Thursday, 30 November 2023

Working Life in the 1890's

Here we are at another Thursday with some more about working in the late 1800's.

Before the widespread connection of plumbing to rooms other than the kitchen or scullery and before bathroom water heater. Water for the family baths was usually heated in the kitchen and carried by a housemaid to the bathroom. I wonder how often one of these poor servants scolded themselves with the hot water.

Then there is the cooking another time consuming task for the cook and helpers, she would be expected to prepare and cook three meals a day as well as dishes for morning and afternoon tea. The food of course would have to meet the mistress's wishes. Things like peeling the veggies would not have been as easy with no spud peeler, they were not invented till 1947.

I suspect it took a hell of a lot longer to make pastry which would be needed for the pies and tarts that the cook was expected to make each week. Sweet delicacies would be expected to be on hand at any time.

Then after cooking and meals are done there is the washing up which involved heating and carrying bloody hot water again. Then of course there was the polishing of silver which didn't just mean the cutlery but also the many other silver articles displayed by the wealthy households. Such things like teapots, vases and other decorative table centrepieces.

Then we have the dusting which was expect to be done pretty much every day as the household was suppose to be dust free and polished at all times. 

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Aussie Slang


Hello and welcome to Wednesday a day for some Aussie slang this week we have the following words.

Salvos: Salvation Army

Sanger: Sandwich

Servo: Petrol Station

Shelia: A woman

Shonky: Dubious or Underhanded

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Creature Day


Here we are at another Tuesday and another creature this week we have the Cassowary.

A Cassowary stands as tall as some people and are considered by some to be Australia's most dangerous bird although many of us have never seen one except in a zoo.

They have a stretched neck, a scaly blue head with red flaps of skin that hang from its throat referred to as “wattles”. On top of its head is a most eye catching “helmet” made of toughened skin hard on the outside but spongy inside.

Males raise the young and will protect them at any cost, it has a 12cm long middle claw which can be used like a dagger to disembowel predators. Cassowary kicks are powerful enough to break bones and kill.

They are flightless birds without a keel on their sternum bones. Cassowaries are native to the tropical forests of New Guinea, the Aru Islands, and northeastern Australia. Three cassowary species are extant.

The southern cassowary is listed as endangered in the Wet Tropics region and with only an estimated 4400 cassowaries left in the wild, every cassowary is precious.

Monday, 27 November 2023

The Role of the Sheriff in Australia


Hello Monday I am off this morning for family cuppa with cousins I don't remember, my sister Sue is going to pick me up and take me. Anyway here we are at another post about Australia this week we will touch on the role of Sheriff Officers here in Australia.

Sheriff's Officers are authorised to exercise a range of law enforcement powers, including service of documents, execution of writs, warrants and orders to recover unpaid fines or judgement debts. Execution of orders can lead to the seizure and sale of goods and land if the order is not immediately satisfied.

They take action against people who do not comply with their debt-related court orders. They enforce warrants and orders issued by Victorian courts for both criminal (arising from unpaid fines) and civil (arising from orders made following civil disputes) matters.

NSW Sheriff’s Office they conduct law enforcement, security and support activities to ensure the safe and successful operation of state courts.

They also administer the NSW jury service system, a massive operation which involves more than 200,000 citizens each year. More than 400 specially trained Sheriff's officers, court officers and clerical staff are employed at 58 Sheriff's offices across the state.

Next week I will tell you a little about their history.

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Week 47 of 2023


Up washed and dressed for the day, not warm nor cold but I am glad I am in long pants. At 9am I changed into shorts.

Tasha came down and washed her car on our lawn as hers is mostly dirt.

Had a phone call from Dave and Leigh it was nice talking to them but there was a lot of background noise.

A new week, starting well as I am awake after a good night's sleep, although I have woken with a headache but not a bad one, it's just there. It is a cool start to the day.

In fact it is a much cooler day also a somewhat restless day for me.

Had the headache all day not bad just there still.

Kathy sent a message via text to tell us she is getting married tomorrow, I am only now able to say something, Tim has known for a while but it is a surprise to me. I have no idea what I am going to wear I guess the prettiest dress I can find.

Tasha is in a right mood over Kathy getting married tomorrow I really don't understand it but I was expecting it.

I ended up having Tim go to the post office for me I had a dozen letters to post.


Last night I sent Jess a text asking if she could help me get ready today for the wedding but forgot she worked all night didn't get home till 6.30am and will in bed asleep so unable to help.

Managed to get myself dressed for the wedding on my own.

