Friday, 31 July 2015
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Is it just me/A Thursday post
all, how is everyone this lovely not so cold but not really warm
Thursday or should that read Wednesday depends on where you are.
you have today is some random thoughts.
many people have dirty, yucky looking oven trays that they cover in
them in foil and continue to use them, or is that just me.
often do you have a pair of pants that are covered in pill (white
bits of stuff stuck to the clothes) that you keep saying you are
going to get rid of because no matter how often you depill it they
never look good............or is that just me
you wear socks with slippers so the slippers don't end up
smelling...............or is that just me
about getting easily distracted and end up starting a few different
things during the day and not completing one task before starting
another..................or is that just me
many of you have a computer hog for a grandson.................or is
that just me
about a daughter who is not stepping up and being connected more with
the education of their child...............or is that just me
that is all for now I will post this while the computer hog is in the
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
History Tuesday/Toothbrushes
to history Tuesday and this week I am going to talk a little about
the history of the toothbrush. The
earliest identified use of the word toothbrush in English was in the
autobiography of Anthony Wood (whoever he was) who wrote that in 1690
he bought a toothbrush for J Barret.
way back in 3500 BC the Babylonians and Egyptians are supposed to
have made a form of toothbrush by fraying the end of a twig and in
tombs these toothsticks have been found alongside the dead.
1600BC, the Chinese developed “chewing sticks” which were made
from aromatic tree twigs to freshen breath.
Greeks and Romans used toothpicks to clean their teeth and
toothpick-like twigs have been excavated in Quin Dynasty tombs. The
chew sticks remain common in Africa and the rural Southern United
States- and in the Islamic world the use of chewing stick Miswak is
considered a pious action, and has been prescribed to be used before
every prayer five times a day Miswak has been used by Muslims since
7th Century AD.
Chinese are believed to have invented the first natural bristle
toothbrush made from the bristles from pigs' necks in the 15th
century, with the bristles attached to a bone or bamboo handle.
Although when it was brought from China to Europe, this design was
adapted and often used softer horsehairs which many Europeans
preferred. It is also believed that feathers were used in early
first bristle toothbrush, resembling the modern toothbrush, was found
in China during the Tang
and used hog bristle. The bristles were sourced from hogs living in
Siberia and northern China because the colder temperatures provided
firmer bristles. They were then attached to a handle manufactured
from bamboo or bone, forming a toothbrush. The bristle toothbrush
spread to Europe, brought back from China to Europe by travellers. It
was adopted in Europe during the 17th century
first toothbrush of a more modern design was made by William Addis in
England around 1780 – the handle was carved from cattle bone and
the brush portion was still made from swine bristles. In 1844, the
first 3-row bristle brush was designed. It was while he was in gaol
for causing a riot that he decided that the method used for cleaning
ones teeth was ineffective at the time it was common to just rub a
rag with soot and salt over the teeth.
he saved a small animal bone left over from the meal he had eaten the
previous night, into which he drilled small holes. He then obtained
some bristles from one of his guards, which he tied in tufts that he
then passed through the holes in the bone, and which he finally
sealed with glue. After his release, he started a business that would
manufacture the toothbrushes he had built, and he soon became very
rich. He died in 1808, and left the business to his eldest son, also
called William, and it stayed in family ownership until 1996.
the name Wisdom Toothbrushes the company now manufactures 70 million
toothbrushes per year in the UK. By 1840 toothbrushes were being
mass-produced in England, France, Germany, and Japan. Pig bristle was
used for cheaper toothbrushes, and badger hair for the more expensive
bristles were the only source of bristles until someone named Du
Pont invented nylon. The invention of nylon started the development
of the truly modern toothbrush in 1938, and by the 1950's softer nylon
bristles were being made, as people preferred these. The first
electric toothbrush was made in 1939 and the first electric
toothbrush in the US was the Broxodent in 1960.
both manual and electric toothbrushes come in many shapes and sizes
and are typically made of plastic moulded handles and nylon bristles.
