Thursday, 30 April 2015
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Good Afternoon, my special girl is out of hospital
afternoon world, how is everyone on this fine Tuesday afternoon?
had a somewhat busy morning, taking boys to school, driving Tasha to
her job network provider so she could finish off her white card and
then I had to go over to the hospital to pick up Jessica. Yes she is
home at last but of course she will not be going back to her place
for a little while as she is still in pain and finding it difficult
to get around, she has been given the all clear to go back to work in
a week or two depending on how she is feeling.
have decided that since I will have to pick either Blain or Leo up
early I will arrange with the school that one week Blain will got to
the office when he gets out and wait for me and the next week Leo
will do it this will start after Jessica goes back to work and that
way I will only have to the one boy out only 10 minutes early.
car is now not running at all so Jono has asked a mate to look at it
and tell her how much it will cost to get it repaired and if it is
too much she is going to sell it as is to whoever wants it and save
to get another car.
tonight I will have both Blain and Leo here again and Jessica as well
so hopefully they will not fight, they do have a tendency to fight
when together for any length of time.
yeah I woke this morning at around 3.30am to go to the loo and when I
got back to bed and checked the time I woke Tim and said don't you
have to get up, he looks at his clock and says no not yet, well I
thought he said he had to get up at 3.30am but I was too tired to
argue with him, well I get a text from him saying he overslept 45
minutes and I replied thought so.
just went off at me because Leo still likes to sleep with nan &
papa I do try to get him to sleep in the spare room and some nights
he will go to sleep in there but still ends up with me and Tim at
some point during the night.
hope Jessica gets her car back soon it has been in the shop being
repaired for over 2 weeks now closer to 3 weeks in fact.
Monday, 27 April 2015
Chocolate Soldiers
The 'Chocolate Soldiers' of New Guinea
By A. E. Lockrey
By A. E. Lockrey
The heat and the haze of the jungle
Enshroud them on every side,
The dank and the damp so insistent
They contend with in youthful pride:
Dark terrors are there in the lurking,
In shady concealment they hide,
But the defiant Chocolate Soldiers
Have suffered and bled and died.
Enshroud them on every side,
The dank and the damp so insistent
They contend with in youthful pride:
Dark terrors are there in the lurking,
In shady concealment they hide,
But the defiant Chocolate Soldiers
Have suffered and bled and died.
Through the trackless mountain passes,
Through the deadly swampland drear,
In the slush of endless mudlands
They plod; and the enemy near
Is crafty, and cunning and silent,
But the Chocos have no fear
As, shedding their blood in the jungle
They fight for their country so dear.
Through the deadly swampland drear,
In the slush of endless mudlands
They plod; and the enemy near
Is crafty, and cunning and silent,
But the Chocos have no fear
As, shedding their blood in the jungle
They fight for their country so dear.
And who will dare with sneering
To say they cannot face,
All this, and more if needs be
For the honour of their race?
And how can mind forget it,
And how can time efface,
Such valour must be given
In history’s page a place.
To say they cannot face,
All this, and more if needs be
For the honour of their race?
And how can mind forget it,
And how can time efface,
Such valour must be given
In history’s page a place.

Saturday, 25 April 2015
100 Years on and still going strong
Day goes beyond the anniversary of the landing on Gallipoli in 1915.
It is the day on which we remember Australians who served and died in
all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. The spirit of
Anzac, with its human qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice,
continues to have meaning and relevance for our sense of national
Canberra, the Memorial, in close cooperation with the Returned and
Services League of Australia ACT, hosts the:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commemorative Ceremony will
be held after the Anzac Day Dawn Service at the Aboriginal Memorial
plaque on the side of Mount Ainslie.
What is Anzac Day?
Day – 25 April – is one of Australia’s most important national
occasions. It marks the anniversary of the first major military
action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First
World War.
What does ANZAC stand for?
for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The soldiers in those
forces quickly became known as Anzacs, and the pride they took in
that name endures to this day.
