Thursday, 23 October 2008
My Loving Husband
Yes I have in the past said things about his behaviour but as his wife I am allowed to do that. He is the love of my life the man I wish to grow old with got it.
NO ONE ELSE IS ALLOWED TO.....................
Some people seem to think they know what type of man he is but they really have no idea only those of us who are closest to him know what he is really like. Maybe some of you may not have had a good man in your life and are jealous I don't know.
Maybe some of you think I should leave him because he has dome problems at the moment but I will not throw away 24 years without a fight.
I will state here and now that Tim would never intentionally harm any of his children or grandchildren and if one of them was accidentally hurt by something he has either said or done the guilt would pretty much kill him.
Now Jeanna for what set Tim off last time it was the fact that he found out that Jessica is paying most of the rent and it makes him feel like she is being taken advantage of. This made him feel like he had to protect her if you felt like one of your children where being taken advantage of you would something to say and we both no you wouldn't be nice about it.
One more thing your son has told me to call him Jono and until he tells me differently I will continue to do so.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Jeanna's comment about Tim
This a comment posted on Blain's fathers blog about my husband read and let me know what you think.
Hey there son...I know there is no need for me to say this, but you know you did the right things for the right reasons. Obviously one of you has to be the mature one...and we both know that that will never be him. Now....what we seem to have is a very SMALL man with an even smaller mind...if at all possible. You have said that he is an influence in Blain's unfortunate truth...but know the question yells to be asked...what sort of influence is he? What sort of things will Blain learn from such a person? Face to face threats...your son in the area...text messages...more threats...more phone calls...
What is he off his meds again? Drinking heavily...AGAIN?!!! When is this person ever going to
This is not the sort of environment that I personally wanted my grandson to be in and this is why I moved you and Tash out in the first place! Unfortunately I know the
OK...Joanne - as for any conversation between JONATHON (NOT Jono, please take note of that) and the police - under the circumstances you should not be privy to them - now for the dummies - NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. It is privileged information. As for your husband never hurting Blain...I would like a written guarantee... IN WRITING something that I know you cannot give.
If he is drinking and carrying on in front of him what makes you think that Blain will not get caught in the middle of his stupidity? And as for him being in Blain's life forever...if he continues down this path of bad mouthing and threatening his what age exactly do you think that Blain will tell him frankly where to put it and wipe him? Also I think under the circumstances of the company he keeps at your place (referring to one person in particular) who the hell are you to make any comment on who Jonathon has at his house when Blain is there?
And for the record both Jonathon and Blain usually spend half the weekend at my please don't tell me you think that I am a danger to my grandson! I'm not on medication that I refuse to take OR take while I get rotten in front of him. So am I included in "everyone he is around when he is with you"?
Be very careful here, ambiguous (look it up) 'statements', shall we say, from one grandparent in that house is enough to get me fired up...I think you had best make yours clear. We all know that I think that Jonathon and Jessica could keep their house a little more proudly, but if my information is correct Tash does your house, not you, and before Tash was pregnant with Blain Jonathon would complain about all the cockroaches crawling over him as he slept...was it at he was living with you! Don't throw stones. (think about it) Well son I think I've said more than I should once again, but it could've been worse...Up to you whether you post this or not, but at least you know how I feel.
Stay strong and stick with the right path for you and Blain; follow my advice but don't get hurt...I don't need a holiday for that long or that badly..LOL. Love you mum xxx
This week we are having a look at Canberra the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory or ACT. Canberra's his...