Monday, 30 August 2021



Hello everyone, I hope all are well, me.............well I am alive..........

Here are this weeks facts..........

Until 1965, driving in Sweden was done on the left side of the road. The change over was done on a weekday at 5pm, this was supposed to prevent people from waking up in the morning and forgetting which side of the road to drive on..........I wonder how that went............

Turtles can live for 100 years

The Cicada, an insect spends 17 years of its life sleeping, it wakes for just two weeks during which it mates and dies.

You are just as likely to die falling out of bed then you are to get struck by lightening each is a 1 in 2,000,000 chance.

You have a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of being killed by a snake.

Sunday, 29 August 2021



Awake and up at 5.45am so a bit of a sleep in, managed to dress myself and get my own breakfast.

At 3am I was getting up to pee and slipped to my knees again. I called out to Tim but he didn't wake up. I managed to get myself up and standing.

A cool and wet day, well on and off.

Tim pissed off Tasha when he refused to do something and as a result we haven't seen her all day.


Another early start, awake and up at 4.45am, suppose to be a warm day.

Not a good day struggle wise.

It has been a very warm day.


Woke at 3am to pee did that without issue but it took me ages to settle down again. However, I did and it was 5.30am by the time I woke up and got dressed ready for the day, I did get a shower this morning as well.

Had to get out my shoulder brace as have a lot of pain in left arm.

Another very warm day so warm that I changed into shorts.


Slept well for most of the night but woke at 4.30 by 4.40 I was shaking a lot from head to toe so got up.

A bloody cold day and wet as well with strong wind.

A stressful day as I feel like I can't do anything at all.


What a shocking start to bed last night, I was restless and unable to settle, when I finely stated to settle I got a cramp in my right calf and tried to get up but only managed to roll out of bed onto the floor. I ended up in an awkward position which caused me to panic. I was able to tell Google to call Jessica, she was unable to lift me off the floor, however, she got me onto my knees and went to fetch the boys. While she was gone I managed to get on my feet.

I then sat up for a while when Tasha arrived and settled me back into bed I then slept for 6hrs.

Tasha asked to borrow the jump start thing for the car in order to start a neighbours car, for some unknown reason Tim's reaction was hostile which caused her to react and raised voices and after 10 minutes it was over and sorted out, they parted with a hug, a kiss and I love you.

Having a hard day.


Slept well except at 2am I had to get Tim to help me get out of bed so I could pee then he had to help me get back into bed.

I then had to get his help again at 5am when I got up to start the day.

Not with it today


Up at 4.45 after a rough night, I don't feel really with it.

Yesterday I was so not with it I forgot to do the grocery shopping, so had to do it this morning. This meant that pick up has to be Sunday as Saturday on had the after 6pm slot and that was too late for Tim.

At 8am my left knee started to sting so I decided to ice it for 20 minutes. While doing this I started to feel extremely tired so I muted the telly and closed my eyes, when I opened them it was 9.50am.

The rest of the day has been so so.


Wednesday, 25 August 2021



All I Need


Published: January 2018

When I first saw you,
I saw perfection.

When I got to know you,
I saw pain.

When I started loving you,
I saw strength.

Now...all that I see
Is what means everything to me.

What I see
Is the strength to go on.

What I see
Is the courage to do anything.

What I see
Is the love to be around anyone.

What I see
Is everything I need.


Monday, 23 August 2021


 Hello everyone, I hope all are well, I am struggling a lot today but anyway here are this weeks facts.

Cockney rhyming slang comes from the East End of London, originally it was for market traders to use so outsiders wouldn't know what was said.

You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV

The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses

Nepal is the only country that has a non-rectangular flag

Kittens begin dreaming at just over one week old.

Saturday, 21 August 2021



Slept in this morning till 5.30am, took me an hour to wash and dress myself most of the time was spent dressing. I find dressing myself bloody hard work.

Saw Sandy when she called over to pick up the forms I printed for her.

Leo here most of the day.

It's 8pm and I just realised I forgot to take my night meds.

I slipped to the floor trying to get out of bed and had to call Tim for help. I slip because my feet won't grip the carpet. I do not know why that is.