Why is this day special to Australians?
war broke out in 1914 Australia had been a federated nation for only
13 years, and the new federal government was eager to establish its
reputation among the nations of the world. When Britain declared war
in August 1914 Australia was automatically placed on the side of the
Commonwealth. In 1915 Australian and New Zealand soldiers formed part
of the expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli peninsula in
order to open the Dardanelles to the allied navies. The ultimate
objective was to capture Constantinople (now Istanbul), the capital
of the Ottoman Empire, an ally of Germany.
Australian and New Zealand forces landed on Gallipoli on 25 April,
meeting fierce resistance from the Ottoman Turkish defenders. What
had been planned as a bold stroke to knock Turkey out of the war
quickly became a stalemate, and the campaign dragged on for eight
months. At the end of 1915 the allied forces were evacuated from the
peninsula, with both sides having suffered heavy casualties and
endured great hardships. More than 8,000 Australian soldiers had been
killed. The Gallipoli campaign had a profound impact on Australians
at home, and 25 April soon became the day on which Australians
remembered the sacrifice of those who died in the war.
the Gallipoli campaign failed in its military objectives, the
Australian and New Zealand actions during the campaign left us all a
powerful legacy. The creation of what became known as the “Anzac
legend” became an important part of the identity of both nations,
shaping the ways they viewed both their past and their future.
1916, Anzac Day was held on 25 April for the first time. It was
marked by a wide variety of ceremonies and services in Australia, a
march through London, and a sports day in the Australian camp in
Egypt. In London more than 2,000 Australian and New Zealand troops
marched through the streets; a London newspaper headline dubbed them
“the knights of Gallipoli”. Marches were held all over Australia;
in the Sydney march convoys of cars carried soldiers wounded on
Gallipoli and their nurses. For the remaining years of the war Anzac
Day was used as an occasion for patriotic rallies and recruiting
campaigns, and parades of serving members of the AIF were held in
most cities.
the 1920s Anzac Day became established as a national day of
commemoration for the more than 60,000 Australians who had died
during the war. In 1927, for the first time, every state observed
some form of public holiday on Anzac Day. By the mid-1930s all the
rituals we now associate with the day – dawn vigils, marches,
memorial services, reunions, two-up games – were firmly established
as part of Anzac Day culture.
the coming of the Second World War, Anzac Day also served to
commemorate the lives of Australians who died in that war. In
subsequent years the meaning of the day has been further broadened to
include those who were killed in all the military operations in which
Australia has been involved.
Day was first commemorated at the Memorial in 1942. At the time,
government orders prohibited large public gatherings in case of a
Japanese air attack, so it was a small occasion with neither a march
nor a memorial service. Since then, Anzac Day has been commemorated
at the Memorial every year.
What does it mean today?
recognise 25 April as an occasion of national remembrance, which
takes two forms. Commemorative services
held at dawn – the time of the original landing – across the
nation. Later in the day, former servicemen and servicewomen meet to
take part in marches through the major cities and in many smaller
centres. Commemorative ceremonies
more formal and are held at war memorials around the country. In
these ways, Anzac Day is a time at which Australians reflect on the
many different meanings of war.
The Dawn Service
is often suggested that the Dawn Service observed
on Anzac Day has its origins in a military routine still followed by
the Australian Army. The half-light of dawn was one of the times most
favoured for launching an attack. Soldiers in defensive positions
were woken in the dark before dawn, so by the time first light crept
across the battlefield they were awake, alert, and manning their
weapons; this is still known as the “stand-to”. As dusk is
equally favourable for battle, the stand-to was repeated at sunset.
the First World War, returned soldiers sought the comradeship they
had felt in those quiet, peaceful moments before dawn. A dawn vigil
became the basis for commemoration in several places after the war.
It is difficult to say when the first dawn services were held, as
many were instigated by veterans, clergymen, and civilians from all
over the country. A dawn requiem mass was held at Albany as early as
1918, and a wreath laying and commemoration took place at dawn in
Toowoomba the following year. In 1927 a group of returned men,
returning from an Anzac Day function held the night before, came upon
an elderly woman laying flowers at the as yet unfinished Sydney
Cenotaph at dawn. Joining her in this private remembrance, the men
later resolved to institute a dawn service the following year. Thus,
150 people gathered at the Cenotaph in 1928 for a wreath laying and
two minutes’ silence. This is generally regarded as the beginning
of organised dawn services. Over the years the ceremonies have
developed into their modern form and have also seen an increased
association with the dawn landings of 25 April 1915.
dawn services include the presence of a chaplain, but generally not
of dignitaries such as the governor-general. Originally, the services
were simple, and usually followed the military routine. Before dawn,
those who had gathered would stand while two minutes’ silence was
held. At the end of this time a lone bugler would play the Last Post
and then conclude the service with Reveille, the bugler’s call to
wake up.
recent times more families and young people have taken part in dawn
services. Reflecting this change, some services have become more
elaborate, incorporating hymns, readings, pipers, and rifle volleys.
