Sunday, 16 January 2022



Had a rough night woke a number of times shaking and when I woke at 5am I tried to just lay there but was shaking too much so got up.

Kathy arrived at 6.30 by which time I had cut my fruit and had a shower.

Pain still bad


Woke to rain but I don't have to go out so all good. Tim working today then off for the rest of the week.

Managed to answer 3 letters so my pile is done till tomorrow when someone checks the post office box.

Pain is sitting at a 7 with moderate amount of movement.


Had a decent night, awake and up at 4.40am, drenched in sweat by 5.15am.

I am not with it today, had to have a nap as I was falling asleep, slept for an hour.

My left arm is so bad I can barely type.

Tim told me he has bought a new vacuum cleaner, don't know when it will get here. The floor is a mess.


A later start 5.10 when I woke up, gonna be another hot one.

Spoke to the doc my right arm has nothing seriously wrong with it just bursitis & tendonitis. I now have to have an Xray and ultrasound done on my left arm. I expect the same is wrong with it.

Saw podiatrist my feet are good as expected.

Decided to not do blog posts this week to rest my arm.


Wake and up at 4.30am not hot yet but expecting it to get hot again.

Booked me into have ultrasound and Xray of left arm tomorrow morning. Kelli will take me as Tim has Dr appointment and Tash has shopping, Jess may have work.

Jess has gotten quite a bit of work as a traffic controller at Covid testing sites.

Tim decided on a whim to sell the box trailer, he advertised it and it sold straight away within 2hrs. In time he may get another trailer.

Still no vacuum cleaner and the floor is a mess.


This new day saw me awake and up by 4.20am, I cleaned the kitchen before Tash got here so I wouldn't have to hear her complain.

Had Xray and scan done and was told I have a small fracture, what the hell.

Kelli brought over some caramel slice and brownies for me made by her with ingredients supplied by Sue. They are yummy.


Another day has arrived with me waking at 4.48am, Tash arrived while I was brushing my teeth.

Another day sweating a bloody lot but it is summer, so to be expected.

Daemon came over with his mum's vacuum and ran it over the lounge and kitchen floor.

Our new vacuum cleaner arrived it is on charge now will try it out in a day or so.

Tim also ordered a small hand held vacuum for cleaning the car for us to give Tasha for her birthday next month, this also arrived to do.


Saturday at last and hot again as well, I was up at 4.55am, Kathy and girls arrived around 6.15. She shower me and emptied bins and unpacked the shopping order. Both girls need to be Covid tested as there was a positive case at their vacation care.

Sandy came over to drop off my Big W order and left with a bag of food stuff we didn't want. She also took Jeannie's Christmas present.

Tasha has bought security camera for out the front of her place as she is having problems with a neighbour. Tim is fitting them for her.



  1. I don't know how you get up so early and manage to function at all during the day, I'd be exhausted by noon.

  2. Amazing Leo is a 14 year old now! Man, they grow up fast...

  3. I remember when I first saw Leo some time ago. He was a little boy! Now he is a young man~

  4. Karen..........Me either

    Chris.........They do

    Katie........Yes he was now I rest my head on his chest when we hug


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....