The most recent toothbrush models include handles that are straight,
angled, curved, and contoured with grips and soft rubber areas to
make them easier to hold and use. Toothbrush bristles are usually
synthetic and range from very soft to soft in texture, although
harder bristle versions are available. Toothbrush heads range from
very small for young children to larger sizes for older children and
adults and come in a variety of shapes such as rectangular, oblong,
oval and almost round.
basic fundamentals have not changed since the times of the Egyptians
and Babylonians – a handle to grip, and a bristle-like feature with
which to clean the teeth. Over its long history, the toothbrush has
evolved to become a scientifically designed tool using modern
ergonomic designs and safe and hygienic materials that benefit us
Monday, 27 July 2015
Monday=Flag Information Day
Monday I will tell you a little about the Aboriginal flag this one
should be pretty well known but for those who don't know what it
looks like here it is.
this flag has been around since 12th July 1971, it was
designed by Harold Thomas and was first flown in Adelaide on the 12th
July 1971 before then there was no Australian Aboriginal Flag.
red stripe represents the land and the black symbolises the
Aboriginal people, the yellow circle represents the Sun, the giver of
flag was originally designed for the land rights movement, but has
since became a symbol of the Aboriginal people of Australia, is is
one of the official flags of Australia.
1994 at the Commonwealth Games Cathy Freeman caused a stir when she
carried both the Aboriginal Flag and the Australian Flag during her
victory lap after winning the 200 metres sprint as only the national
flag was meant to be displayed. Despite strong criticism from both
Games officials and the Australian team president Cathy again carried
both flags after winning the 400 metres.
1995 Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating decided that both the
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags should be given national
flag status despite opposition by the Liberal party. Nonetheless
nothing has changed and both flags still have national flag status.
building in Australia fly the Aboriginal flag as well as the
Australian flag, the first city council to fly the Aboriginal flag
was Newcastle City Council in 1977.
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Here's to Thursday, I feel awful
Thursday is here and this Thursday is going to a bit of this and a
bit of that post, we will kick it off with some school dramas.
school Leo goes to has a system that sends parent an automatic text
via sms when their child is absent from school, so yesterday Jessica
gets this text saying Leo was absent she rings her sister Natasha
(who takes the boys to school) and asks did you take Leo to school,
she says of course I did and Jessica broke down and said she had a
text about Leo not being there. Natasha jumps in her car and rushes
around to Jessica's place takes about 3 minutes to get there, and
they both try ringing the school but it isn't getting through. So
Natasha drives Jessica to the school who I might add is in a right
state, they get there and YES Leo is AT SCHOOL there was a computer
stuff up with Leo's name. Jessica was so upset that they took her
over to his class room so she could see him and give him a hug, have
to add Natasha although not crying was extremely upset herself.
number two concerns both boys, when I went to get Blain from school
this afternoon I am sitting in the car waiting the bell rang children
exit the school and no Blain this is not unusual he is often pretty
much the last child out. However, at 3.15 he still wasn't out this is
20 minutes after the bell went I go searching for him and he is off
playing handball yet again. I have told him a number of times not to
do that as I have to get Leo after I get him.
we are very late to get Leo as the time we where just leaving Blain's
school is usually the time we get to Leo's school, when we get to
Leo's school Blain says I'll go in and get him but when he goes to
enter the school the gate is locked, this caused Blain to get a
little worried and I said we will have to enter via the staff
car-park. Blain says you wait here nanna and I will go and runs off
as fast as he could to find Leo, when he got Leo, Leo is upset as
well he was worried we had forgotten about him.
am hoping this teachers Blain a bit of a lesson as to why he has to
come straight out to the car after the bell rings in the afternoon.
this morning I had a doctors appointment about what is called a care
plan this is plan they do for people with a chronic disease such as
Diabetes which I have, the appointment was for 10.30am but he was
running close to an hour late and then he was with me for a bloody
long time.