Other services, though, have retained the simple format of the dawn
stand-to, familiar to so many soldiers.
The Anzac Day National Ceremony
the Australian War Memorial the National Ceremony takes place at
10.15 am in the presence of people such as the prime minister and the
governor-general. Each year the ceremony follows a pattern that is
familiar to generations of Australians.
typical Anzac Day National Ceremony may include the following
an introduction, hymn, prayer, an address, the laying of wreaths, a
recitation, the Last Post, a period of silence, the playing of either
the Rouse or the Reveille, and the national anthem. After the
Memorial’s ceremony families often place red poppies on the Tomb of
the Unknown Australian Soldier or beside the names of relatives on
the Memorial’s Roll of Honour, as they do after Remembrance
Day services.
Lest we forget........................
Thursday, 23 April 2015
I have some news to share, my daughter Jessica was operated on
yesterday afternoon, she is recovering ok still has drainage tube in
her stomach but is off the pain-relieving drip but still not feeling
that great, she doesn't know when she will be home as yet. However,
that is probably a good thing as this is what her front lawn looks
like and her street is without electricity and the street is still
cornered off due to fallen trees. Leo of course is here and he is
fine not distressed in any way about his mum not being here and being
in hospital.
other news some may have heard about the elderly lady who was killed
in Maitland due to her car being swept away in flood waters. Well it
turns out the woman is my sister in-laws grandmother, so her family
are shocked and sadden by this, they were worried yesterday about her
when they saw the car on the news and realised it looked like her
car, so they tried to ring her and were unable to contact her.
is a photo from Facebook of Sydney harbour bridge, thought it was a
wow photo so sharing it as well.
is working five nights a week at her new cleaning job and either me
or Jono have Blain while she is at work,he is suppose to be picked up
by his dad this afternoon sometime I don't know when though I was
told between 4-5pm but it is now 5.10pm and he still isn't here.
will be off school till Monday while they continue to clean up the
school after the storm, Leo went back to school today but there are a
number of school still closed till Monday.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Wet, Windy, Cold and in hospital
I am on a very wet, windy and cold Tuesday afternoon at last writing
a post for the day, and what a day has it been, some of you might
here on the news about the terrible storm that has it the Hunter
Valley today and yes I live in the Hunter Valley, Newcastle is part
of the Hunter Valley it is the lower part of the Hunter Valley.
let's go back to last night, that is when the bad weather started and
my daughter Jessica was yet again in a great deal of pain and I had
no car so was unable to go to her, it got that bad that she managed
to drive herself here, yes she had rung the ambo's but the paramedic
told her it was stress and muscle pain and did nothing. Well after
about an hour my niece Kelli turned up to drop Blain off for the
night while Tasha was at work, and because Jessica was in so much
pain screaming and crying she decided to take her to the John Hunter
Hospital (our main hospital).
morning I woke up to a note from Kelli that said Jessica had been
admitted to the hospital and would tell me more later. Seems Jessica
has pancreatitis and will need her gallbladder removed, that
hopefully will happen tomorrow. More about that later.
to the weather it has been very bad here, Tasha went to Jessica's
place to meet some guy who was suppose to be picking up the work van,
(he never turned up) and while there the tree next to the van was
uprooted and the power lines came down. The tree missed Natasha by centimeters and gave her a terrible fright, all she could thing was
that if it had hit her it would have killed her, she managed to get
her car out of the driveway and came back here very shaken up and
Kelli went back to pick up some clothes for Jessica the road was
closed and the SES would not let her pass.
rode the motorbike to work this morning silly man, and wanted me to
go and get him at 7.30 tonight but at 4pm he walked in the door,
another driver drove him home as all the buses had been pulled off
the road. I will have to drive him to work in the morning and he is
hoping that by the time he knocks off it will be ok and he will be
able to ride the bike home safely.
