Friday, 30 May 2014
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Family life
everyone, dad is doing better he is on both antibiotics and
prednisone and mum says he is starting to sound better but still has
a ways to go before he is 100%, hell he is rarely 100% now days but
still at least he is improving.
went back to the GP yesterday he still has sores/scabs on his head
and has been prescribed another round of antibiotics I told the
doctor that it was a fight to get him to the have the last lot and
out of each 5ml dose he would have been lucky to get 2ml as he would
fight so much. I asked if he really had to have the oral medication
and he said yes, I said easy for you to say your not the one who has
to fight with him trying to get him to take it. Anyway he gave him a
different antibiotic this one he only takes twice a day and doesn't
taste as bad as the last one and yes it was still a battle to give
him the first dose but this morning we tried mixing it with some
strawberry milk and he took it pretty much ok.
had plans to fly to Queensland on Tuesday to visit Kirsty but has
decided not to go with Daemon needing medication and not being 100%
although he doesn't look or sound unwell but I understand her not
wanting to go when he isn't the best. However, she needs a doctors
certificate in order to get a refund or credit from Jetstar so we
rang the doctors this morning asking if the GP could do one and leave
it out for us and of course the receptionist said we might have to go
back and see the doctor although I can't see why we should have to do
that we were only there yesterday why should we have to go back just
to get a medical certificate.
is upset about not being able to go and see Kirsty and meet Kelsi but
it is just the way it is.
didn't go to see nan today as on Saturday it will be her 93rd
birthday and everyone is going out to see her then well I say
everyone but I guess it will be just me and mum, Frank & Pearla
and maybe Sandra, Sue, Jeannie I am not expecting my girls to turn up
but they were invited so we will see. I am also not expecting my
uncle Ronnie and his wife to attend but we will see.
until about 15 minutes ago I was feeling well myself for some reason
I am getting a headache right across the forehead and behind my eyes
I have taken something for it so I am hoping it doesn't get any
worse. I have also put the potatoes in the oven we are having jacket
potatoes with our steak for tea and I like to cook them on low in the
over for a few hours.
I have ran out of stuff to say so I will post this now. This photo was taken last year at Nan's 92nd birthday gathering
Sunday, 25 May 2014
My dad has COPD
was talking to my mum last night like I do every night at 6.10pm I
think everyone else knows not to ring me at that time as I am either
talking to mum or waiting for mum to ring, but not the point.
was talking to mum and we were discussing how sick my dad has been
lately, he coughs till he throws up a lot of brown/black foul
smelling phlegm like stuff this has been happening for a while, he is
back to the doctors tomorrow but he was so bad last night that mum
ended up giving him a prednisone tablet which helped, she has been
trying to not give it to him as she wants him to sound awful when
they see the doctor which I get. It sucks when you are rotten and
when you get to the doctor you are having a good day and don't sound
as bad as you really are, if that makes any sense.
not the point, as I was saying I was talking to mum and she told me
that dad has COPD, ok why am I only hearing this now, he has had it
for a while now and by while I mean years it is due to him only have
1& a bit lungs.
this COPD (Chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease
a type of obstructive lung disease characterised by chronically poor
airflow, the symptoms include shortness of breath, a cough with bring
up phlegm, in which chronic incompletely reversible poor airflow and
inability to breathe out fully (air trapping) exist. The poor
airflow is the result of breakdown of lung tissue (emphysema) and
obstructive bronchiolitis. When there is severe destruction of the
small airways it can lead to the formation of large air pockets also
known as bullae that replace lung tissue this doesn't sound good to
is no known cure for COPD all that can be done is to treat the
symptoms and try and delay the progression. Suffers should have a
flu vaccination each year and should try and reduce exposure to air
pollution. Of course suffers shouldn't smoke, and my dad hasn't
smoked in 20-25years.
usually gets gradually worse over time and can ultimately result in
death, it is estimated that 3% of all disability is related to COPD,
however, the overall number of years a person can live with COPD has
increased, which is good news for my dad as I don't want to lose him
any time soon. How fast a person with COPD worsens depends on the
person and things like how much exercise the can manage and if they
are under or overweight, if they smoke or around smokers.