now have to see the podiatrist on the 3rd and exercise
physiologist on the 4th of next month, have to say this
new doctor is pretty good, I do like him he is very thorough and
explained to me what a fatty liver is, I knew it was fat around the
liver but didn't know what if anything could be done about it. The
answer is no there is nothing that can be done other then having my
diabetes well controlled and losing a bit of wait.
now have time to eat before leaving to get the boys from school, I
hope Blain isn't late getting out today. Speaking of Leo I drove him
to school this morning and guess what he wouldn't let me go and a
staff member had to pry him off me yet again. I rarely take him to
school because of this behaviour.
am not going to bother reading and blog posts today, I really just
don't feel like it as I am very stuffed up in the head and taking
cold tablets make me tired and oh yeah they tell you when you get
cold tablets not to take paracetamol as there is some in the tablets
but if you read the label you will notice that each table contains
about 250mg of paracetamol when a normal paracetamol table has 500mg
of paracetamol in them and you normal take 2 paracetamol tablets at a
time so to me it makes sense if you take 2 cold tablets with
paracetamol in them you should also take 1 paracetamol tablet. I,
however, took 2 cold tablets and 2 paracetamol tablets.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
History Tuesday...............Teddy Sheean
week I think I will tell you about a fella named Teddy Sheean,
"Teddy" Sheean was an ordinary seaman serving on HMAS
Armidale whose death during a Japanese aerial attack on his ship has
become a well-known episode in Australian Second World War
Teddy was born at Lower Barrington, Tasmania, on 28 December 1923. He received his education in a Catholic school at Latrobe in Tasmania and, having completed his schooling, worked on farms in the area where he grew up. He enlisted in the Royal Australian Naval Reserve in April 1941.
Teddy was born at Lower Barrington, Tasmania, on 28 December 1923. He received his education in a Catholic school at Latrobe in Tasmania and, having completed his schooling, worked on farms in the area where he grew up. He enlisted in the Royal Australian Naval Reserve in April 1941.
vessel on which he was billeted, the former ferry Kuttabul, was sunk
during the Japanese midget submarine attack on Sydney Harbour.
Fortunately for Sheean he was in Tasmania on home leave that night.
He returned to Sydney 11 days later to begin his service as an
Oerlikon anti-aircraft gunner on the newly commissioned corvette,
HMAS Armidale. Armidale spent her early months on relatively
uneventful convoy escort duties along Australia's east and northern
In October 1942 Armidale's captain, Lieutenant Commander David Richards, was ordered to Darwin and, on 29 November, the corvette began her last operation. Along with two other vessels, she was to undertake a resupply and evacuation mission to Japanese-occupied Timor.
Having been seen by Japanese reconnaissance pilots shortly after leaving the port, Armidale was destined for a dangerous journey. She and the other corvette on the operation, HMAS Castlemaine, missed the rendezvous with the third ship, in Timor's Betano Bay, but met her later some 100 kilometres off-shore. The plan having gone awry, Armidale was ordered to return to Betano the following night. Facing a long day in enemy waters and the certainty of attack, the crew waited.
When in the mid-afternoon she was hit by two aircraft-launched torpedoes, Armidale began to sink fast. Sheean was wounded and, rather than abandon ship, he strapped himself to his Oerlikon and began to engage the attacking aircraft even as the ship sunk beneath him. He shot down two planes, and crewmates recall seeing tracer rising from beneath the surface as Sheean was dragged under the water, firing until the end. He died on 1 December 1942 aged just 18. Only 49 of the 149 men on board survived the attack and subsequent ordeal on rafts and in life boats.
Teddy's actions deserved the Victoria Cross, an award for which he was not recommended at the time although he was Mentioned in Dispatches.
In October 1942 Armidale's captain, Lieutenant Commander David Richards, was ordered to Darwin and, on 29 November, the corvette began her last operation. Along with two other vessels, she was to undertake a resupply and evacuation mission to Japanese-occupied Timor.
Having been seen by Japanese reconnaissance pilots shortly after leaving the port, Armidale was destined for a dangerous journey. She and the other corvette on the operation, HMAS Castlemaine, missed the rendezvous with the third ship, in Timor's Betano Bay, but met her later some 100 kilometres off-shore. The plan having gone awry, Armidale was ordered to return to Betano the following night. Facing a long day in enemy waters and the certainty of attack, the crew waited.