Monday, 20 April 2015
Albert Jacka, have you heard of him? No, didn't think so
I am going to tell you a bit about a fella names Albert Jacka, let me
guess you have no idea who he is well I also had no idea who he was
till he was mentioned on a tv program I was watching recently.
Jacka, VC,
was born on the 10th
January 1893 and was the first Australian to be awarded the Victoria
Cross during the first world war, the highest the
highest decoration for gallantry "in the face of the enemy"
that can be awarded to members of the British and Commonwealth armed
received the medal for his actions during the Gallipoli
He later served on the Western Front
was twice further decorated for his bravery.
was to receive his VC for his actions at Courtney’s Post, on the
May 1915 the Turks launched an assault against the Anzac line,
capturing a section of the trench on end of which was guarded by
Jacka for several minutes he fired warning shots into the trench wall
until reinforcements arrived. He then attempted to enter the trench
with three others; all but Jacka were either wounded or pinned.
was then decided that while a feint attack was made from the same
end, Jacka would attack from the rear. The party then proceeded to
engage the Turks with rifle fire, throwing in two bombs as Jacka
skirted around to attack from the flank. He climbed out onto "no
man's land",
entering the trench via theparapet.
In the resulting conflict, Jacka shot five Turkish soldiers and
others, forcing the remainder to flee the trench; he then held the
trench alone for the remainder of the night. Jacka’s platoon
commander, Lieutenant Crabbe, informed him the following morning that
he would be recommended for his bravery.
the conclusion of the war, Jacka returned to Australia and entered
business; establishing the electrical goods importing and exporting
business Roxburgh, Jacka & Co. Pty Ltd.
He was later elected to the local council, where he became the mayor
of the City of St
Kilda. Jacka never fully recovered from the multiple wounds he
sustained during his war service, and died at the age of 39.
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Hey hey it's Saturday, with Five things Friday and my grandchildren
hey it's Saturday yes it is now Saturday morning around 11.15 in my
part of the world and have to say yesterday was one hectic day. I did
the usual Friday stuff but for some reason I forgot to get tomatoes
and onions and frozen pizza for Tim this of course pissed him off,
but you know what pissed me off, it was him saying that I never think
of him ever. Yeah Tim that's right I never think about you what a
load of shit.
around 2pm Tasha dropped off Blain and Leo and around 3pm Michael
dropped off Sydney-May and Summer, yes I had all four grandchildren
last night and this morning. Although Natasha picked Blain up early
around 8ish and Jessica is here now but Kathy will not be here to get
the girls till around 1.30pm.
are you wondering what my five things for Friday would have been, no,
to bad going to tell you anyway.
yeah before I go I will tell you that at 10pm last night I had to
ring Kathy-Lee as Summer started to cry at 9.30pm and would not
settle down she was working herself into a right state so I ended up
ringing Kathy and Michael came straight out and picked her up and
took her home, he brought her back this morning around 8.30ish.
the little ones were pretty well behaved and this morning Sydney-May
has been outside playing with the neighbours children and Summer has
been going outside and coming back inside and out again watching
telly on and off.
will soon see if I can get Summer to have a nap.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Tablet taking
how do you like to take it, do you prefer tablets or medicine?
you are taking a heap of tablets such as between 10-20 tablets at a
time do you like to take them one at a time or do you split them up
into 3 or 4 at a time, or maybe you just split the amount in half or
do you take all of them in one go.
week my sister Sandra was giving her daughter Temika a small 10mg
phenergan tablet well poor Temika drank three glasses of water trying
to get the tablet to go down and after each drink Sandy would say is
it gone and Temika would poke her tongue out and the tablet was still
there. After the third glass of water Sandy cracked up and said
“that's ok Jo” Temika replied “I'm not Aunty Jo” Sandy told
her I know sweetheart but when Aunty Jo was little like you she was
unable to swallow a little blue tablet either and just like has
happened to you the tablet would dissolve on her tongue.