has been referred to as “smokers lung”
with COPD is at an increased risk of many complications such as chest
infections, pneumonia, collapsed lung, heart problems, anxiety,
depression, hypoxaemia.
is caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, which can result in
confusion, memory lapses both problems my dad has, dad also suffers
from depression due to his bad health.
of COPD are at increased risk of a sedentary lifestyle due to the
difficulties they have with walking and doing anything that can cause
breathlessness this of course means they do less which make the COPD
worse due to less exercise and they end up in a downward spiral of
worry about my dad a lot lately, since having the lung cancer in 2009
it has been one long battle, although when you ask dad how he is he
will usually say he is fine nothing wrong, this is because he doesn't
like to worry his children and grandchildren.
also hates to go the the doctors since he is forever seeing one
doctor or another but he needs to keep up on the doctor visits it is
what is keeping him alive, not seeing a doctor can mean a simple to
fix problem is not caught till it is too late. Dad knows his family
love him and worries about him and that we want him around for as
long as possible.
dad gets like this a lot I think he should have a stash of
antibiotics to take when he is bad and not have to wait till he can
get into see a doctor to get started on them, he has the prednisone
at home which mum can give to him when it sounds like he needs it.
this has been a long winded post, sorry for that I do try not to
write long winded posts.
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Five Things Friday on Saturday
here is five things Friday on Saturday because yesterday I as flat
out like a lizard drinking and in so much pain that when I got home I
didn't have a thought in my head except to have a hot bath and do
nothing, however of course do nothing had to wait till after I
unpacked the dishwasher, repacked the dishwasher, unpack the
shopping, than vacuum out the house.
on to my five things for Friday and it is Friday some where in the
have a bad back
love having photos on the walls
I am
going grey
prefer to drive an automatic
need to dust
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
A bitch about Tim because I love him so I am allowed
you ever look around the house and think I wish I could change stuff,
I do at times I wish I could have a nice vanity in the bathroom and I
would love to be able to rip out the kitchen and redo it but of
course I can't since we rent from the Department of Housing
have told Tim a few times that I would like to buy a nice rug for the
loungeroom but each time I suggest it he kind of just brushes me off,
he doesn't want to fork out money for a rug. I would also like to
either paint or wallpaper the walls here but again that isn't going
to happen, Tim has painted the bedrooms at different times during our
time here. However, he says it involves to much work to paint again
and he is just can't be bothered.
I feel that Tim buys stuff he wants when he wants it but when I ask
for something he wants to know if I really want it, do I really need
it. Only a week or so ago I told him that I would like to get a new
camera before we go to Hawaii but what does he say what's wrong with
your camera, well there is nothing wrong with it I just feel like a
new camera but he went on and on about it I ended up telling him not
to worry about it.
we bought the car we have I wanted to get a small car but Tim wanted
a large van so we ended up getting the station wagon, now Tim has
talked about buying another small car for him to drive to work I said
fine but get an automatic so I can drive it at times but he of course
wants a manual much to my annoyance. If he does get another car it
bloody well be an automatic or I will be pissed off.
this is a bitch about Tim post, but I love him and I am allowed to
bitch about him from time to time.
Monday, 19 May 2014
Walking dramas, a sick Leo and a motorhome for sale
everyone, here it is Monday again.
was your weekend?
yeah some of you are still having a weekend?
mine was good, although yesterday morning didn't kick off well, I
went for my usual morning walk and I was about half way through the
walk when I started to feel light headed and my legs felt like they
were going to give way on me. Since I walk past a dental surgery I
thought I would detour and sit for a bit on the steps of the dental
surgery, remember it was Sunday so I was expecting the dentist to be
someone came out of the dentist and asked me if I was alright, yeah
they were open, that was a shock anyway as I was saying someone came
out and helped me inside gave me a cup of water and asked if they
could ring someone to come and get me. So I gave them my mums phone
number and they rang mum who rang Kelli who came and got me and
brought me home.
didn't feel very good all day, I went over to my parents place for
lunch and as I was walking out to get in the car I again felt like
headed and unsteady so Kelli ended up driving us over to mums. I did
manage to help mum cook lunch well by help I opened the frozen roast
potatoes and put them in the airfryer and when they were done I took
them out and put them in a tray and into the oven to keep warm.