When in the mid-afternoon she was hit by two aircraft-launched torpedoes, Armidale began to sink fast. Sheean was wounded and, rather than abandon ship, he strapped himself to his Oerlikon and began to engage the attacking aircraft even as the ship sunk beneath him. He shot down two planes, and crewmates recall seeing tracer rising from beneath the surface as Sheean was dragged under the water, firing until the end. He died on 1 December 1942 aged just 18. Only 49 of the 149 men on board survived the attack and subsequent ordeal on rafts and in life boats.
Teddy's actions deserved the Victoria Cross, an award for which he was not recommended at the time although he was Mentioned in Dispatches.
has subsequently been honoured in a well-known painting at the
Australian War Memorial and by having a Collins Class submarine named
after him in 1999 - the only vessel in the Royal Australian Navy to
be named after an ordinary seaman.
Monday, 20 July 2015
Hello Monday..............I wish it was still Sunday
it is now Monday and of course the weekend flew past in rush as per
usual, Monday is suppose to be a quiet day, I don't go out or do
anything much during the day.
hasn't been the case though, as at 8.45am this morning Natasha rings
me to ask if I would take Leo to school so I had to quickly change my
shoes and leave to go get him. Then when I get to Natasha's house she
asks me to take back the new shoes she bought for Blain yesterday and
exchange them for a larger size.
I take Leo to school, pay for his excursion and then head out to
Glendale to exchange the shoes only to find out that Kmart at
Glendale doesn't have his size, so had them ring Kotara and ask if
that store has them, they did so I have to go to Kmart at Kotara to
get his shoes. The shoes he needs for tomorrows performance for his
dance festival.
since getting home I read some blogs and had lunch and now I am
writing this, it is another cold day here was a bit wet here this
morning and in an hour or so I will have to go and get Blain and Leo
from school.
yeah I am sneezing and my nose is dripping and it is driving me
bloody batty. As mentioned Blain has a dance festival performance
tomorrow night in town at Newcastle Panthers club I wonder why on
earth they have to have these things at night in the middle of winter
and a good 20-25 minutes from home.
it will be me and Tim who will be taking Blain as Natasha will be at
work she would love to be able to take him but of course she can't.
So this week I am expecting to have Blain all week and Leo on
Saturday night.
that is all from me for this post, be happy, enjoy life and if it is
cold there stay warm if it's hot stay cool.
Friday, 17 July 2015
Thursday, 16 July 2015
What the hell it is Thursday how did that happen
Hello everyone I
have a couple of photos to share with you today was going to just
post them for Wordless Wednesday then I realised it was Thursday what
the hell how did that happen it feels like I have lost a day.
It must have been
because yesterday morning instead of going to see my nan, mum and I
went to Charlestown to do some shopping for socks, knickers and bras,
as on Friday mum finds she never seems to have the time or she
forgets about going to Best & Less which is not on the same level
of the other shops we go to.
Anyway back to the
photos here they are, this is a small gift I received from a bloody
wonderful blogger Nicole she can be found here:
I feel so blessed to receive these the necklace is a little tight but
I will just use my extender with it and it will be all good, in fact
I will wear it on Friday when I go shopping.
I can't say thank
you enough to Nicole if you have not visited her blog you should do
so, she is awesome.