The wedding was a simple occasion there was some really nice food afterwards made my Jenny (Michael's Mum).

I id feel left out sitting and watching and feeling sad and wanting to cry at times, thinking about how I wished Mum was there with me. Kathy of course looked so pretty as did the girls.

We arrived home around 3pm

A new day has arrived and I am feeling ok, not great but ok.

Sue called in to see me, she wasn't here long and it was as always nice to see her.

Haven't done much today just no motivation to do stuff.

Up, washed and dressed by 5am as I woke at 2am to pee went back to sleep, heard what I thought was the 3am news but after tossing and turning for a bit I checked the time and it was 4.30am so I got up.

Kathy rang and told me that yesterday Martin was really bad, I didn't think he looked good on Wednesday.

I was able to answer a few letters, including one new pen pal, I like getting new penpals.

Sam was complaining that he doesn't have enough clothes and he doesn't know where they went, he is forever losing stuff mostly clothes. He likes to have enough clothes to get through the week before needing to do a load of washing. Yes Sam does his own washing has done for years now.

Another 4.30am start I heard the 4am news and afterwards found I wasn't able to get comfortable so after tossing and turning for a while I got up and when I checked the time it was 4.30am.

I changed a couple of things on my desk moved two lots of storage units that I had sitting on my desk.

I also answered three letters.

Rained on and off most of the day.

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts


Hello everyone I hope those of my followers who celebrate Thanksgiving had a good one, I had planed to do this post yesterday but after another I just gave up if it wasn't the computer being a bitch it was interruptions of one sort or another.

This morning it is wet outside with according to my weather app 100% chance of rain today, I am wearing shorts so not a cold day nor is it hot.

I have been thinking about how far I have come in a year, this time last year I couldn't do so many things, often needing the wheelchair when we went out and now I don't. I am back to walking pretty much everywhere I do, however, get annoyed when people say that's good but you can better. Why oh why do they feel the need to add that bit.

I can also now shower myself again, dress myself and do the everyday things a person does. I still have trouble cutting up meat and other food items to eat and have to ask for help.

I have always managed to blog and write to pen pals these two things gave me a reason to get up of a morning and carry on. Another motivation to get up each day Monday to Friday was/is Sam accompanying Sam up to wait for the transport drive each day is something I look forward to.

You know what else I can do that a year ago I couldn't do, write as in hold a pen and write word on paper, I could manage to print a few words but writing as in cursive writing but now I can. Ok there still little chance other people can read it but I can and that means something, because let's be honest here my handwriting has always been a messy near unreadable scribble I have been told so many times.

Ok that's all that has come to mind this morning.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

A Wedding


Good morning all, here we are at Thursday but no working life post today as I have something a little different, I was informed on Tuesday night that the following day Wednesday as in yesterday our eldest daughter would be getting married at lunch time yesterday.

So I went to a wedding yesterday, Kathy says I look sad in the photos I am not in many. I was sad I missed my mum being with me so I would have someone to talk to. Yes I could talk to Tim but it's not the same.

 was happy to see Kathy & Michael get married but I felt left out, Jenny (Michael's Mum) did a fantastic job at arranging things and preparing food. There was only 11 people present the bride & groom their parents, the celebrant a friend of Michael's parents to took photos and another friend of Jenny's who helped with the food and such. Also of course there was Sydney-May & Summer.

When Jenny took Kathy off and did Kathy's make up which looked good I had a left out feeling. I felt like I didn't belong yes I know these are silly feelings but I can't change how I felt.

Jessica is pleased for them but not bothered by not being invited, Tasha, however, feels different, she is rightly pissed off, as she feels that Kathy is embarrassed by our family there have been a couple of things in the past that gave that impression and Tasha holds onto things, were I let things go and move one.

Tasha is the person who introduced Kathy Micheal years back and I maybe wrong but I suspect there is a bit hurt feelings felt by Tasha and when Tasha feels hurt it can take either a bloody long time or never for her to feel ok again.

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Aussie Slang


Here we are at another day of Aussie Slang, so here we go.........

Rip Snorter: Bloody fantastic or great

Road Trains: Large truck with many trailers

Ropeable: Very angry

Root: To have sex

Rooted: Something is stuffed up as in broken, doesn't work

or to be worn out or exhausted

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Creature Day


Good morning Tuesday here we are still checking out some creatures this week we have Guineafowl Pufferfish also known as the Arothron meleagris, but of course it is commonly known as the guineafowl puffer or golden puffer, is a pufferfish from the Indo-Pacific, and Eastern Pacific. It is occasionally harvested for the aquarium trade. It reaches 50 cm in length

The guineafowl puffer is a poor swimmer and can easily be caught by predators. However, when threatened, this species has the incredible ability to swallow water and inflate itself to several times its normal size. Though the process takes a few seconds, it is quite effective at scaring off predators. However it isn't its only defence its also covered in spines is highly poisonous if eaten.