I got home in the afternoon the first thing I did was go in and have
a nap, after my nap I was feeling much better.
when I went for my morning walk there was no problem.
other news Little Leo was sick yesterday, Jessica said he was running
a temp and was very tired only wanting to lay in bed and do nothing
for most of the day.
was vomiting as well but thankfully he made it to the toilet each
time so nothing to clean up.
he was fine this morning and he went to school as usual, last night
Kelli, Jono and their boys stayed at Jessica's place.
dad has decided to sell his motor home as he is unable to drive it
any more and it is just sitting there and he would rather sell it and
have the money. So yesterday he had my brother and Tim over there to
help polish it, although on Saturday he managed somehow to wash it
himself although it took a lot out of him and after he was finished
he was having trouble breathing, in fact he didn't wash all of him my
sister Sue went and helped him finish it off as he had done about ¾
of it and was unable to do the rest of it.
Saturday, 17 May 2014
Leo doesn't like porridge
morning world, how is everyone on this fine but cold Saturday
morning? I am ok have a bloody headache and after I went outside to
peg the washing on the line I came back inside with a runny nose.
was a long and busy day, I didn't have Leo Thursday night as I had to
be over at the hospital for a 8am appointment so I told Jessica she
would have to drop him off at the OOSH, but as it turned out Kelli
spent Thursday night at Jessica's place and she drove him to the
I had Leo here last night instead, anyway back to my appointment at
the hospital it was with the diabetic specialist, he said he was
pleased with my BGL's and told me to continue with the Byetta
injections. He did say my diet is better but could still do with
improving. I also had lost weight when they weighed me and he was
happy about that also.
the appointment I went to Charlie to meet the family for breakfast,
followed by shopping and then home to unpack before going to get Leo
by the time 4pm rolled around I was stuffed. I was so tired I didn't
want to do anything, I didn't have the energy to even cook something
for tea and I was in bed by 8pm and asleep pretty much straight away.
morning I have been up since 7am with Leo and have done a load of
washing and pegged it out and now I just don't want to do anything
else except put my feet up and watch telly. I have no idea when
Jessica will be here to get Leo, some time in the next couple of
hours I guess.
have suggested to Jessica that we change Leo's night here back to
Friday nights, so she can have a sleep in on Saturday, I was only
having him Thursday nights because she had to get up early for work
but they have changed her pick ups on Friday and she no longer has to
get up early on Friday's.
can tell you I am glad that Kelli is home, I have missed her, and I
know that at some point her and Jono will find another place but I am
not looking forward to it because she so much like another daughter
now. Daemon is also like my grandson.
yeah before I go, I have to tell you this I made porridge for
breakfast and I asked Leo if he would like some, he said he didn't
know what it was but would try it, well I go in after I had my
breakfast and he hadn't eaten it so I asked if he wanted it and his
response was “tried it didn't like it, how do people eat that
stuff” so I guess you can say he doesn't like porridge.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
afternoon when I dropped Leo off at his mum's house I told her she
would have to help him with the last of his homework, which is to be
handed in tomorrow. Well of course I get from her “ I can't” “
I have no patience” this was frustrating and I then turned to Kelli
who is spending the night there and told her to make sure he get the
last of his homework done, there is only two things left to do.
made me think of how much patience I had when my girls were little
and you know what I had very little, I was not a patient type of
person and would often end up yell and carrying on like idiot.
think most of us become more patient as we age and than we reach a
certain age and our patience evaporates and we can no longer put up
with idiots and fools. This is why old people are usually thought of
as short tempered, cranky old
my mum is one of those rare people who has had a lot of patience
since she was fairly young, mum was the calm one out of mum &
dad, dad was the short tempered one, the one who would fly off the
handle and rant and rave about stuff. Now they are in their 70's dad
is becoming more short tempered and cranky and mum well she still has
endless amounts of patience, my mum is a rarity.
would love to think that I would have as much patience as my mum does
when I am in my 70's but I am not so sure, I am in many ways more
like my dad, I have always been a short tempered woman like my dad
but like my mum I will get over things very fast. I do my block and then I am over it, I am not one to stew over things or to harp on things once I have released my anger I am over it.
what about you are you patient or are you short tempered or maybe
your are something in between.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
What is your take of drugs
you know someone who has a problem with drugs?
do, there is a member of my family who has a problem with drugs even
though they haven't done drugs in a while as far as I know. I don't
know much about their problem I have never asked and to be honest I
have never wanted to know.
know very little about drugs and what goes on with drug addicts it is
not something I have much knowledge about.
about alcohol, do you know someone who has a problem with alcohol?
