Friday 5 March 2021

What Jo-Anne Thinks

 Hello everyone, want to know what Jo-Anne thinks about...........

Today I am thinking about boredom, something I do not suffer from, and according to my Mum I never have done.

Part of the reason some people feel bored is because they feel that they must be doing stuff. Children may feel they need to be entertained but I disagree.

Some people find it hard to do nothing, not me I like  to just sit in the quiet watching traffic or nothing. 

I have read since I was very young and love it, now days I listen to audiobooks and I love it.

As a teenager I either read or listen to music, or did nothing and didn't feel bored.

Both my grandsons from a very young age would come and spend a night with Nana & Papa, while here they would be left to amuse themselves playing with toys, watching telly or play video games. They loved coming here and Leo still loves spending a night here. 

Neither of my granddaughters have every spent a night here, I have watched them during the day but unlike the boys they expected me to interact with them more then I did. 

I have heard both girls at times complain about being bored more then I have heard the boys say so. Don't get me wrong the boys have at times said they felt bored but it happens rarely. 


  1. I was never bored, either. Always played and figured out games or something to do or went down tp the lake and watched the ducks and tadpoles...about 9 or 10 I got into reading and journaling and wow! How could anyone be bored ever, I thought. And over the years have added art and crafts of all kinds. And then there's movies and shows--nowadays too many to ever watch and they are good, too. I've had pen pals since I was nine. Life is just too interesting to be bored. ;)

  2. I don't have the chance to feel bored because there is so many things to occupy my time. When I am too tired I will go take my much deserved naps.

  3. I'm like you, Jo-Anne, I'm perfectly capable of amusing myself. I think, as parents, it's something we don't work on with our children, resulting in their constantly feeling as though they need to be engaged.

  4. I don't remember the last time I was bored--if ever.


  5. Rita........Yes I so aagree

    Nancy......I get that

    Karen......Yes some parents are like that

  6. I have found a lot of times, boredom is satan's attempt to get me to do something I shouldn't.

  7. Janie.....Like me

    Chris.......I get that


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