It was 10pm before I managed to settle down last night. Leo was fantastic and caring. Tim not so much he said he was tired and doesn't remember. He snapped he didn't know what to do. All Leo did was hug me and said if I needed him to do something just ask.

I slept well from 10 to 6am.

Another warm day, Leo been here all day.


Up and dressed by 5.30am, woke at 4.40 needing to pee so an early start.

Went to the podiatrist all good with my feet although she made my big toe bleed when she got rid of my ingrown nail.


Slept well, up at 5am had a shower and ready for the day.

A warm day, Leo became frustrated with the online learning so at midday his Mum said he could call it a day.

Kathy just rang me to check on me, it was good to hear her voice.

Blain came down just to check on me and have a chat.


Had a reasonable nights sleep woke at 3.30 to pee but settled straight back down. Woke again at 5 and got up.

While eating my fruit salad I knocked the bowl and spilt the lot on the floor. I then had to get my claw thing I use to pick stuff up with and pick it all up. I then washed it a strained it before eating it. I could have rang Tasha but she would want to toss it out.


Up and dress as usual, Leo here by 8.15 as usual although this morning he had a bag of stuff with him. When I asked about the bag he said I am here tonight and don't want to go home to get stuff. Anyone would think home was further away then across the driveway.

Jess came over around 1pm to tell him that lockdown has been extended till the 28th.


Awake and up again, which is good if I was still in bed I wouldn't be writing this.

When Tim got up I told him that the groceries could be picked upp between 4 and 6 tomorrow afternoon, I said because tomorrow is Saturday. This shocked him as he thought today was Saturday.

Jess driving Blain to his dads while Tasha puts me to bed, Leo went too so he could meet their new puppy.

Been a very warm afternoon.


Friday, 20 August 2021



They say it by laughing

ans kicking with glee

So cute you could

love them to death

Wednesday, 18 August 2021




Edgar GuestBy  More Edgar Guest

Figure it out for yourself, my lad,
You've all that the greatest of men have had,
Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes,
And a brain to use if you would be wise.
With this equipment they all began,
So start for the top and say "I can."

Look them over, the wise and great,
They take their food from a common plate
And similar knives and forks they use,
With similar laces they tie their shoes,
The world considers them brave and smart.
But you've all they had when they made their start.

You can triumph and come to skill,
You can be great if only you will,
You're well equipped for what fight you choose,
You have legs and arms and a brain to use,
And the man who has risen, great deeds to do
Began his life with no more than you.

You are the handicap you must face,
You are the one who must choose your place,
You must say where you want to go.
How much you will study the truth to know,
God has equipped you for life, But He
Lets you decide what you want to be.

Courage must come from the soul within,
The man must furnish the will to win,
So figure it out for yourself, my lad,
You were born with all that the great have had,
With your equipment they all began.
Get hold of yourself, and say: "I can."


Tuesday, 17 August 2021



Well here is the translation..............

Got to my house (Mickey Mouse) found my way u the stairs (apples & pears) put on my suit (whistle and flute) when the phone (dog & bone) rang. It was my wife (trouble and strife) telling me to fetch the kids (saucepan lids).

Monday, 16 August 2021



Hello everyone, I am wondering if anyone knows what this means......

Got to me Mickey, find me way up the apples, put on me whistle when the dog went. It was me trouble, telling me to fetch the saucepans....

I will post the translation tomorrow

Saturday, 14 August 2021


 I woke at 4.45 and got up at 5am, I was having my wash when Tim got up and needed the bathroom. So I only had a quick wash and got dressed with Tim's help.

Leo slept here last night again, since getting his new bed/futon he has spent more nights here then as his own house. He has been here all day again.


Woke at 4.30am, got up peed went back to bed but I was restless and my tummy was growling so at 4.45 I got up.

Dr rang at 9am, he said he would send the referral to have my knees Xrayed to the imaging company. I will ring them later to chec they got it.

First day of home schooling for the boys. After some stalling Leo got going and was done by 1pm which made him happy. Although he does better with paper over computer so his mum went to the school and picked up work for him to do.

At midday Tim suddenly was in a rush for work as he was late.