I do as most people know Tim likes his wine but he is trying to cut
down his drinking and has been doing well, not drinking much if at
all during the working week and only having something to drink over
the weekend. I am very proud of him.
do not get why people with a drinking problem and people with a drug
problem are lumped together, the term “sober” to me refers to
someone who is not drunk not someone who hasn't done drugs someone
who hasn't done drugs is clean not sober in my opinion.
I am just old fashion or just
don't understand why people do drugs, I just don't get it and I don't
get how people get addicted to pain medication I know it happens but
I don't get it.
also don't see the point in getting stupid drunk all the bloody time,
I am not saying I haven't got stupid drunk because I have of course
just not every week maybe a couple of times a year but not all the
time what is the point. I like to have a few drinks but it is rare
for me to be drunk.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Kelsi Jayne
world, I am having a nice day reading blogs and doing nothing much
although I do have to get off my ass and do some ironing at some
point today I just have to get motivated to do so.
will be home this afternoon, why because Sue is returning from
Queensland she is no longer needed or she is just homesick whichever
doesn't matter she will be back today.
As I
mentioned last week Kirsty has had her first born child Kelsi Jayne
born on the 7th at 10.15am weighing 8lb 4ozs, Kirsty and
Jacob changed the middle name from Eve to Jayne, Jayne is Kelli's
second name.
I am
feeling a bit sick today, pains in the tummy and a headache along
with feeling oh so tired but of course I don't want to go to bed as I
do not think I will be able to wake up if I went to bed.
Monday, 12 May 2014
My Mother's Day
is my Mother's Day post, the day after Mother's Day why a day late
well yesterday being Mother's Day I was busy doing nothing much and
the usual Sunday stuff as well and by the time I had time to write a
post I didn't feel like it so here it is Monday morning and I am
starting this while Leo has breakfast.
my Mother's Day was bloody awesome it kicked off with Natasha waking
me up to give me a present, yes don't faint anyone Natasha gave me a
Mother's Day present. A really lovely long in length and long sleeve
jacket that is oh so warm, I love it and it was such a surprise that
I felt happy for the rest of the day.
up Jessica turns up just after I got back from my morning walk to
give me her presents, she bought me some kitchen stuff and a watch
pendant in the shape of an owl which I oh so love. I will wear it a
lot I reckon.
it was time to head on over to the Eastern Tiger for lunch, which was
really nice plenty of prawns and oysters for those who like such
food and all mums got a rose and a free drink there were 7 mums at
our table. Dad told mum after they left that he really liked lunch
and would like to see us do more family functions out there instead
of at home as it means no work for mum.
even said he would like to go out there for Christmas lunch but mum
shot that down fast no bloody way she wants to do that, not for
Christmas other days yes but not Christmas.
kept telling me that I didn't have to pay for her to come out with us
but since I usually end up paying for Natasha I decided this time I
would pay for Kathy instead and told her it doesn't always have to be
about Natasha, she is just as important to me and I am sure Natasha
would understand, if she knew.
gave me a comfy seat for my computer chair to give me lift and
comfort this is something I really wanted and in fact I was the one
to go and find it and buy it for myself but that is ok better to do
that and get what I want/need then something I don't want or need.
sister Sue spent Mother's Day in Queensland with Kirsty but according
to mum she is feeling homesick and was missing her mum yesterday, she
will be flying home tomorrow. Which means Kelli will be back here
either this afternoon or tomorrow I can't remember when she said and
I was only talking to her about it an hour
of Sue, my sweetheart Kelli gave me this, it is a block to go on the
wall about how the love of an aunty and a booklet of vouchers for
thinks like choc chip biscuits or a massage from Kelli which I loved
in all yesterday was one of the best Mother's Day I have had in years
Friday, 9 May 2014
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Leo's Mother's Day Stall and more
it's another cold and wet day here but only showering on and off, so
I have to use the clothes dryer to dry the clothes but such is life.
