Monday 24 September 2018

Did you know No:23

Good morning everyone, it is a cold and wet day here in Newie, I didn't get to my aqua class this morning as Leo left his school bag at home and didn't realised till he was getting out of the car at the school. So I drove him home to get his bag, so by the time I got to the pool there was no where to park, so I just came home.

I have a headache and a runny nose and a tight chest so who knows maybe I am coming down with something or maybe not we will see.

Now here are this weeks did you know facts.

In 1949 a man named Jack Wurm who was unemployed at the time walking aimlessly around a beach in California when he found a bottle that had washed up on the beach, he noticed something in it and when he opened it he found a note that said. “To avoid confusion, I leave my entire estate to the lucky person who finds this bottle and to my attorney, Barry Cohen share and share alike. Daisy Alexander June 20, 1937” It was not a hoax Mr Wurm received over six million dollars from the Alexander estate.

Peanuts are on of the ingredients of dynamite

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair

A house fly lives for only 14 days unless killed earlier by a human or eaten as food by another creature.

The Sahara Desert expands at about one kilometre per month


  1. That Jack was a lucky guy!! ;)

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - lucky Mr Wurm ... but what a fun way to get lucky. I didn't know peanuts went into dynamite ... but I've never looked into the ingredients. The deserts of this world are growing a great deal - interesting facts - cheers Hilary

  3. Rita...........That he was

    Hilary.........Yeah the dynamite thing was a surprise

  4. Guess I need to hang at the beach more...

  5. Christ.......If I thought I would be that lucky I would go to the beach



  Hi everyone, my freaky creature book is up to South America and the first creature it shows is the Kinkajou, have you heard of it, the nam...