In a lot of pain with my knees.


Another early start woke at 5.10am had a wash and dressed for the day.

My printer will not print so looks like I will need a new printer, this is so annoying. So I am back to saving and printing on Tim's printer.

Leo here in his rooom doing school wotk or playing games one or the other.

This afternoon I had a mini breakdown, caused by pain and frustration, I was crying and saying I was done, I was over it and just wanted to die.

No I don't really want to die I love life too much for that but at that moment I felt different.

Leo was here and was upset to see me in that state, he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight telling me he loved me and it would be alright. This helped a lot.


A new day found me awake and up at 5am again, had a shower before dressing as afterwards would be weird.

My printer is catcus, I told Tim that we should make sure the next one takes the same ink.

Jess came over at 1.20pm in a state she thought she was late for Leo's appointment with his new pediatrician but she wasn't the appointment is tomorrow.

After she calmed down we had a nice chat.


Awake and up at 4.50am washed dressed and ready for the day.

Natasha got a message telling her she was a casual contact of an infected person and that she had to get tested for Covid. That took 2hrs,

Leo had his paediatric appointment via phone and it could had gone better. As he was unmediated he wasn't interested and all over the place. It didn't help that Blain, Tasha, Tim and I were here making background noise. The doctor was only filling in till the end of this month, so we won't see her again.

Looks like lockdown will continue for another week.


These 5am starts are becoming the norm for me.

Leo awake early I heard him at 6.30, he logged into school and did his school work without complaint.

I am missing Mum so very much.

Printed off a few letters, now to get someone to post them for me.


Friday, 13 August 2021



Babies say love

They say it with tears

when they want to be held

and cuddled, and nice things

like that........

Wednesday, 11 August 2021



Let Go


Published: December 2015

What do I do,
When I'm still in love with you?
You walked away,
'Cause you didn't want to stay.
You broke my heart, you tore me apart.
Every day I wait for you,
Telling myself our love was true.
But when you don't show, more tears start to flow.
That's when I know
I have to let go.


Tuesday, 10 August 2021



Well here we are at the last of the doggy on the box post......

In 1981 on the night of the 22nd-23rd of October students from the Canberra College of Advanced Education stole the dog and this aroused nationwide attention.

The dog was recovered on the college campus unharmed. It had apparently been stolen as part of a “stone day” scavenger hunt, a yearly pranksters day to mark the laying of the College foundation stone.

The dog is now more securely bolted to his base.

The fiftieth anniversary of The Dog was celebrated on the 28th November 1982, with the unveiling of a plague by Sir James Rowland the then Governor of New South Wales. Also a record by the Howie Brothers featuring their new song “He's been there for fifty years”.

That concludes this series...............

Monday, 9 August 2021



Good morning, how are we all doing? Me, well I am still suffering with arthritic pain in both my knees. The pain is so bad I just want to cry.

Anyway here are this weeks facts................

During the 1760's many parents would plunge their children into ice-cold water each morning, they thought this would help ward off colds and other diseases.

In Australia there was a mistakenly named East Alligator River up in the Northern Territory, it doesn't have alligators in it, it has crocodiles.

Hawaii is home to the world's largest active volcano, Maura Loa, which is 120km long and 4,170 metres high. Most of it underwater.

An elephant trunk has no bones but 40,000 muscles.

The average raindrop falls at seven miles per hour.

Sunday, 8 August 2021


 Had a decent nights sleep, was awake and up at 5.30am.

Tim & Leo went over to Kathy's and picked up the desk for Leo's room and outdoor set for out the front.

Ed's birthday sent him a text.

Leo is happy with his room.


August has arrived, I woke up in a mood couldn't get the front screen door open because I thought it was locked but it wasn't. I got Tim out of bed for nothing.

Saw Kelli and kids when she brought Blain home. She helped Tasha do the medications.

Tasha called the after hours Dr to Jess as she was really sick, turns out she has tonsillitis. Leo slept here last night and has been here all day.


A new day, has started yet again as it does each day, when I wake each morning I am thankful that I have woken.

Another warm day, Tim back at work after his week off.