Tim is asleep on the lounge next to me but only for another half hour
when I will wake him to go back to work, he will be taking the car to
work this afternoon because he will not be home till really late,
like midnight late.
morning Jessica dropped Leo of she was running late, so she dropped
him off and left for work but 10 minutes later she was back the
little girl she drives today didn't go to school. So she was able to
drive Leo to school and she will pick him up from school this
afternoon since I will not have a car.
when she dropped him at school they walk in and she asks Leo if he
wants to go and play before school and what did he do, run of and
didn't look back when she left there was no hug or kiss, these days
are rare but Jessica was upset about how he ran off and didn't seem
to want to give her a hug or kiss before she left. He is growing up
and these days will happen from time to time.
is the Mother's Day stall at Leo's school so I gave him $10 to get
something when Jessica was talking to him about it he said he wanted
to get something for her and for nanna, Jessica said he might be able
to only get one gift and he said he would have to get something that
me and her could share. Jessica said but I am mummy shouldn't you get
me a present and he was like but what about nanna I have to get nanna
a present...............I think Jessica was a little upset that he
was so worried about getting nanna a present.
can tell you I will be surprised if Natasha gives me a Mother's Day
present I think it is better if I don't get my hopes up that way I am
less likely to be let down and disappointed.
know that Natasha and Blain are not coming out for lunch on Mother's
Day but that is ok I didn't expect them to come, and since they are
not going we have asked if she can watch Leo while Jessica comes out
since it would cost Jessica $17.50 for Leo and he will not eat that
much and it seems like a waste of money. Natasha hummed and arred
about taking him but in the end said she would.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Family stuff
a day, I went to see my nan this morning and she was good said a few
words and woke up when we got there, we took Denni with us again.
weather here has been cold I am in long pants and socks during the
day and two nights ago I changed the sheets on the bed from summer
sheets to winter sheets, I know not everyone uses winter sheets but I
do. Growing up my mum would put winter sheets on our beds from around
May and I am the same, although now days my parents don't use them
they only ever use summer sheets. Ok some of you might be thinking
what are winter sheets well they are flannelette sheets and they are
warmer then cotton sheets.
my niece Kirsty went into labour and has now had her first born
daughter Kelsi but more on that tomorrow as at the moment I don't
have a photo or any more information about Kelsi.
some reason I am extremely tired today I am having trouble staying
awake, I know some would say go have a nap but I don't like to do
that when I have to go and pick Leo up from school as I am worried I
will over sleep and end up being late to get him.
know I decided 6 weeks ago that I wanted to go our for lunch on
Mother's Day and told everyone about it including Tim but when I
mentioned it to Tim last week he got all pissy saying I hadn't told
him before and wanting to know how much it was going to cost him. I
worked out how much he would have to give me for our meals it worked
out to be NOTHING as I had put some money aside for it over the last
6 weeks. I will have to go out on Friday afternoon and pay as much
as I can before hand so mum is giving me dads money and money for
Dawson and Dave has given mum money to give me for them.
know when I got all snappy with Tim about the money he was like what
is wrong with you why are you snappy and why do you have a attitude,
hell he started it but you know he didn't get that it was all my
fault. I love him but at times I want to throttle him.
when I drove Leo to school he was fine, but when we got there he
started saying he was sick and didn't want to go to school, I managed
to coast him out of the car and walk to where he lines up in the
morning but he wouldn't sit down or line up. His teacher came up and
took his hand and talked to him then another teacher took his other
hand and held him while I walked away but as it turned out as soon as
they let his hands go he ran off from them. The school rang me and
asked if he had his morning medication, which he had, but I want back
to the school and talked to the principal who said he was sitting in
a room across from her office and that she would take him back to
class shortly. I spoke to the teacher when I picked him up in the
afternoon and she said he was fine when the principal took him back
to class,worked well and she had no problem with him.