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
History Tuesday.............Ultrasound
we are at another Tuesday afternoon, this week in History Tuesday I
am going to tell you a little about the history of the ultrasound why
because this morning I had to have one done on my stomach area. I
think we are used to ultrasounds although I am sure there are people
who only think they are used on pregnant women but that is far from
1794 Lazzaro Spallanzani a Physiologist was the first known man to
experiment with ultrasound.
in 1826 Jean Daniel Colladon and Physicist used under-water church
bell an early ultrasound transducer under-water to calculate the
speed of sound through water to prove that sound travelled faster
through water than air.
jump forward to 1915 when Paul Langevin another Physicist invents a
Hydrophone (1st transducer) to detect Icebergs and
Submarines during the first World War.
it wasn't till 1942 when a Neurologist and Psychiatrist Karl Dussik
at the University of Vienna used ultrasound for medical diagnosis he
was looking for brain tumours.
in 1948 George Ludwig M,D described the us of ultrasound to diagnosed
let's move onto a bit more about the use of ultrasounds here in
Australia, it was in 1962 that the first ultrasound machine was used
in obstetrics the machine consisted of a trolley running on a
circular track and performed compound scan motions. The patient
stood on a angled stretcher and her abdomen was brought into contact
with the flexible window on the wall of the coupling tank. That first
scan took place at the Royal Hospital for Women in Paddington, Sydney
on the 11 May 1962 and a week later on the 18th May the
examination showed that the foetus could clearly be displayed and
that some echoes were seen within the foetal boundary. Examples of
this work were presented by George Kossoff at a symposium, held at
the University of Illinois in the USA in June 1962 and was
acknowledged as the state-of-the-art for the time.
couple of years later in 1964 the first ophthalmic echoscope was
used at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Camperdown Sydney and in
1966 the first breast echoscope was installed at the Royal North
Shore Hospital in Sydney. In the early 1970's the same type of
ultrasound used to scan the abdomen was used to look at babies and
children’s brains. To scan with this machine each cross section had
to be scanned in 17 seconds.
sonographers' training in contact scanning techniques was undertaken
by scanning in rhythm with a metronome and timed by a stopwatch until
the technique was mastered. The later development of the analogue
scan converter, thankfully relaxed the method.
have come a long way since those first days, now days there are
several different scanning modes in medical and obstetric ultrasound,
the most common and standard is 2D scanning although 3D is also quiet
common now usually with obstetric scans, with 3D scanning instead of
the sound waves being sent straight down and reflected back they are
sent at d different angles, the returning echoes are processed by a
sophisticated computer program resulting in a reconstructed
three-dimensional volume image of the foetus’s surface or internal
ultrasound was patented by Olaf Von Ramm and Stephen Smith at Duke
University in 1987
Monday, 13 July 2015
Just a Monday Post
Hello Monday and what a
bloody cold Monday it has been, I am thinking I am going to have to
try and tell Blain he has to let me do my blog post before he can
have the computer during the days he is here. O didn't get a chance
on Friday to do a post as in the morning I was out shopping and in
the afternoon Blain was here, he was also here on Saturday as was Leo
and my granddaughters Sydney-May and Summer and by the time they all
left I just want to put my feet up and watch some telly.
Yesterday Natasha and
Jessica with their boys came over for breakfast and when they left
Tim and I popped out to the shops for a few things when I came home I
read some blog posts then I decided to take a break and watch telly,
then before I knew it Kathy was here dropping off Sydney-May, she had
a sleep over at nanna & pappa's house last night and she is still
here she will be staying here for the day while her mum is at work,
Kathy will pick her up around 2.30pn by that time Blain will be back
for the night.
School goes back
tomorrow so that means we will be having Blain here 3 or 4 nights a
week again he doesn't like staying at Jessica's place that much, he
does like it at times but he says not that much when he has to get up
and go to school the next day, I don't get what the difference is but
he says he likes being here and have to say I don't mind having him
here, same can be said for having Leo I like having him here and the
night we don't have Blain is the night we have Leo sleep over.
Not only is it cold
here it is wet I just looked outside and it is raining so I bet Tim
is glad he took the car to work today, he has been wanting to take
the car more when the weather is cold and or wet and I do understand
but unfortunately most days I need the car to pick the boys up from
school, so I have told him he can take it if he can bring the car
home by midday and take the bike back to work in the afternoon the
only days I really go out is Wednesday when I got to the nursing home
with mum and on Friday when I go out shopping and I also often like
to go shopping on Saturday morning as well.
