo without drama. Got up at 5.10am and Kathy arrived an hour later. I am now fed, showered and have a cleaner house.

Looks like our washing machine is stuffed, it will not spin.

Dave brought over genealogy folder.



  1. Hope that injection continues to make you more comfortable.

  2. Second washer stuffed on my friends list in 2 weeks...

  3. Karen................Me too

    Chris...............It is frustrating

  4. Thank goodness a doctor is doing something for your shoulder and pain.
    I just noticed photo Day below this'd love seeing you and your sister back then!


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....