It is either bright yellow or black with yellow spots, the dark ones are more toxic. It has four large constantly growing teeth that are joined together to form a beak-like structure. It eats squid, krill, calms, crabs and other hard shell crustaceans which help wear the teeth down.

Monday, 20 November 2023

The Rum Corps


Good morning all, and hello Monday, since I just told you all a bit about the history of the NSW Police Force o thought I would take a step backwards and look at the Rum Corps.

The New South Wales Corps, sometimes known as The Rum Corps was a regiment of the British Army, formed in England in 1789, to relieve the New South Wales Marine Corps, which had accompanied the First Fleet to Australia. The regiment was comprised of officers on half pay, troublemakers, soldiers paroled from military prisons and those with few prospects.

It became known as the 'Rum Corp' because of the monopoly its officers held over the lucrative rum trade, taking full advantage of the shortage of official currency in the colony at the time. Rum was used in place of cash.

The use of rum as a currency began around 1790. Rum was brought into the colony and controlled by a small number of people who became very rich. The problem with rum as a currency was that many workers were paid in rum and, instead of using it to buy the goods and services they needed, they drank it.

The comes the Rum Rebellion, which started on the 26 January 1808 which saw an uprising in which Gov. William Bligh of New South Wales (1806–08), who had earlier been the victim of the famous Bounty mutiny, was deposed by local critics, most of whom had ties with the New South Wales Corps.

It was fuelled by Bligh's drastic methods of limiting the rum traders' powers and his attempts to end the domination of the officer clique, while an immediate cause was the arrest of the sheep-breeder John Macarthur in his role as liquor merchant and distiller.

This was the only time in Australian history that a government was overthrown by a military coup. The military stayed in power for two years until Lachlan Macquarie, the fifth Governor of NSW, assumed office at the beginning of 1810.

What became of the Rum Corps well they along with, Botany Bay Rangers, Rum Puncheon Corps, The Condemned. After being renamed, it was transferred to Bermuda and Nova Scotia, before seeing action against the United States in the War of 1812. The regiment was disbanded in 1818.

Sunday, 19 November 2023

Week 46 of 2023


A new day and I am in shorts from the get go. I needed to cover my computer chair with a blanket as my legs were sticking to the chair which is so annoying.

I was done with the shopping and when I went to submit the problems started, problems that took over 2hrs to sort out and come good.

Sue brought me over an early birthday prezzy, just some homemade brownies as she knows I like them but I am unable to make them myself now days.

After a good nights sleep I am up washed and dressed ready for the day.

Tim off to another doctor's appointment then he has to go into work before he come home.

Kelli called in to see me and pick up her gifts cards, she didn't stay long but it was nice seeing her and having a hug.

Tim was gone a couple of hours after he left I turned the TV off and when he got back he asked me I how long ago I turned it off I told him, he was a tad surprised.

Yesterday it was bloody hot and today it is not at all.

Up at 4.30 this morning only because I was awake and couldn't be bothered just laying in bed. I then spent 45minutes getting the computer to play nice a work ok, which it is doing now.

Been trying to order a school jacket for Sam but not working the page will not load. I sent an email to the school who sent me another link which worked and all was went well. Jacket is now ordered.

I will be meeting Sam as Tim isn't home yet.

A new day I put shorts on but the shorts I had pulled out were the ones that are too short in leg. So I had to change into ¾ pants.

I of course ended up hot after changing my pants.

The plumber came about the weird leak we have around the bottom of the toilet at the front, he couldn't see what was causing it and it only happens every now and again.

I tried on a couple of dresses to see what I could wear tomorrow for my appointment with Dr Babu both of them felt far too uncomfortable around the upper arms, and since both I have had for many years I decided to toss them in the donation bag of old clothes. Like many women I have chicken wing arms and liked to cover them but now I don't give a rats ass about my big arms and wear mostly sleeveless top and dresses.


I have been up since 4.40am, woke to pee and stayed up.

I have an appointment at Westmead with Dr Babu my neurologist at 1.20 this afternoon so we will leave around 10ish.