is true I was unable to swallow tablets for many years I was in my
late teens when I was able to swallow tablets without much drama,
nowadays, however, I can throw back 15-20 tablets and swallow them in
one go.
have said jokingly that if I was to want to overdose on tablets I
would be able to do it pretty easy as I have no trouble swallowing a
heap of tablets and lets be honest here if I had a bottle of sleeping
tablets and wanted to overdose on them I would just take the whole
lot in one go. Don't worry I have no interest in doing that, I also
don't take sleeping pills in fact my doctor wouldn't give them to me
even if I asked.
takes his medication by us dissolving the tablet in a small amount of
water, he is good at taking his medication thankfully.
takes only 4 tablets a night and has to take them one by one, damn I
would just take the whole lot in one go, I take a total of 20 tablets
at night a mixture of prescribed medication and vitamin tablets and I
take 10 at a time, I could take them all in one go but don't like to
take a few of the tablets too early as they make me very sleepy.
Thankfully I only take between 8-10 tablets of a morning and I take
all them in one go.
Monday, 13 April 2015
Oskar Schindler
Many of us have seen
or heard of the movie Schindler's List which was based on the book
Schindler's Ark written by Thomas Keneally who for those who don't
know is an Australian author.
Anyway Oskar
Schindler was a real person granted not a good looking as Liam Neeson
played him in the movie but a real person none the less. There is a
website about the man here:
However, I will tell you a little about the man here just because I
He was born in 1908
and grew up in Zwittau, Moravia wherever that is, I Goggled it and it
is the Czech Republic. In 1936 he joined the Abwehr aka intelligence
service of Nazi Germany and in 1939 he joined the Nazi Party. He was
an industrialist a spy and in time a man who cared enough to save
around 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust.
In 1938 he was
arrested for espionage by the Czech government but was released under
the terms of the Munich Agreement, although he continued to collect
information for the Nazis in Poland in 1939.
It was in 1939 that
he obtained an enamelware factory in Poland which employed around
1,750 workers about a thousand of those were Jews, his Abwehr
connections helped him protect his Jewish workers from deportation
and death in the Nazi concentration camps.
He started out
wanting to make money this was his main goal but in later years he
became more interested in shielding his workers without regard for
the cost involved. As time went on he had to give Nazi officials
larger and larger bribes and luxury gifts obtained on the black
market to keep his workers safe.
His factories were
located in occupied Poland and the Czech Republic by 1944 Germany was
losing the war and the SS began closing down the easternmost
concentration camps and evacuating the remaining prisoners westward.
Schindler convinced SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Amon Goth commandant of the
nearby Krakow-Plaszow concentration camp, to allow him to move his
factory to Brunnlitz, thus sparing his workers from certain death in
the gas chambers.
names provided by Jewish
Ghetto Police
Marcel Goldberg, Göth's secretary Mietek
and typed the list of 1,200 Jews who travelled to Brünnlitz in
October 1944. Schindler continued to bribe SS officials to prevent
the execution of his workers until the end of World War II in Europe
in May 1945, by which time he had spent his entire fortune on bribes
and black-market purchases of supplies for his workers.
15 October 1944 a train carrying 700 men on Schindler's list was
initially sent to the concentration camp at Gross-Rosen, where the
men spent about a week before being re-routed to the factory in
Brünnlitz. Three hundred female Schindlerjuden
similarly sent to Auschwitz, where they were in imminent danger of
being sent to the gas chambers. Schindler's usual connections and
bribes failed to obtain their release. Finally after he sent his
secretary, Hilde Albrecht, with bribes of black market goods, food
and diamonds, the women were sent to Brünnlitz after several
harrowing weeks in Auschwitz.
addition to workers, Schindler moved 250 wagon loads of machinery and
raw materials to the new factory. Few if any useful artillery shells
were produced at the plant. When officials from the Armaments
Ministry questioned the factory's low output, Schindler bought
finished goods on the black market and resold them as his own. The
rations provided by the SS were insufficient to meet the needs of the
workers, so Schindler spent most of his time in Kraków, obtaining
food, armaments, and other materials. His wife Emilie remained in
Brünnlitz, surreptitiously obtaining additional rations and caring
for the workers' health and other basic needs. Schindler also
arranged for the transfer of as many as 3,000 Jewish women out of
Auschwitz to small textiles plants in the Sudetenland in an effort to
increase their chances of surviving the war.