Also due to Blain
hogging the computer I hand wrote a few letters to my pen pals over
the last few nights as I was getting a bit of a pile of letters to
answer and after blogging and such I found I kept forgetting to
answer them.
Tim loved having
Sydney-May here for the night he loved that she wanted to sit on his
lap and watch telly and when it was time for bed she came in and got
into bed with us, she thought it was so warm in between nanna and
pappa. She slept all night and has been a good girl this morning at
the moment she is drawing behind me and we have had the telly on her
shows all morning which is ok with me as I don't watch much telly in
the morning.
I have the heater on
and I am still cold what the hell is with
Thursday, 9 July 2015
It's Thursday and Blain is tickling me so this is all you get
Well since it is
Thursday and I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, Blain was here
and hogging the computer, I am going to try and get this written and
posted before he arrives for the night.
Ok I can't think of
anything to write about, I could tell that I went to the doctors and
my knee is fine just an internal bruise and normal wear and tear, he
said I should have normal use of it in the next week or so.
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
History Tuesday........................X-Ray
today I want to talk about X-Rays, why, well because yesterday I went
and had an X- Ray of my right knee. It is still sore after I had the
fall on the 17th June it is getting better, it's just slow
and the doctor wanted me to have an X- Ray to see what is happening.
This made me think of about X-Rays we take them for granted now days
but how many of us know how long they have been around for.
knew that the first X-Ray was in the late 1800's but wasn't sure when
or who discovered/invented X-Rays. So I decided to do a little
research and find out.
year was 1895 and a German by the name of Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen was
experimenting with vacuum tubes and cathode ray generators, he was
testing the effect of firing the cathode ray (they are beans of
electrons) within the tube and their remote effect on a nearby
fluorescent screen. Understand that, nope, that's ok neither do
shimmer of light was appearing, suggesting that an invisible ray was
being produced in the tube. It was only when he attempted to track
these rays when he noticed that a piece of cardboard did not hinder
the effect. He tested with thin pieces of metal next, finding varying
levels of transparency to the rays, however was shocked when he saw a
skeletal hand on the screen – the shadow of his hand.
spent the next weeks experimenting with these X-Rays,
after the common mathematical unknown, finally taking a famous image
of his wife’s hand that shocked the world. Within a month, the
technology was being used to image fracture bones, even though the
rays were still a scientific mystery.
was awarded the first Nobel Physics prize in 1901 for his discovery.
discovery transformed medicine almost overnight. Within a year, the
first radiology department opened in a Glasgow hospital, and the
department head produced the first pictures of a kidney stone and a
penny lodged in a child’s throat. Shortly after, an American
physiologist used X-rays to trace food making its way through the
digestive system. The public also embraced the new technology—even
carnival barkers touted the wondrous rays that allowed viewing of
one’s own skeleton.
Friday, 3 July 2015
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Things my mum has taught me......................will it matter
I am going to do a
number of posts about things that my mum has taught me, or things she
has always said that I agree with.
On of those things
is that she has already said will it matter in the long run, as a
young women I didn't get it but the older I have got the more I get
it and now I usually think to myself does it really matter. Will it
matter a year from now, or hell will it matter tomorrow so often the
answer is no.
Of course that
doesn't mean I don't get upset or angry over things that matter in
the here and now that is normal, but how upset or mad I get depends
on how important it will be tomorrow. I also think to myself a lot
that “it's done” so why bother getting so out of shape about it.
Usually we can't undo things, if it can be undone the do so if it
can't accept it has been done and try and work around it.
It is like going off
your head because your child has flooded the bathroom floor when they
had a bath or shower, it's done all you can do is clean up the mess
have a chat with your child and explain why it was wrong, if the
child is old enough get them to clean up the mess that will help them
understand why it was wrong, it is a big mess to clean up.
Going off your brain
about it is not going to make the mess not be there and will achieve
nothing expect making the child cry and giving yourself a headache.
How are you at
letting things go?
Do you replay over
and over things that have upset you or made you mad?
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Well, here we are at Thursday and Thursday are an easy day for me when it comes to blogging just posting links to new posts over at Random...