Before leaving Tasha & Jess came over to wish me happy birthday and give gifts, Jess gave me a new tablet and Tasha gave me a cover for the tablet. Tim gave me cordless headphones. I have done well.

The appointment went well, we got home at 5pm. There has been a change in my medication she increased the Sifrol changed the Madopar from 100mg to 200mg so will take one tablet 4 times a day instead of 2 tablets. She has added a new medication as well. I can't read what the medication is so more on that when I get the script filled. I know I will be taking one tablet of a morning.

Tried to USB drive in the car and again only some of the music played so frustrating.

Woke to a wet morning and much cooler then I expected in long pants again. I had to text Jess about taking Sam up to meet his driver it is far too wet for me to go out.

Yesterday was my 6 monthly check up with the neurologist at Westmead, she was quite pleased with my progress. She liked that I am walking much better and I didn't use the wheelchair instead just using the walker. She has increased medication and added a new tablet Azilect which I will take of a morning.

Tim and I have at last met our safety net threshold and thus the rest of the scripts for the year will be at the reduced rate of $7.30, the threshold is $1563.50, combined as in for both Tim and myself.


A new day no rain and not hot but not cold either. I spent ages yesterday trying to figure out how best to use the new tablet.

I stopped my book around 8am I was getting a headache and not paying attention.

Tasha dropped of a chocolate muffin, which was nice.

Friday, 17 November 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts


Good morning all on this coldish, wet morning here in Newie were I live, I have sent text messages to both Tasha and Jess to see if one of them could go up with Sam due to the rain but have no reply. Jess at last replied saying she would do it.

Last night laying in bed I had many different thoughts running through my head but of course this morning I can't remember what those thoughts were. I would like to get another small digital recorder so when I have a thought about a blog post or even just something I would like to look up I can say so into the recorder to be replayed in the morning.

Yesterday was my 6 monthly check up with the neurologist at Westmead, she was quite pleased with my progress. She liked that I am walking much better and I didn't use the wheelchair instead just using the walker. She has increased medication and added a new tablet Azilect which I will take of a morning.

Tim and I have at last met our safety net threshold and thus the rest of the scripts for the year will be at the reduced rate of $7.30, the threshold is $1563.50, combined as in for both Tim and myself.

For those who do not know we pay no more the $30 for a script on the PBS aka Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme which is a government funded scheme to lower the cost of medication, not all medication is on the PBS my bladder tablet called Betmiga isn't and cost me $69 a month.

Well that's all from me for this post till Sunday when I will be back with something else.

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Working Life in Aus in the 1890's


Hello everyone want know more about working life in the 189's Australia continue reading.

Back then the middle and upper classes of people employed large numbers pf people, such a family might employ up to a dozen people in jobs such as coachman to drive the family carriage along with a groom to care for the horses, a gardener and general handyman. Inside the home there would be a cook, several parlour maids and chambermaids. The children would also have nursemaids and maybe even a governess.

Of course in less affluent households there would be less staff to do all the same work. Domestic work of course was considered women's work.

Now less us remember these were the days before wall to wall carpet instead homes had rugs and carpet squares that had to be taken outside and beaten every day.

The women employed as domestic servants had to sweep, scrub and polish floorboards in the hallways, drawing rooms, smoking rooms, dining rooms and of course bedrooms. There was not to be a speck of dust in order for the mistress of house to find.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries interior decorations was at its fussiest. Apparently there were cloths covering nearly everything with something called an antimacassars used to protect chairs from a mans hair oil. Then there were the coverings used for small tables often using velvet, and even the windows and mantelpieces would be draped with heavy material all of which would have to be cleaned regularly by the housekeeper.

Of a morning the remains of the previous night's open fires had to be removed and the fireplaces cleaned and blackening applied. Whatever that means........

The bed clothes had to be shaken and the beds and pillows aired. Servants were expected to do not only strenuous but down right disgusting jobs. Chamber pots had to be emptied into the outside toilet, in those days the toilet would be situated near the back fence so the council “nightman” also called a “pan man” could remove the pans. In fact many homes relied on the “pan man” to remove human waste. In fact my husband Tim can remember the “pan man” coming round and replacing the full pan with an empty one.

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Aussie Slang


Good morning it is time for some more Aussie Slang.

Quid: Money

Reckon: You bet, absolutely

Rello or Rellie: A family member

Ripper: Great fantastic

Rollie: A cigarette you roll yourself.

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Creature Day


Hello everyone, yeah it is Tuesday also known as creature day and this week's creature is the Super Bird Of Paradise.