January 1945 a trainload of 250 Jews who had been rejected as workers
at a mine in Goleschau in Poland arrived at Brünnlitz. The boxcars
were frozen shut when they arrived, and Emilie Schindler waited while
an engineer from the factory opened the cars using a soldering iron.
Twelve people were dead in the cars, and the remainder were too ill
and feeble to work. Emilie took the survivors into the factory and
cared for them in a makeshift hospital until the end of the war.
Schindler continued to bribe SS officials to prevent the slaughter of
his workers as the Red Army approached On 7 May 1945 he and his
workers gathered on the factory floor to listen to British Prime
Minister, announce on the radio Germany's surrender.
moved to West Germany after the war, where he was supported by
assistance payments from Jewish relief organisations. After receiving
a partial reimbursement for his wartime expenses, he moved with his
wife to Argentina, where they took up farming. When he went bankrupt
in 1958, Schindler left his wife and returned to Germany, where he
failed at several business ventures and relied on financial support
from Schindlerjuden
Jews") – the people whose lives he had saved during the war.
He was named Righteous
Among the Nations
the Israeli government in 1963.
died on 4 October 1974 in Hildesheim, Germany, and was buried in
Jerusalem on Mount Zion, the only member of the Nazi party to be
honoured in this way.
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Sunday at my place
you wear an apron?
do usually on the weekend when I am cooking for the family, I think
many people nowadays don't but I may be wrong about that so I am
putting the question out there and we will see what others say.
about paper on the kitchen sink or bench, on which you place rubbish
to be wrapped before thrown in the bin.
do, I remember my great aunt Joyce use to have paper on the kitchen
bench and now I do.
you peel vegetables do you peel them onto paper, or into the sink or
maybe you peel them straight into the bin? I prefer to peel them onto
paper or into the bin my mum likes to peel them in the sink under
running water that I find annoying.
girls were here early and as such we had an early lunch more like
brunch, this was because I said tell me when to cook lunch and they
said now please so I did, now I wonder how much longer they will stay
here, not that I am bothered by them being here, although if I knew
they would be here so early I wouldn't have had breakfast oh well I
will not eat again till late this afternoon.
they are having an argument about parenting styles and giving me a
headache., trying to change the topic didn't help. Now though they
are all leaving and I will have a quiet house and it is only 12.15pm.
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Hey Hey it's Saturday
Hey it's Saturday, now I am starting this at 7.40am and will write
about my day during the day and let's see how we go, first thing I
just took my morning tablets and for some reason they wouldn't go
down and I had to spit them out now I have a terrible taste in my
mouth. So I have popped in a fresh mint to get rid of the taste. I am
busy reading blogs as I do each morning, well I try to spend a couple
of hours reading blogs of a morning, some days of course I don't have
the time.
had to go down and bank some Avon money and pick Tim up some money
bags, he has only been asking me to get them for a month.
don't have much planned for the day, Kathy just rang and said she
would be over this afternoon to talk to her dad about something.
spent a bit of time researching my grandfathers RAAF service recorded
during WW11took a while but found something, he was a leading
aircraftman and enlisted by lying about his age which on one site has
it listed as the 4th October 1924 but on another it says
10 April 1924, this is the one we all know he used so not sure where
the 4th October date came from.
it is now 3.20pm I just had a lay down for about an hour, didn't
sleep just laid in a dark room but when I heard Tim's motorbike I got
up and decided to finish this off and post it, not much happened
today but that is ok we all need nice quiet nothing happening days
don't we. Tomorrow the girls and grandchildren will be here for lunch
I have already taken the steak out of the freezer, yeah I am doing
steak and veggies for lunch.