Monday, 5 May 2014
Dear Dad
This is the
first post in a series of Dear……………. Letters to my family
members, I am kicking it off with a letter to my dad……………
here we go……………
Dear Dad
You know that
you are loved by your family but do you know how much we need you and
how much we worry about you. We all know that you are fed up with
doctors and hospital but it worries your children and grandchildren
when you put off seeing a doctor when we all can see you are not
well, when you are having trouble breathing and put off going to the
doctor or A & E until you get worse. When you have a fall during
the night and are short of breath we would rather you ring 000 and
improve and not need them or have them come out and check you and be
told you are ok then you leave it too late. Yes there are times when
going over to the hospital seems like a waste of time and you feel
too sick to wait around the hospital waiting room for ages but your
health is so important to all your family.
We worry
about your memory and understand your fear as much as we can but
really need to take notice of these things, don’t put off getting
help till it is so bad there is nothing that can be done to help, we
know that you worry about losing your licence but we are more worried
about losing you period.
Dad your
family needs you and that means you need to take care of your health.
Ok enough
going on about your health let’s move onto all the great memories I
have of you my dad, one of my earliest memories is of walking around
near aeropelican with me on your shoulders. I also have a vague
memory of the time we got bogged on Blacksmiths beach and yes I do
remember it is not a clear memory but I do still remember it.
time we wallpapered the kitchen is also a good memory and it still
makes me laugh when I think about it, I don't know if you know dad
how much it meant to me that I was able to help my dad with things,
like wallpapering the kitchen and running power down to the garage
when we lived in Flame street and putting up the pool.
I know I am
blessed to have you as my dad; you have always been my hero, my idol.
When I was around the age of 18 nanna asked me what type of man I
would like to marry and all I could think of was a man like my dad,
to me you were special the perfect dad, you could do everything and I
always knew you would protect me and keep me safe. I know it may
sound silly but you are still my hero and my idol and I am still so
proud to be your daughter.
I was lucky in
that I had you all to myself for 6 years but even when Jeannie &
Sue came along I never felt pushed aside or that you loved me any
less I just knew you had enough love to go around. All my life I
have wanted to make you proud.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Mother's Day Gift Ideas
Mother's Day Gift Ideas
A clothes basket holder for when I peg clothes on the line
Winter socks or slippers
Bath gift set
Voucher for a massage
New Baking Trays
A New camera
Forever Comfy Cushion for my computer chair
A New Airfryer
A clothes basket holder for when I peg clothes on the line
Winter socks or slippers
Bath gift set
Voucher for a massage
New Baking Trays
A New camera
Forever Comfy Cushion for my computer chair
A New Airfryer
Saturday, 3 May 2014
My Arm
at my poor arm, it is so sore I am applying Aloe Vera Gel to the arm
to try and help it heal but after I apply it the arm is even more
I know you are all wondering what on earth I did to it, well I had it
covered with band aid for about 4 days because of a couple of small
sores on the arm and on Thursday it started leaking goo. I removed
the band aid and it looked like it does and was as sore as all hell.
have said I might be allergic to the band aid, others have said I
left it on too long and that is what caused it, whichever I don't
know. All I do know is it looks terrible and is as sore
Friday, 2 May 2014
5 Things Friday
to the first ever 5 things Friday this will be a new Friday thing
where I will list 5 random things that will either annoy me, piss me
off a lot, I find amusing, or strange or just something about me that
you may or not know about here are today's 5
feet sweat a lot
have a lot of wax in my ears
have crooked fingers
wear glasses for reading
can only open my mouth a little bit
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Parents...............I Don't See Mine as Old, How About You
and appreciate your parents.
are often so busy growing up; we forget they are also growing old.
parents are now in their 70's but I do not think of them as old, my
mum is a very active woman still driving children to school and
watching toddlers and babies nearly every day of the week. In fact
mum gets up at 5.45am most morning except on the weekend when she
will sleep in till around 7am.
dad was really active too, till he had lung cancer in 2009 and since
then he has gone down hill and is no way as active, yes there are
even times when he moves like an old man this is due to the fact that
his feet are not good any more, since he had radiation treatment his
feet are often painful and he finds it painful to walk or stand for
any length of time.
memory is pretty good at times I think it is better then mine,
however, the same can't be said about dads memory. Dad has moments
when he can't remember people's names or mum telling him something
and those moments are getting more and more.
father's parents died in their 70's and my mother's father was in his
70's when he passed away but her mother is still alive she will be 93
at the end of this month, I can see my mum living to be in her 90's
you see your parents as old, or are you like me and just don't see
them ageing?
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