The greater lophorina, also known as superb bird-of-paradise or greater superb bird-of-paradise, is a species of the Paradisaeidae family. It was considered the sole species in the genus until in 2017 it was recognised that there were three species

These birds build their nests on treetops using materials like leaves, with 1-3 eggs laid after every mating season. After 16–22 days, the eggs hatch. The chicks become independent after 16–30 days and can leave their nest. Males become sexually mature at 4-7 years

When an adult male want to attract a female he fans out the velvety black feathers on his back and the gleaming blue feathers on his chest to form a cape. He then snaps his tail feathers hopping around in a fairy dance hoping a female will partner with him.

They can be found in New Guinea, the local name for them is “bolon diuata” which means “birds of the gods”

Monday, 13 November 2023

A little more abut the NSW Police Force


Good morning everyone, hope all are having a good day or night whatever it is where you are as you read this, well it is Monday so a day for some fact and yeah still doing Aussie facts.

The backbone of the NSW Police Force are the Police Area Commands (PACs) and Police Districts (PDs), your local police. Here, most officers work as general duties police, detectives, highway patrol officers and in traffic services. They provide a comprehensive, professional community-based policing service.

Assisting our PACs and PDs are units with specialist roles such as road safety, fingerprinting, rescue, water police, air wing, intelligence analysis, anti terrorist and hostage negotiation, drug enforcement, child protection, fraud and major crime investigation.

Our cops are employed by the three levels of government, Feds, State and Local. The Feds are the Australian Federal Police aka....the AFP. They deal with federal or Commonwealth law and is controlled by the Federal Government.

Generally the cops we see are the local cops, such as general duties officers, detectives and of course the highway patrol and traffic cops.

There are 432 Police Stations in NSW and 1 Airbase with around 19,516 employees of which 15,633 are cop the rest are civilian staff.

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Week 45 of 2023


Sunday now and I had another good night, in long pants when I first got up and if needed I will change into shorts later.

It is raining since 6am and it's not cold nor hot.

Had a lay down at 12.30 for an hour, didn't sleep but afterwards I didn't feel as tired. So I was able to stay awake nearly 2hrs longer then I expected.

Had another good nights sleep and up at 5am washed and dressed for the day.

Spoke to Kathy this morning as I do every Monday but neither of us had any news, so only a short chat.

I spent more time ordering Christmas stuff online.

Tim said he will book the scooter at Charlestown Square for 10.30 in the morning. He asked Tasha to come with us but she doesn't want to come, I told her I would be fine as long as Tim stays with me.

Up at 5am after a good night. I checked and the shopping will be here between 10.50 and 11.50am so I do not think we will go out today, I am not one to go out at lunch time or later in the day, I like to go out at 9am do what I need or want to do and come home.

I was telling Tasha about the shopping coming late and she said I could go out with her, so I did I went shopping with Tasha and it was great, I had no issue with walking around and managed to buy 2 new pairs of thongs, she has also said she is going to the Reject Shop on Friday and I can go with her then as well.

Tasha was telling me her friend Dylan who is 29 may have had a stroke, he wasn't good and went to the hospital and that's what they think, she will know more at a later date.

A new day, didn't speak to Kathy as there is a problem with Optus and this also meant I can't ring Sam but when I tried to ring Jess it went through so she had to wake Sam.

The cleaners came as usual they are never here for very long 20-30 minutes each time.

There was no mobile phone available till late afternoon.

A new day, when I got up I applied moisturiser to my legs as they felt very dry.

Today is the neighbour Colin's funeral.

Sue called in to see me, she was here about half an hour and then she was going to see Sandy.

It has turned out pretty warm and I am sweating a far bit. I should change into shorts but I won't.

It is suppose to be another warm to hot day. Jessica had her shift changed again and had to leave for work at 7.30am instead of midday. She likes her job but all the shift changes are getting on her nerves.

Tasha popped own to tell me the funeral went well and she saw Jonathon's sister Heather there and they had a good talk. Tasha was surprised how much she has grown up but she is the mother of 4 children, so naturally she has grown up.

Sam's new bed has arrived and he is yet to use it as Jonathon is staying there on and off while he sorts his shit out.

Up a tad early at 4.40am I was awake and couldn't see the point of just laying there in bed.

I got dressed in ¾ pants and changed to shorts around 8am. Tasha came down and told me that last night the woman from unit 5 was found in unit 3 (Colin's unit)and had to be told to get out she was rambling going on about how the old man who lives there was being ill treated and so on, he isn't he is well cared for but he just lost his son and isn't in a good place. It ended up pretty hot, enough to turn the air con.

