Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Christmas Gifts

Well Christmas is over for another year, hope everyone had a good one like I did. Christmas day was hectic well the morning anyway didn't get lunch till 1.30pm the latest we have ever had Christmas lunch.

I got lots of great presents Kathy gave me a portable hard drive which I was thrilled with as I have wanted one for a while now. I also got a new watch from Tim (which I bought) as well as a lot of little things.

I gave Tim a $500 gift voucher from Harvey Norman which made him happy this is the first year I have been able to give Tim a decent presents as in past year I either didn't have the money or didn't know what to give him.

Christmas morning we had Leo here and it was great watching him open his presents he loved the $2 motor bikes he got from Santa most as he is into motor bikes at them moment, well motor bikes and trains.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Santa is coming soon and that means lots of presents for many people, I love Christmas it is my favorite time of year as I love giving gifts yes I like getting them too but I really love to give.

This year again we will have Leo and Jes here Christmas Eve so will be up early on Christmas Day some times I wonder if there will ever come a time when we get to sleep in on Christmas morning. This year Tasha said she will meet us at my parents place instead of coming here which I think is a good idea.

We ended up borrowing a freezer from my brother to put some stuff in which made hubby happy as he was thinking we would have to buy another one.

I did have him complaining a lot about what I wanted to order from Chrisco, Castle and Hamper King but in the end I got what I wanted anyway as even though he complains about how much I spend he does like it when we have lots of food in the cupboards and freezer and I also get lots of gifts. He told me not to order any gift vouchers but I did anyway stuff him.


This week we are having a look at Canberra the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory or ACT. Canberra's his...