I woke at 4.45 needing to pee, after that I couldn't settle so been up since 5am.

The Census information arrived for me to do it online between now and the 10th. Tim has a problem with the census, always had and I don't understand what his problem is.

He also has a problem with QR codes which I don't get.

Just walked to the bathroom without my walker which meant I was walking/shuffling fast when I got to the bathroom something happened, it felt like a foot got stuck and didn't move causing me to stumble forward hitting the bathroom sink hurting my left arm somehow. I also broke a glass that was sitting on the table under the sink.

I was distressed crying mostly from fright more then pain.


Awake and up at 5am, after yesterday's stumble both Tasha & I forgot about applying cream to my knees for the arthritis, this resulted in knee pain this morning.

I decided to refill my body lotiion jar but even though I checked thr bottle, I poured body wash into the jar. So I had to transfer it to a different container as pouring back into the bottle it came out of would be too hard.

I then had to wash out the body lotion jar, before I could use it.


Another early start up at 5.40am, Kathy rang at 7am to let me know she had been contacted by Hunter Health as she was shopping a store that is now a Covid 19 spot. They have to all be tested and self isolate for 7 days or till they get 2 negative tests.

Newcastle and Lake Macquarie are now in lockdows well from 5pm we will be.

Leo & Blain's schools are going to online learning.

Someone came to fix the screen doors locks, the front one was easy, the back not. In fact he had to get someone else to come as he couldn't get the old lock out. The new guy will arrive after I go lay down, so Tasha will deal with him.


Awake and up at 5.50am, had a hot shower before getting dressed.

Both screen doors are now fixed.

Leo slept till midday, so no school work for him today, same for Blain. Although Blain needs a laptop from the school if he is to do work online, as they do not have a computer at this stage. Leo also brought a laptop home from school so he can log in each day. Although Leo doesn't do work online he will have paperwork that Jess will pick up on Monday.

Neither boy handles online working, they get confused and frustrated easy.

Tasha went to get my scrips and our chemist was closed for deep cleaning. They had an infected person in the store during the week. She had to ring and pay for the scripts and arrange for them to be delivered.


Awake and up at 5.15 took me ages to get dressed and ready for the day.

Kathy rang just to check in, while on the phone to Kathy, Sandra rang to let me know ,that at last GE has wiped Mum's debt to them.

Leo here all day while Jess goes for her white card.


Friday, 6 August 2021


Hi everyone, as of 5pm yesterday my local council is in lockdown so is Newcastle council, I live in Lake Macquarie Council area.

Anyway here is this Friday's baby say post..........

Babies say love

when they reach for you face

and give it a warm

gooey pat

Wednesday, 4 August 2021



The Swing

Robert Louis StevensonBy  More Robert Louis Stevenson

How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
River and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside--

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown--
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!


Tuesday, 3 August 2021


 Hi all, here we are at another Tuesday and here is the second last post about a dogie on a tucker box........

Here is the “original poem”.................

As I was coming down Conroy's Gap

I heard a maiden cry

There goes Bill the bullocky,

He's bound for Gundagai

A better poor old............

Never earnt an honest crust,

A better poor old............

Never drug a whip through dust.

His team got bogged at the Five Mile Creek,

Bill lashed and swore and cried.

If Nobby don't get me out of this,

I'll tattoo his.........hide.

But Nobby strained and broke the yoke,

And poked out the leader's eye,

Then the dog sat on the tucker box,

Five Miles from Gundagai

Monday, 2 August 2021



Hello everyone, hello world, hello life, hello complete strangers who stumbled a pond this post and think what the hell is this.

It is Monday so here are some facts.

Dissolved salt makes up 3.5 per cent of the ocean

Despite a population of over a billion China has only about 200 family names

The Geysir (gusher) near Mount Hekia in south central Iceland, after which all other geysers are named, shoots hot water up to 180 feet in the air.

In 1782 a post office, I don't know which postal service but someones published a leaflet saying people should chop in half banknotes before sending them, if the two halves are sent at different times a highwayman wouldn't be able to steal it.

Dinosaurs droppings are called coprolites


This week we are having a look at Canberra the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory or ACT. Canberra's his...