Friday, 10 November 2023

Jo-Anne's Thought's


Hello everyone here we are at another Friday and I am jotting down some thoughts this morning.

Who would have thought we as in people in general would often prefer to communicate via text message over a telephone call but we do. I know I do, I often prefer to send a text over making a phone call in days gone by this meant you didn't have to hear a sigh or deal with a roll of the eyes. However, now days I can often sense a sigh or a roll of the eyes.

I feel that sending a text requesting help with something or some advice about something gives the receiver a chance to think and form a good reply. Which is better then feeling then have to instantly have a good answer, and good answers don't always pop into one's head instantly.

I have nothing against emailing people with requests unless the person who receives said email doesn't take the time to read and reply, which is just rude.

I remember way back when, Tim bought us a Fax Machine and at first I thought when will we use this but as it turned out I used it a lot. I used to fax the school when I had issues concerning my girls and I was told on a few occasions that they appreciated me faxing it gave them time to look into the matter before speaking to me, over me ringing telling them the problem and they telling me they would look into and get back to me which could take a bloody long time for them to do.

I remember when I use to talk to mum each day that it was a good thing she couldn't seem me as I would often be doing different stuff while on the phone. Or I would be shaking my head and trying not to laugh because mum had gotten things mixed up.

Now don't get me wrong I think video chats or face timing someone is a good thing but not all the time for me, like when I would talk to mum while I sat on the air drying after a bath or shower who wants to be seen wrapped in a towel or sitting if not naked in one's underwear.

Ok that's enough from me about nothing important

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Working Life in the 1890's Pt 7


Ok the time has come for a little more about working life in Australia during the 1890's. Remember way back then there was no state welfare so the strike caused a lot of heartache and poverty among the workers and their families.

The only “dole” was from the unions funds but that ran out pretty quick, this meant people were evicted due to non payment of rent. Also of course no money meant that they couldn't purchase food and then there was skyrocketing prices of goods.

Families of the unemployed approached charities such as the Melbourne Ladies Benevolent Society but their resources were limited and the strikers families were often seen as undeserving. It wasn't uncommon for the wives of the striking men to fine their request for help refused.

It is part of the legend of the 1890's that the strikes were the catalyst through which the Australian Labour Party emerged. However, there was already some representation of workers in parliament. In March 1891 the Sydney Trades and Labour Council planned the platform and rules of the Labour Electoral Leagues Candidates were endorsed with 45 standing for election in NSW Legislative Assembly in June. Out of which 36 were returned and Labour held the balance of power for the first time in Australian politics.

Social problems continued, however, in Melbourne with great numbers of people unemployed. The Melbourne Ladies Benevolent Society minutes of July 1892 recorded the problems of a Walsh family from Collingwood in Melbourne. The father a labourer lost his job and the family was supported by their son a plaster and daughter who was a tailoress but when they also lost their jobs and any savings gone the sort help from the Benevolent Society. At such times those in work loathed to complain of difficult conditions.

Things in Victoria was so bad the Government organised some relief work for the unemployed. Work on the draining of the Kooweerup Swamp for example began in the 1890's depression. People from the city were not really equipped for farm work were sent to farm settlements. These moves provided little benefit, some fortunate people managed to escape to the Goldfield in Western Australia.

Well that's all for this week

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Aussie Slang


Time for some Aussie Slang,

Pigs Arse: I don't agree with you, you're exaggerating or bullshiting me

Pozzy: A place to sit

Prezzy: A present or gift

Rack off: Get lost

Ratbag: A mild insult meaning you're a fool or idiot

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Creature Day


Good morning all this Tuesday I am telling you a bit about the Giant Prickly Stick Insect, this creature is covered in thorns with the female being intimidating 20cm long it is twice the size of the male.

When faced with a predator it sprays an odour to scare off the predators. The males do this as well but they are more likely to fly away from danger, as they don't have the same spiny body armour as females. Also the females wings are too small and her body to heavy for flight.

These insects live in eucalypti forests in north-eastern Australia and can be found in a variety of colours, which help them blend in with the trees.

Though, not poisonous to humansif a human did happen to eat a Black Beauty walking stick, they would probably just feel a bit nauseous and throw it up. In fact, walking sticks may just be the perfect starter insect for people with a bit of entomophobia.

Stick bugs very rarely cause damage to the landscape and foliage. They do not bite, sting, or attack humans. If you happen to come across a singular stick bug, don't worry – while they look a little strange, they are not harmful to you, your family, or your pets.