Friday, 10 April 2015
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Motivation Thursday Believe in you
you believe in yourself?
you believe that each new day brings new possibilities?
do, it has taken me most of my life to come to this point, for most
of my life I would just drift and go through the life not thinking of
what each day could be. Now I realise that each day is a blessing, we
can do so much during a day or we can do very little, sometimes doing
very little is a good thing we all need to be able to just chill and
do nothing during a day.
feel that often we are so busy each day we don't realise how much we
do, we don't think about all that has happened in the day.
we fall into bed at the end of the day we give little to no thought
about what the next day will bring, we generally just accept that the
next day will be pretty much the same as the day that has just past.
However, each new day brings it's own set of highs and lows, we
usually don't like the lows but the lows in life help us appreciate
the highs more, well I think so.
need to believe that we are entitled to all the good things that come
our way, when we don't think we deserve good things in life then
instead of seeing things that happen as being perhaps a good thing we
tend to only see the bad things. Believing in ourselves allows us to
accept that good stuff is allowed in our lives.
need to face each day as a day that has so much in it for us, good
stuff, bad stuff, happy stuff and sad stuff but each day is a good
day we are alive and we should embrace each and every day.
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Monday catch it's Tuesday..............what the hell
all for some reason I didn't get around to doing a post yesterday, I
don't know why that happened after spending a couple of hours first
thing in the morning reading blogs I decided to make a start of
answering my mail.
around midday Tim said he wanted to go to the local hotel to have a
couple of beers and place a couple of bets on the ponies, he has
never wanted to do this before in his life. That said we went after
sharing a bowl of chips and gravy I was pleased that the gravy came
in a small jug on the side as I don't like soggy chips, after
watching one race I left him there and came home and but my feet up
and watched a recorded show on the telly and then Tim rings for me to
go and get him.
just after getting back Kathy-Lee and Summer turned up, Kathy wanted
some arts and crafts stuff for Summer to use and I had a bunch of
scrap-booking stuff I didn't want, so I gave that to her.
then I had started to feel unwell and Jessica turned up with Leo, he
stayed here last night to give her a break, no one took my girls to
give me a break but I am a big softy and will take my grandchildren
when asked. We will have Blain on Wednesday night, we have never had
Sydney-May and Summer but that will change on the 17th
when we are suppose to have both girls for the night and the
following morning.
is on late starts this week so he is in bed at the moment, he will
have to leave around 9.30am for work and I will take Leo back to his
mother around 10am and then I should have a quiet day.
other news Natasha has advertised her car for sale, she wants around
$3,500 but she will be lucky to get $3,000 but I said no harm in
first advertising it at a higher price so she has advertised it for
4,000 to start with. It is on
so we will see how she goes.
far as I know my sister Sandra and bro in-law still want to buy
Jessica's Falcon for $1,500 but she wants the money paid in one go
and not have it paid off as she has been burnt in the past with
people saying they will pay something off and her not getting all the
money in the end so she will not do that again.
that is all I have for today's post, I know it may not be the most
interesting of posts but such is life, well such is my life since
this is what the post is about my life.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Sunday at my place
to my Sunday, it has been truly a lazy Sunday. I have spent most of
the day watching telling after blogging for a couple of hours this
morning and doing a load of washing. Thankfully it has been a fine
day and all the washing dried on the line also after a few weeks of
having my washing machine not spin drying the clothes I have figured
out what to do. Last week when I did the washing I did a small load
of just Tim's work shirts and pants and that load spun dried so this
time I tried doing a couple of small loads and yes that worked so now
I know to do small loads instead of a large load.
has been at work all day and I have just chilled doing very little I
like days like this, tomorrow Tim is off again so not sure what we
will be doing.
I had all the girls and grandchildren here for lunch, I did a beef
casserole as requested by Jessica, at the time I was dishing up Tim
said he didn't feel like anything and would have some later. Well
what did he do after a few hours he decides he doesn't want any
casserole as he doesn't like casseroles, so I ended up having the
last of it for tea.
last night it was quiet cool here and I would have been fine in my
nightie and ¾ pants but Tim decided it was hot, meaning he was hot
and wanted the front door open, so I had to go and change my pants
into some long pants.
was also annoyed when at 7pm he said you're going to bed so I will
pick something to watch I was like I am not going to bed right now. I
hate it when he says things like this it really pisses me off but it
was ok we watched the old Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz movie The Long
Long Trailer.
that is all I have for today's post
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