Monday, 6 November 2023

History of NSW Police Force


Now the time has come for a little bit about women in the NSW Police Force.

In 1915 the New South Wales Police Department advertised two positions for female police. Nearly 500 women applied for the position. Two applicants, Lillian Armfield and Maude Rhodes were chosen and subsequently sworn in as Probationary Special Constables. Maude Rhodes resigned in 1920 and Lillian Armfield retired after 33 years service in 1949. The women were required to sign an indemnity releasing the Police Department of any responsibility for their safety and wore civilian clothes, as they were not issued a uniform. Their service was recorded on a separate seniority list until 1965. They were the first women employed for police duties in the Commonwealth.

By 1929 the number of women in the force increased to eight and by 1941 and as a result of wartime difficulties in recruiting men, there was a further increase in strength from eight to fourteen women police.

Over 500 women responded to advertisements for policewomen. Six women were selected: Rita Collins, Coralie Lucas, Catherine McRae, Nancy Morgan, Ita Taylor and Joan Weaver (who would later become Officer in Charge of the Women Police Office). Two Policewomen: Rita Collins and Eva Rosser transferred to Newcastle.

In 1943 Six women temporarily recruited to aid the Health Department locate people suffering from venereal disease. Then in 1945, Special Constables were introduced to regulate parking in Sydney. The Parking Police (also known firstly as "Brown Bombers" and later "Grey Ghosts" from their various uniforms) positions were originally reserved for disabled ex-servicemen.

In 1965 8 women of various ranks sworn into the New South Wales Police Force as regular officers (under the Police Regulation Women Police Amendment Act No. 64 or 1964) with full police powers, other employment conditions and entitlements. Women police given separate registered numbers to male police, establishing a separate seniority system for women police. Alice Elizabeth Hanley given the registered number 3. Women police now known as Policewoman in place of Special. This came about on the 18th March, 1965.

50 Years of women being employed in the New South Wales Police Force undertaking policing duties.

In 1971 Del Fricker and Gwen Martin accepted into the Detectives Training Course, later to become the first women detectives. Policewomen lobby the NSW Police Association for more direct representation to improve their position within the Police Force through the establishment of a Women’s Branch but are rejected. Lillian Armfield dies aged 87 years.

The following year the First female Commissioned Officer at the Women Police Office, Inspector Alice Elizabeth (Beth) Hanley, at 29 years service. Beth Hanley is awarded the ‘Most Outstanding Policewoman’.

Now days Policewomen represent 26.9% of sworn personnel. Women make up 35% of the Force. 13 policewomen are Superintendents & 2 are SES. NSW Police Force celebrates 100 years of Women in Policing and 50 years since women were officially 'sworn in' as Constables and given the full powers of a police officer.

Sunday, 5 November 2023

Week 44 of 2023

Another day suppose to be a nice day. Found a note about Jess quilt being in the washing machine, I had to turn it on to wash at 8am.

I spent most of the day working on the calendars only to discover I had stuffed up by using the wrong template and had to start again. Which I have done but will work it more tomorrow.

The start of another school week, suppose to be a warm day. No book this morning I forgot to download another one, I will have to do that today.

Another busy morning working on the calendars and sorting our medications.

It is another very warm too hot day but Tim said he didn't think it was that hot.

Took most of the day but I managed to get the calendars done.


A warmer start to the day I have the door open to let the breeze in.

Sandy has decided to keep Landon for a bit longer and not give up on him so quick. She also has car trouble looks like it is the alternator told it could cost around $850, money she doesn't have.

Sue came over and brought me 3 cans of cider it was nice to see her.

Tim has an appointment this afternoon, so I will go meet Sam. Speaking of Sam his new mattress arrived now he just needs the bed frame.

In for a much cooler day which will be nice.

Tasha drove me to my Dr's appointment but she was in a right mood feeling rushed off her feet and complaining I hadn't reminded her about they i appointment till this morning. Anyway the appointment went well I managed on my own even managed to go to the chemist and walk back to the car to wait for Tasha.

Tim didn't get up till after 11am, I told Tim I want to try to get back to a more normal bedtime some days I end up in bed as early as 3pm usually it is around 4pm but I would like to go back to a later bedtime, Tim didn't seem keen he said he thought it would be a good idea but would I be ok with watching his TV shows as when I go to bed the TV is his.

I slept straight through to 4.25am this was a surprised I got up at 4.48am.

Tasha came down she is feeling pretty sick and asked me to check her tonsils they looked red and a little white in parts so she is off to the doctors.

Tim didn't get up till after 10am as is now usual for Tim, when I mentioned that he will need to go and get my script he seemed a little annoyed but he went.

Tasha's Dr's appointment didn't go as she hoped was told she didn't need antibiotics as her body is fighting off the infection nicely. This wasn't what she wanted to hear.

By 3pm I was so tied I was falling asleep.

Slept all night again, I ended up going to bed by 3.30pm and slept straight through till 4.40am.

I was a tad annoyed to find that Tim hadn't put the dishwasher on last night.

Sandy just called in to say hi and give me a hug.

Tim took me down to renew my photo ID it took 20 minutes from the moment we walked in till when we walked out cost was $61 for 5 years.

Tasha rang and asked if I could loan her money to pay for the service on her car, the fella who had the car hasn't had it done even though he has been saying he would get it done. I have told her that now she has her car back not loan it out again I have no idea if she will do as I said or not.

This afternoon Tim rang to see about me applying for my seniors card. This was easy as I didn't need any other ID other than my Medicare Card.

Tasha has sworn she will never lend her car to anyone ever again.

A new day and again I slept well, Tim and I are going over to Kathy's house for lunch.

Tim and I went over to Kathy's for lunch, it was really nice, Michael made the best hamburgers. I would like to do it more often. Like every couple of months would be nice.

At first I said every 6 weeks but that will be around Christmas. At this stage I don't even know what we are doing Christmas Day.

Friday, 3 November 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts


Hello everyone, here we are at another Friday and I am going to share some of my thoughts this Friday morning.

Why or why does it have a habit of raining on days when I wish to go out, tomorrow Tim an I along with Tasha are suppose to go over to Kathy's for a BBQ and it is suppose to rain again, why........

I feel the same thing often happens when I arrange to have someone to take me shopping it either rains or something else happens and my plans get shoved aside. I so miss being able to drive myself around. There are times I feel like those around me just think it is too much effort to take me out, I want Tim to take me shopping using my motorised scooter but he says he can't lift it as yet due the damage to his right hand/arm. He says he will take me if we hire a scooter from the shopping centre, this is ok except those scooters are a lot bigger then mine making it far more difficult to manoeuvre but I will give it a try.

At least I am more able to do stuff at the computer each day but there are of course days when I find it impossible to sit anywhere without pain and discomfort.

I have started to order things for Christmas during the next couple of weeks I want to make a start on the Christmas cards, first thing I need to do is find where I have put them, I think I know where they are.

rAlso Tim isn't and early riser like me which is ok except when I want to go shopping then I would like him to get up between 8 &9 get ready and go so I get in and get done quickly. I do not like going in the middle of the day or the afternoon if it can be avoided.

I just went with Sam up to meet their driver, Sam has told his mum he prefers me to take her(him)up and also meet her, yes Sam wishes to be referred to as a girl, which is something I am having trouble doing and I have explained to Sam that it isn't easy for me to get my head around.

Ok this has been a rambling mess, my head is all over the place.

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Working Life in the 1890's


The first major conflict in the industrial disputes of the 1890's was the so called Maritime Strike that began in August 1890. This had its origins in an agreement in May 1890 between Australian Labour Federation in Queensland. It had to do with some deal between the shearers and pastoralists' unions that no non-union labour would be employed to shear sheep. In August this agreement was broken when pastoralists and they sent wool sheared by non-union labour to the Brisbane waterfront.

Meanwhile members of the Maritime Officers Association were trying to negotiate higher pay, this was somewhat unusual at the time for a larger “white collar” or middle-class profession to form a union, but some marine officers were receiving less then the seamen to whom they gave orders. Shipowners refused to negotiate because the Maritime Officers Association had thrown in with the Melbourne Trades Hall and some thought there was a collusion between shipowners and pastoralists.

On the 16th August the shit hit the fan when the Marine Officers walk off the job in protest, the strike spread to NSW, Vic, SA and New Zealand. In Australia there was around 50,000 people on strike.

The ramifications were extensive with Coal Miners in New South Wales and the Melbourne gasworkers called a strike. Then workers at Broken Hill walked out and this caused a company lock-out.

Some of these on strike would be out for two weeks and others for over two months. By mid September unionists were clashing with non-union labour at the Sydney docks when attempts to load wool shorn by non-union labour onto ships.

The Riot Act was read on 19 September at Circular Quay, the strike dragged on till November.

More to follow................


This week we are having a look at Canberra the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory or ACT. Canberra's his...